2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
This is completely unrelated, but I didn't want to make a whole different thread about another list. Anyways, I thought this was kinda neat. :)
Did You Notice These Famous Logos Majorly Changed in 2012? - Yahoo! Finance
I thought some of them were pretty bad but I'll probably get used to them. The one I hated was the DC Comics logo. The old logo had waaaaaay more character and stood out more.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
Originally Posted by
Plutonic Panda
Ardmore scares me.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
messed this all up. see below.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
Originally Posted by
Ardmore scares me.
Ardmore has been booming. There's not a town that size that could have possibly done as well at bringing in new business and retail than Ardmore the past 10 years.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
I really can't say much except, to me when I'm driving it looks like any other small town. I have not driven around it though and I know it is somewhat big as far as landmass goes.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
Originally Posted by
Ardmore has been booming. There's not a town that size that could have possibly done as well at bringing in new business and retail than Ardmore the past 10 years.
Why should that be? Ardmore only grew in population by 2.4% from 2000 to 2010.
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
Ardmore has a really nice holiday light display. You can drive through, or inlow low traffic just sliw down on 35 and enjoy as you come back from Dallas with your youngest. Glad traffic was so light on Christmad eve
Re: 2 Oklahoma Cities make it on CNBC most affordable cities list
I don't think I've ever even been to Ardmore outside of the I-35 corridor. I heard they have an 80s time capsule mall there though. :P