I seem to go to the same websites every day on the internet. I want some cool new site to check out. What are some of your favorites? I do my mail, Facebook, OkCTalk, jimtraber.com,Drudge, but want so fun new ones. Anyone have some suggestions?
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I seem to go to the same websites every day on the internet. I want some cool new site to check out. What are some of your favorites? I do my mail, Facebook, OkCTalk, jimtraber.com,Drudge, but want so fun new ones. Anyone have some suggestions?
Try signing up for stumbleupon.com. It randomly gives you a website based on your interests.
Twitter, Fortune, Fast Company, TechCrunch, Engaget, Apple News. If you have an Ipad, I highly recommend Flipboard, if not get an RSS feeder and subscribe to some channels of interest to you in different categories.
Stay away from 4chan! STAY AWAY!
There are plenty of sites. Don't just look for boring places... Go where multi-player games are.
For a good chuckle stop by theonion.com
For the motorheads: www.KaleCoAuto.com
http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/ for the best in photography, daily.
So far I have tried Fark. Like the site but setting up a profile is kinda different. I like sites with lots of info. That site has it for sure.