Hey all, I'm hoping I can maybe get a little help here. Please forgive the wall of text you're about to encounter, but I figure I should try to give as much information as possible.
I've got a Dell XPS M1330 (running Vista) laptop that, until a couple of nights ago, I haven't had any trouble with. It's my main computer & I play World of Warcraft on it (ya, I'm a WoW geek). A few nights ago while in game, my screen pixelated & froze. CTRL+Alt+Del didn't work, couldn't tab out either...had to hold the power button down to force a restart. When it rebooted the screen was black then multicolored pinstripes faded in until the screen went completed white then faded to pinstripes again, then black and froze. I forced a restart again, this time the display was somewhat pixelated & it sent me to a Windows Error Recovery screen. I opted to try to launch the startup repair. It ran, restarted, and worked normally. Had no problems for the next couple of days.
Last night my system was running fine until I tried launching WoW. It froze my system at the login screen, all pixelated. I went thru the same motions as I had previously, got it working again. Launched WoW, got all the way to where I log in my toon and froze again. Screen went black, but I could hear the game sound still. Finally had to force it off again, and went thru all the same routine again (the stripes, pixelation, etc) only this time when I tried to repair it, it gave me the stripes again at restart. I forced it to restart again & eventually got a blue screen error that said I had a device stuck in an infinite loop. Tried restarting again, repeatedly, but kept having the same issues. Tried running the repair, but it kept failing at restart & finally failed to repair at all. I also tried doing a system restore to Dec. 5 which successfully restored but failed again at restart.
If I force it off & on enough times I'll finally get the Dell splash screen which gives me the option to F2 or F12 for boot or setup. I'm not sure what to do from there though. Should I choose one of them? I've also done the F8 trick to get something to happen...it beeps at me, then sends me to the repair or try to launch normally option. I'm thinking that I need to get into safemode to check my video drivers (my research keeps pointing to a possible corrupt drive that needs reinstallation) but I'm not sure how to accomplish that.
Any suggestions? For what it's worth, I snapped a pic of the infinite loop error just in case it had important info on it - thing is, I don't know what's important or not! lol.