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  1. Racism in America

    Quote Originally Posted by Oklapatriot View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Canoe View Post
    Have you researched the approach they took in South Africa? It sounds similar to your proposal.
    Is that the approach that takes land back from the owners and gives it to the natives? It will be interesting to see how that works out. I think it would be interesting to see how the POC would handle the border situation if they owned Arizona.
    POC often DO own the border in Arizona. Hispanics are the large majority in two of the four border counties and represent over 30% ...
  2. Trumps Accomplishments

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    You were the one that brought up Dinkins and the crime rates in the 80s, which are not the same thing.

    But what is reality, despite Trump and Rudy's demented screaming about NYC being on fire today, that current crime rates are far lower than when Rudy was mayor. If crime rates in the 90s were Dinkin's fault, so were crime rates in the 00s under Rudy.

    The truth is, despite the bleating from Fauxnews, NYC remains one the safest cities in the United States. Far safer
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