Originally Posted by Inquiringmind The million dollar question at the moment is why the City is releasing water downstream when neither Overhholser or Hefner are full.
Originally Posted by bluedogok The 10 Spot Jackpot Gary England (his wife worked there too....Traffic?) J. Shankle (a great guy, who I understand has passed away) Tom Furlong (one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet) Larry LaMont John Brooks Capt Jim Perdue (traffic from the sky...I think it was a Cessna 150) Chicken Man and, my favorite The Tooth Fairy. Both Dick Orkin creations. Station was then owned by a group out of Fort Worth, can’t remember ...
Originally Posted by PennyQuilts Originally Posted by Bullbear I apologize moderaters I attempted to not make this personal.. however to use such offensive terms and then be able to defend them and insult others is over the top for me.. instead of just admitting it was poor choice of words. over and over and over and always turn it around on everyone is just beyond. never taking any responsibility. Tell you what. I'm talking to my brother, this weekend and I'll ask his opinion if he thinks my horrible use of "AIDS people" is objectively indicative ...
So let's move on at starting point. When you juice, crucial means choosing your ingredients wisely. The higher the quality of as well as vegetables vegetables it is possible to put into the system, the healthier you'll eventually turn. It's just simple. You should aim increase your overall eating habits. By all means here is another juice diet for a few of days to kick-start your fat reduction. ...