05-08-2007, 04:14 PM
Does anyone know exactly what construction is being done on Meridian Ave. starting at Reno going southward. It appeared the street was being widened out and work was being done with the highway ramps as well. It seems like I remember hearing about an article awhile back but couldn't seem to find it.
05-09-2007, 11:51 AM
It's a big fat waste of time and effort is what it is. The first section they did north of 15th was the first idiot thing. They put in a drain pipe on the west side of the road and put sidewalks on top. For some reason, that required them to rip up every inch of concrete and repour everying including the curb....that portion alread had a center turn lane.
Next they are doing north of Sheplars, but I don't know what they think they are improving. Tearing the crap out and putting it back down on a road that wasn't bad to begin with seems stupid.
If they were smart, they would have started by adding the center turn lane south of 15th where the hotels are. Since that's where all the traffic problems and wrecks happen with there not being a center turn lane.
So basically, it's a big waste of time and money and has inconvenienced a CRAPLOAD of people everyday for months and months.
And why not repave south of Airport Rd. where it's pothole city instead? That's one of the worst sections of road in the city, but it looks like they are ignoring it. They put in those fancy light poles, but if they road is a rollercoaster, who gives a crap?
05-09-2007, 11:55 AM
I know this contruction has been going on a while. I think they are putting in sidewalks as well. I know that I came from the airport a few weeks ago and tried to get on I-40 going west (bad idea). I knew I should have gone on I-44 and then around but I just wanted to see what was going on on Meridian. Anyway, all rampls are closed at I-40 and Meridian. Hopefully it will be done soon. Not a very appealling sight for all of the out-of-towners.
On a different topic; does anybody know when the boats are supposed to start running from this area to downtown?