05-02-2007, 11:59 AM
Oklahoma's 100 Ideas! (http://www.100ideasok.org/)
This is a cool site...
This is a cool site...
View Full Version : 100 Ideas OK Karried 05-02-2007, 11:59 AM Oklahoma's 100 Ideas! (http://www.100ideasok.org/) This is a cool site... kmf563 05-04-2007, 11:57 AM I do like the concept of this site, but I wish it was organized by category or something to make it easier to browse. We can have ideas all day long, but is anybody paying attention to these? Rifleman2C 05-05-2007, 01:28 PM I do like the concept of this site, but I wish it was organized by category or something to make it easier to browse. We can have ideas all day long, but is anybody paying attention to these? I'm with you kmf563... right now, this site looks a bit like a wish list for things we should have already been doing in the state and things that might enhance the quality of life for some. But is there a mechanism to catalogue these ideas, find a sponsor, and take any action? I don't see it... but maybe that's the idea. Do any other sites involving Oklahoma redirect to this one? How can more message traffic get to this site so that we can get some action? Or is that Karried's goal...? ;) Man, she is a smart one! Keith 05-05-2007, 08:51 PM I'm with you kmf563... right now, this site looks a bit like a wish list for things we should have already been doing in the state and things that might enhance the quality of life for some. But is there a mechanism to catalogue these ideas, find a sponsor, and take any action? I don't see it... but maybe that's the idea. Do any other sites involving Oklahoma redirect to this one? How can more message traffic get to this site so that we can get some action? Or is that Karried's goal...? ;) Man, she is a smart one! Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase......you are gonna give Karried a big head now.LOL |