View Full Version : What do you do when you cannot find a sitter?

05-02-2007, 02:22 AM
I watched a story on channel 9 this evening about a mom that took her 12 year old out partying with her on the Ragin Party Bus.

The bus stopped off at City Walk, mom went inside to party and left the child on the bus. Oklahoma City Police where in the area investigating a separate complaint when they noticed the unattended 12 year old on the bus.

They located mom and mom became belligerent with police. To make a long story short. Mom went to jail and the son was placed into protective custody.

My opinion is pretty much a no brainer. If a sitter cannot be found, the parent should stay home put the partying off to another night.

I know there are many single parents and married parents that party on here. Do you think she was justified in her actions or is she wrong for not making arrangements for a sitter.

I am not a parent so I was just curious what those of you who are would have done if you where in her place.

05-02-2007, 05:49 AM
The kids are more important than a social engagement.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-02-2007, 06:24 AM
I don't know about you guys, but by the time I was 12, I was the one babysitting my younger sister. My older sister was babysitting the children of OTHER people at 14.

05-02-2007, 09:11 AM
She should have stayed home. By taking her kid along for the party, she was basically saying that partying was more important than providing a safe place for her child to spend the evening. I pity the kid.

05-02-2007, 09:23 AM
The kids are more important than a social engagement.

Bingo. :congrats:

05-02-2007, 09:31 AM
Wow. Of course you stay home, nothing is more important than your child's well being.

05-02-2007, 12:40 PM
Ok, I watched the video about this mom on Then I decided to pull her name up on - - - she obviously cares more about herself and partying than her child anyway. She has been arrested for drug charges, larceny, and is currently in a paternity suit. I hope that is for the first child and doesn't mean she is pregnant or has more kids. The 12 year old was probably partying with her. Doing only God knows what. grrr. Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

05-03-2007, 12:16 AM
I'm sure there is some law on how old you have to be to be left unattended, but my parents left me many times while they attended functions and social engagements. They were not the drinking type, but they did go out at night some.

It was never an issue as I knew not to get into any trouble.

I agree, if the kid could not be left with a sitter or alone, mom should have stayed home.

05-04-2007, 09:58 PM
I don't understand these people whose "need" to party is so great that they are willing to put their kids through stuff like that. What great role models.

05-06-2007, 11:24 PM
I can sum it in one phrase "Kids raising Kids".

I see it now more than ever, 60% of the people that are parents to kids under 17 where not ready to be parents when the kid was born and they are still not ready to be parents.

They learn nothing from their mistakes because everything is not there fault it lies in the hands of someone else. Just like this girl did on her interview with channel 9.

No... It is not her fault she decided not to find a sitter. The police officers where wrong because they showed concern for her child. Instead she spins it into a racial issue.

I do not think OCPD is going to ask "What color is your father?" They where probably asking for a physical descrpition. That way if for some reason Dad was in the crowd and he was trying to cover for his Dad. they could talk to him.

It happens all the time kids lie to cops because they want to protect Mom and Dad.

06-11-2007, 11:32 AM
I see it now more than ever, 60% of the people that are parents to kids under 17 where not ready to be parents when the kid was born and they are still not ready to be parents.
What research or study are you referencing here?

06-11-2007, 04:58 PM
What this Mom chose to do is abuse.

The 12 year old could have wandered off or someone could have gotten onto the bus. This 12 year old has probably already had to baby sit a lot. For his own Mother!

She couldn't trust the child to be left home alone, but taking him on the bus and elaving him in town by clubs is safer?

Unfortunately, there are alot of kids sitting parents. I am sure she will receive a huge dividend on child-rearing tactics, someday.

This is a ME world in which we live in.

Thank God that the police took an interest and a BIGGO thumbs up for taking the Mom into custody!

07-19-2007, 09:13 AM
My little brother is 11, and i leave him home alone for a few hours at a time if i have to run errans, But he just sits here on the pc playing video games, or watching cartoons, i figured since i was fine when i was 11 watching my brother and sister, he could do the same, but going out at night to party is a different story, its late at night, and if something happened at home she couldnt hear her phone ring at the club! Its just irresponsible, If i cant find a babysitter for my daughter, i stay home, or take her if its like a house party, (not a kegger lol)

07-19-2007, 12:10 PM
That may be fine most of the time, but what I would worry about is if something out of the ordinary happened. What if there were a fire? Someone trying to break into the house?

Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-22-2007, 07:03 AM
That may be fine most of the time, but what I would worry about is if something out of the ordinary happened. What if there were a fire? Someone trying to break into the house?

If there's a fire...The 7 year old started it while the 12 year old was cleaning up her other mess. This is FACT.

10-09-2007, 07:24 AM
Kids raising kids - well, define "kids?" If you are only as old as you feel, that explains a lot of idiot parents in their thirties (and forties).