View Full Version : Fat Sandwich Company

05-01-2007, 01:57 AM
Anybody heard anything about this place? I ate dinner there tonight; it is located on campus corner on Asp, kind of accross from Pepe's...

My opinion of the place: they seem to be completely targeting the late night, intoxicated crowd on Campus Corner (they're open until 3am). Along with their menu of "fat sandwiches" (which include nothing but fried stuff, for the most part), they sell cigarettes and six-packs of Busch Light. While it was a horrible place to go for dinner, I found those items kind of entertaining. The names of the sandwiches were pretty witty, as well. While no one in their right mind would eat a meal there during a normal hour, I can imagine it being a hit on Campus Corner at 2:30 AM on a Saturday Night.

Considering its prime location, and probable exorbitant rent, I wouldn't be surprised to see this place crash and burn, but who knows.

05-02-2007, 12:30 AM
Just from the sound of it, I think it fails on Campus Corner. Maybe they can slow down with the sandwich places down there as well. I think 4-5 are enough...

05-06-2007, 01:38 PM
Yeah I went there a few nights ago and I don't see it lasting long. I still want to see a bagel shop in Campus Corner, something local would be preferred but Bruegger's or Einstein's would make a good addition.

05-06-2007, 04:08 PM
Though I'm not out and about amongst them, the late night crowd needs food too. Otherwise, who knows, they might wander off and enter the wrong house and then trouble could really start up, unless of course all that happens is someone starts yelling halt or I'll shoot from the other end of the abode, giving them ample time to stumble back out the door and on their merry little way.

05-09-2007, 11:36 AM
I heard about it last night for the first time, but I haven't eaten there.

I've read quite a bit about the sandwiches on the internet this morning though, and it is a huge success around other campuses.

A friend of mine said that a group of people he was with ordered four of them, had them delivered, and passed them around in a circle...they all speculate that it will take over Norman.

I'm actually pretty excited to try it.

05-18-2007, 07:39 PM
I went to Fat Sandwich Company last night and was completely amazed. Their menu definitely took some serious effort... it's huge. I ordered a Fat Sorostitute and a side of wings. Both were great. Despite the controversial names and rowdy atmosphere, I think that this place is going to be a staple of Norman in no time. Thank god for a restaurant that is actually fun to hang out in after your food is done. I think I have to get the Big Fat Ugly also.

07-20-2007, 03:40 PM
Went there for lunch the other day. Menu is interesting and a little overwhelming. Sandwich was ok, nothing special. As the previous posters said, they are definitely trying to cater to the late night crowd. I do love the big "SOONERS" painted on one wall.

For sandwiches on the corner Which Wich is tops in my book.

Oh and it looks like they are making headway on the Starbucks when I walked by today.

08-02-2007, 08:30 PM
I've herad mostly that the Fat Sandwich deal is a ripoff, but from the looks of it I don't intend on checking it out myself anyway.

Of all the sandwich places around that area, I'd have to say Which Wich pretty much flattens everyone else.

On the Starbucks, can you imagine what a nightmare parking will be? I also wouldn't be surprised if I saw a lot more pedestrians there now.

08-02-2007, 08:50 PM
:omg: Oh this is crazy! I went to Rutgers - the original home of the "Grease Trucks" (a bunch of trucks that were permanently parked outside of frat row that sold fat sandwiches through the night), and Maxim's Magazine's best sandwich, the Fat Darrell - chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks and french fries on a roll.

Check it out for yourself: - Best sandwich? 'Fat Darrell' (

The Grease Trucks are a way of life at Rutgers, and I think its grand that OU now has an equivalent. At Rutgers, people can be seen eating fat sandwiches at all hours of the day (and are not necessarily stoned...). I mean, really, its not great, it is awful, there is nothing glamorous about stuffing your face five fried meals on bread. It reminds me of my undergraduate years.

I'll have to check this place out to see if these are the real fat sandwiches like they served there.

08-06-2007, 07:13 AM
we were over there friday night at 2am, the place was deff. getting pretty busy. didnt get a chance to eat there yet, maybe next week before school starts.

08-19-2007, 10:02 AM
OMG!!!! :omg: They have PORK ROLL!!!!! I have never seen Pork Roll outside of New Jersey. Its also referred to as Trenton Ham. Pork roll egg and cheese sandwiches rock my world. This is GREAT! I would bet money the guy that owns or runs this place is from the east coast!

I really liked their selection except I don't think all sandwiches are great with fries (they all come with fries on the sandwich unless you ask them not to put them on). Other than that it tasted great. I had the Fat Dutchie (minus the egg and mayo), and it was heaven.

And unfortunately I'm not going back for a long while because I need to go on a diet.

09-13-2007, 12:27 PM
I ate there on Saturday after the game and it was awesome! Their gameday menu was pretty small but their burgers were great! Not to mention it was air conditioned and my two friends and I had a table and a six back of beer. For cant beat that!

07-25-2009, 11:10 AM
brought a bunch of friends to fat sandwich company last night and i was pretty disappointed in the service... their card machine went out right when i was ordering. no big deal. i was told that they'd put the order through as a pick-up order and they'd try the card again when i'd grab the sandwiches from the counter. fifteen minutes later, people behind me in line were getting their items. i asked what was up and was told that my order had been cancelled... they didn't bother to tell me so i was just waiting around for nothing. to make matters worse, the guy didn't seem to be at all apologetic... i usually give places a few chances, but i don't think i'll be back there.

-M /rant over!

09-27-2009, 12:48 AM
Only ate there once, brought it home to eat. Loved the sandwiches, need to remember to stop by agai