View Full Version : Danny Williams Video Profile on NewsOK

04-22-2007, 04:02 PM
There is a really nice retrospective profile (video) on the career of Danny Williams at It's the front page video now at the site, but that will probably be gone soon........When it's off the front page you can find it ("A Look Back At The Career of Danny Williams") at: (

It's worth a look - the guy has spent sixty years in radio and TV. He had his 80th birthday party the other night. 80(!) and still doing a radio show at KOMA. Wow.


04-22-2007, 05:35 PM
He's amazing. Most people that age are just trying not to die each day. He must have good genetics.

I watched him launch the career of Mary Hart. Not bad. I also watched him as a kid on Foreman Scotty.

04-22-2007, 07:41 PM
I agree. He is amazing. To be 80 years old, and to still be in radio is an accomplishment. I don't know anyone else even close to his age that has been in radio as long as he has been. I've watched and listened to him since I was a kid.

I hope I look as good as he does when I turn 80.

04-22-2007, 09:23 PM
My aunt had a run in with him back in the 70's when she was a waitress at Casa Bonita. He got a little too friendly with his hands. He grabbed her keister and she responded by pouring hot coffee in his lap.

04-22-2007, 09:31 PM
My aunt had a run in with him back in the 70's when she was a waitress at Casa Bonita. He got a little too friendly with his hands. He grabbed her keister and she responded by pouring hot coffee in his lap.

I know someone that had a similar experience with him, however, she slapped him and told him if he did it again, she would ruin his career.

I can not stand Danny Williams. He has always been bad, however, now he sounds like he has mush in his mouth. He should retire forever.

This birthday bit only strokes his ego. Like others I have mentioned on here, Danny is a legend in his own mind. He should be addressed as "his lowness."

04-22-2007, 10:10 PM
Actually, Anderson, it only shows that local celebrities can sometimes have the same problems with ego as national celebs.

"...he sounds like he has mush in his mouth."

He's eighty years old! We can only hope we are still working and doing as well as Danny Williams at 80!

"Danny is a legend in his own mind." Huh??? Love him or hate him, Danny Williams IS a legend.

Oh, wait, I forgot. You only post FACTS.


04-22-2007, 10:15 PM
Actually, Anderson, it only shows that local celebrities can sometimes have the same problems with ego as national celebs. "A legend in his own mind"...... were you talking about Danny Williams (who IS a legend) or making another post about yourself?


Your last sentance I will not dignify with a comment. You have the right to your opinion, however, Danny Williams is NO legand. He is a jerk.

04-22-2007, 10:24 PM
Your last sentance I will not dignify with a comment. You have the right to your opinion, however, Danny Williams is NO legand. He is a jerk.

I edited my post removing that comment before I even saw you posted.

You know, it's odd.....YOU post only "facts." Everyone else is always told by you, "That's your opinion."


04-27-2007, 12:04 PM
No, Danny Williams is a Legend AND a jerk!

But he's OUR jerk, and we oughta love him :D

04-27-2007, 10:25 PM
How many people here were on Danny's Day as a kid. I was, my sister was, my husband was. I think my mon still has the pictures of us on the show. Who else?