View Full Version : OU Security

04-16-2007, 01:35 PM
From OU President David Boren

As an extra security precaution in light of the tragic events at Virginia Tech University ( +University&CATEGORY=ORGANIZATION), the security doors in our residence halls will be locked 24 hours a day for the remainder of the semester and require an ID card or room key for access.

04-16-2007, 01:40 PM
Smart move

04-16-2007, 01:58 PM
While the idea is a good one, I don't think all the security in the world would have stopped a psycho like that.


04-16-2007, 02:42 PM
Doors didn't stop him. He shot through them.

Even so, wouldn't you think that a security door would always be locked? :doh:

04-16-2007, 11:42 PM
Well not in the dorms, mainly for convince for other students who do not live and the dorms and who want to visit their friends or partake in the eating establishments that are in the dorms.

04-17-2007, 12:44 AM
Well not in the dorms, mainly for convince for other students who do not live and the dorms and who want to visit their friends or partake in the eating establishments that are in the dorms.

With all the money going into that school you would think they would have a state of the art security system with keyless entry on the dorms. Every gated apartment complex and gated housing community in the metro has a call box to call the tenants for entry.

I am suprised OU does not do the same for students.

04-17-2007, 01:57 AM
With all the money going into that school you would think they would have a state of the art security system with keyless entry on the dorms. Every gated apartment complex and gated housing community in the metro has a call box to call the tenants for entry.

I am suprised OU does not do the same for students.

The residence halls at OU open with student ID's, which will now be the only way to enter the dorms I guess. Card swiping is kind of high tech...I don't think a call box would be feasible, since nearly every resident at the dorms does not even set up their land line.

At any rate, locking the doors 24 hours a day (not just from 12-9), at least for a while, is a good idea. Extra patrols should be made by campus security officers who should be spending more time keeping residents safe than trying to get them kicked out of school for drinking beers in their rooms.

04-18-2007, 01:02 AM
I concur with john60

04-18-2007, 01:07 AM
I just don't want to see security go overboard...