View Full Version : HOT RUMOR: NEW TARGET in SW OKC!!!
SoonerDave 04-15-2007, 09:30 PM All:
Although I must qualify it only as a rumor, I consider it a very strong rumor that the construction now ongoing at SW 89th and Western in SW OKC to be the beginnings of a new TARGET location, presumably to replace the facility at SW 44th and Western. The source that relayed this to me did not indicate if it was a "regular" or "Super" Target, only that it was a "Target" store of some variety.
More details (and hopefully confirmation) as I encounter it.
Martin 04-15-2007, 10:02 PM i'm not sure of that... some of the signs in that area say 'tap architecture'... i emailed them about it a few weeks ago and they referred me to 'sooner traditions realty'... not sure if a company such as that would handle a target, but i could be wrong. -M
SoonerDave 04-15-2007, 10:34 PM Hi, mmm..
Understand your point, but the source of this rumor was two major south OKC real estate players, and prior rumors from this source have proven remarkably accurate over the years. As I said, it's only rumor at this point, but considering the size of the groundwork being done at 89th and Western, it sure appears that something of a Target-caliber size is going in.
Please don't this question as any indictment of your sanity, but is there any possibility they might have said "sooner investment realty?" That's a crew that was/is involved in a development in Tulsa that was supposed to include a large new Target store, but I admit the last I heard of that was from several months back.
okclee 04-15-2007, 10:44 PM I had heard a new shopping strip area with a Louie's Restaurant, all designed by TAP architecture.
I wouldn't think that Target is going to close it's store at SW 44th either. That store serves it's purpose at that location and always has good traffic.
By the way what is the latest on the Super Wal-Mart at 104 and May?
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-15-2007, 11:40 PM I had heard a new shopping strip area with a Louie's Restaurant, all designed by TAP architecture.
I wouldn't think that Target is going to close it's store at SW 44th either. That store serves it's purpose at that location and always has good traffic.
By the way what is the latest on the Super Wal-Mart at 104 and May?
The land is big enough to support a large shopping center with a Target.
SoonerDave 04-16-2007, 12:19 AM okclee, I live near that SW 104th and May area, and I've heard nothing new about the Wal Scum going in there for some time. TAPP Development took down the link to that project from their website some time ago, but I remember them saying it was targeted for a Winter 2008 opening...if that's gonna happen, they'd better get cracking. If it didn't happen, it'd break my heart...not. That's wishful thinking, of course.
And I'll guarantee you that area at 89th and Western is more than big enough to accomodate a Target and more. In fact, without grabbing a map, I bet the land area there is double that of the SW 104th and May location. I suspect Hobby Lobby might jump at the chance for a new building, as that Brookwood center they're in now is close to 30 years old, having housed two or three grocery stores and a TG&Y over the years.
There is no doubt in my mind Target would shutter the SW 44th property if the SW 89th store proves true - particularly if they knew that Wal Scum was going to be putting in a SuperBlight only three driving miles away (about 2.5 as the crow files). The 44th area around Western is decreasingly retail seemingly by the minute, and would leave only the slowly dying Sears and Wal Slum Neighborhood Market as the major retail players across the street from Integris Hospital. When the JCPenny store on I-35 in Moore opens, I have to believe the Crossroads location will be vacated, and given that Sears tried and failed to claim the vacated Ward's space a few years back, I'd have to believe Sears will try to claim that space if at all possible. That's all speculation on my part, of course, not even a rumor.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-16-2007, 12:33 AM SoonerDave I can pretty much bet that if Sears ever hinted at closing Integris would be calling with an offer for the land.
That land would make a sweet location for a new hospital tower. They could build a brand new hospital on that site and then turn the existing hospital into a long term care and research center. You could connect the two properties with tunnels and/or skywalks.
The Target store could be converted to smaller retail spaces or it could come down to and be turned in to an additional medical plaza for Integris. I know Midwest Regional purchased the old MWC Target to use as addtional space for clinics and offices.
mranderson 04-16-2007, 05:27 AM "When the JCPenny store on I-35 in Moore opens, I have to believe the Crossroads location will be vacated..."
JC Penny already announced they are closing the Crossroads location. Do I see Sears moving there? No. Why? Crossroads is no longer a safe environment, nor is it attractive.
On Target. The far SW side has needed a new Target for a long time. I bet they get it and store 44 closes.
Martin 04-16-2007, 06:47 AM i agree that the far southwest side could use a target, however i think that the areas are far enough apart that a new location could be opened without having to close the existing one on 44th. i believe that store still gets traffic, so i see little reason to close it and force those customers to drive several miles out of their way.
soonerdave, no offense taken but i'm pretty sure the email sent to me says 'sooner traditions', but i can check it again when i get home. i do remember pulling up their website after receiving a somewhat cryptic response from tap... sooner traditions appeared to be a fairly small company in norman that seemed to do quite a bit of property management and some commercial... because of that, i'm more inclined to believe the "louie's" rumor, which i've also seen posted on this site a few months ago.
SoonerDave 04-16-2007, 08:06 AM mmm
Gotcha. Sorry for the question - I didn't realize you had gotten an email, for some reason I thought you had gotten their name over the phone. DOH on me. No question that Sooner Traditions seems a residential-oriented group, although they list some commercial actiivty on their website. Who knows.
All I can say at this point is that the landmovers at 89th and Western are clearing off land for the biggest Louie's in history, or there's something else huge going in there with them.
however i think that the areas are far enough apart that a new location could be opened without having to close the existing one on 44th. i believe that store still gets traffic, so i see little reason to close it and force those customers to drive several miles out of their way.
mmm, 44th to 89th is only three miles farther south. I may be missing something, but I can't imagine any big-box mass retailer maintaining stores that close together in this particular market, especially considering that the population density and financial demographics of the 73139-73159-73170 zipcodes are finally starting to make some heads turn. Are there other Target's, or even WalScum's, in the area that close together? (And by that I mean apples-to-apples - WalScum SuperBlights compared to other WalScum SuperBlights, not Neighborhood Markets).
JC Penny already announced they are closing the Crossroads location. Do I see Sears moving there? No. Why? Crossroads is no longer a safe environment, nor is it attractive.
I was not aware Penny's had made that formal announcement, mranderson, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to make the leap. As for the rest of the comment, yawn. Yes, we know Crossroads has some problems. They're well documented, and you've certainly done your share to exaggerate them. We all know how much you hate Crossroads, and we also know how much that hatred of yours has colored your impression of the area. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But as a lifelong southsider, I'll stand toe-to-toe with you in opposition to this inaccurate bullets-and-guns notion you try to paint of Crossroads. It simply isn't true.
I have no doubt Integris would snatch up the Sears land if at all possible. I'm not sure how interested they would be in that nasty, 40-year-old building, however.
As for the rest of the Target rumor, even though I still can call it only rumor, I'll stand by the rumor for now, and the source from which it originates. Rumors from that little klatch, even reported second- and third-hand, have been accurate much more often than not. If I find out something else, I'll let everyone know :)
Martin 04-16-2007, 09:25 AM i will say this, soonerdave... i hope your rumor is correct. after visiting the supertarget in norman, i'd welcome one in south okc. i won't totally discount the argument about closing the sw 44th target if one opens up on 89th... i just think that it's of enough distance that both could be successful. south okc/moore has super wal-marts within 4 miles of each other and both do considerable business (not from me, though!) and have at least considered a third one near us. i won't say that it'd be a sure thing that the 44th target would stay open if this situation arises, but i don't think it'd be out of the question.
as for target locating on that corner, while the vacant land is certainly large enough; i don't think the whole thing is being developed. i may be wrong here (and correct me if you've seen otherwise), but it looks to me that the amount of land being worked here is just a big "L" around the existing cvs pharmacy and only goes as far west to where the drainage canal crosses 89th and as far south as the recently demolished homes... if that's right, then there would only be space enough for the average strip shopping center. i'll have to keep my eyes peeled next time i drive by this intersection to confirm this. -M
SoonerDave 04-16-2007, 09:47 AM mmm,
I may be wrong, but from what I can tell, (drove by there yesterday) it looks to me like they've excavated all the way to the extreme east side of that Sky Ranch housing addition that buffets the area to the south and west. There are survey flagsticks all over the frontage area of that land north of the trees that parallels 89th, which tells me that's next in line for excavation. They've also cut in what appears will become a feeder entrance immediately west of the CVS, very similar to the feeder entrance that's shown on the proposed plat for the Super WalScum @ 104th and May.
Yeah, after having seen a couple of SuperTargets, I was delighted to hear the rumor yesterday. Several I've spoken with in my area were hoping a SuperTarget would be going into the 104th and May location, alas...
Speculating and wondering is half the fun of these "mystery" projects, isn't it ? :) Especially when you know that someone out there knows everything about it......
Whatever happens, I really hope they don't abandon that store at 44th & Western.
Once retailers like that leave an area, it's darn hard to ever get them back and the neighborhood really suffers as a result.
Easy180 04-16-2007, 10:59 AM You are right mailbu...Would be difficult to get a tenant for that large a bldg in that area...Would probably tear it down and put in a strip center with a check casher's, procut's, cellphone types of places
bombermwc 04-16-2007, 02:04 PM I don't think that Integris would buy that land. Southwest isn't large enough to ever really build on the Sears lot. MWC has tried for years to buy the land between the hospital and that old Target, but as soon as someone knows you want it, they raise the price. But honestly, Southwest would have to build up to the curb to make it feasible. Otherwise you are walking a HUGE distance between facilities. Look at St. Anthony, Baptist, or OU, they are all VERY close quartered. Think urban because people have to walk these distances.....infirmed people too. Can you imagine an 80 year old trying to wheel themselves between that distance?
okclee 04-16-2007, 04:28 PM Whatever happens, I really hope they don't abandon that store at 44th & Western.
Once retailers like that leave an area, it's darn hard to ever get them back and the neighborhood really suffers as a result.
I agree with you Malibu. I grew up in that area and do know many people that still live and work nearby. Although it is not the wealthiest parts of Okc, they still need places of retail. The Target has always kept up that area and it REALLY would hurt that neighborhood to see them leave.
I think that it could work having both stores, if the rumors are true of course.
mranderson 04-16-2007, 05:34 PM "was not aware Penny's had made that formal announcement, mranderson, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to make the leap. As for the rest of the comment, yawn. Yes, we know Crossroads has some problems. They're well documented, and you've certainly done your share to exaggerate them. We all know how much you hate Crossroads, and we also know how much that hatred of yours has colored your impression of the area. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But as a lifelong southsider, I'll stand toe-to-toe with you in opposition to this inaccurate bullets-and-guns notion you try to paint of Crossroads. It simply isn't true."
I have no idea what you personally think a gangbanger is, however, I see them in Crossroads every time I go there. I am nearly a lifelong (so far) resident of south Oklahoma City as well, and have followed the history of that mall. You are also entitled to your opinion, however, you are very wrong. I reccomend you drive down Crenshaw in the Los Angeles area and look at the local residents, then compare them to Crossroads' main clientelle. You will see similarities. Plus. I do not "hate" anything. Do I dislike the southside? yes. However, I do not "hate" it. Plus, it has not "colored" my views.
Easy180 04-16-2007, 06:57 PM "was not aware Penny's had made that formal announcement, mranderson, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to make the leap. As for the rest of the comment, yawn. Yes, we know Crossroads has some problems. They're well documented, and you've certainly done your share to exaggerate them. We all know how much you hate Crossroads, and we also know how much that hatred of yours has colored your impression of the area. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But as a lifelong southsider, I'll stand toe-to-toe with you in opposition to this inaccurate bullets-and-guns notion you try to paint of Crossroads. It simply isn't true."
I have no idea what you personally think a gangbanger is, however, I see them in Crossroads every time I go there. I am nearly a lifelong (so far) resident of south Oklahoma City as well, and have followed the history of that mall. You are also entitled to your opinion, however, you are very wrong. I reccomend you drive down Crenshaw in the Los Angeles area and look at the local residents, then compare them to Crossroads' main clientelle. You will see similarities. Plus. I do not "hate" anything. Do I dislike the southside? yes. However, I do not "hate" it. Plus, it has not "colored" my views.
Mra...Why don't you just come out and say there are scary Mexicans at Crossroads...Basically the picture you are drawing
mranderson 04-17-2007, 05:59 AM Mra...Why don't you just come out and say there are scary Mexicans at Crossroads...Basically the picture you are drawing
I know the difference between black people and Mexicans, sir. They mostly are NOT Mexican.
PUGalicious 04-17-2007, 06:04 AM So you don't like those scary "black people" being at Crossroads?
okclee 04-17-2007, 08:26 AM I too am a true southside resident, grew up near sw 44th and Blackwelder. Then lived with my family at sw 48th and May. I worked at Crossroads Mall a few different occassions, and have shopped there thousand of times.
So I say that Crossroads Mall is not a safe place for anyone who is not prepared. In recent years I have been jumped and robbed in the parking lot and another time I witnessed a shooting (nobody was killed). Neither of these cases made any news either on TV or newspaper.
There are all types at Crossroads Mall that are the troublemakers.
SoonerDave 04-17-2007, 09:58 AM There's not a mall in this town (or most any other) that hasn't had some sort of parking-lot mugging, robbery, or other criminal activity. The first gangsta-related shooting I recall getting a lot of notoriety around here several years ago was at the pure, pristine, revered Penn Square Mall, but I digress.
Respectfully easing the discussion back on topic, I still hope to find either affirmative confirmation or refutation of the subject in the thread - whether the landwork ongoing at SW 89th and Western is, in fact, a new Target store...if anyone hears, let us know..
Just you know, several malls out here in California -- in nicer areas -- have started to ban teens or highly restrict their presence.
It's all a function of families not taking responsibility for their kids, so they all congregate at the mall where they frequently get into trouble.
And as far as gang-bangers at Crossroads, I run a nonprofit in Los Angeles that deals with at-risk teens and gang-related issues. I can assure you that 98% of kids that look like they are in a gang are not.
soonerliberal 04-17-2007, 03:27 PM I guess my only question about this is why not farther south and west? The demographics only get more impressive in that direction. To me, it seems like Target would be better suited having a store at 134th and Western, Penn, or May.
Just my two cents.
okclee 04-17-2007, 03:43 PM I guess my only question about this is why not farther south and west? The demographics only get more impressive in that direction. To me, it seems like Target would be better suited having a store at 134th and Western, Penn, or May.
Just my two cents.
I agree with you Sooner...........I am not that big of a fan of the SW 89 street. That street is totally messed up. There is a mix of everything and every type of building in that area (between Penn and I-35). The planning and development for 89th street has been very poor in the past and it appears that there are no restricitons.
If Target were to develop in the rumored area, I would hope that they could get the other businesses to clean up. The Hobby Lobby shopping area has almost no landscaping and the parking lot is old and dirty. Then you have the old stripmall on the north-east corner behind the Carl's jr that looks hideous.
SoonerDave 04-19-2007, 02:13 PM Hi, all...minor update...
An acquaintence of mine who is involved in the foodservice industry (no, not a cook at McDonald's) was able to confirm for me what someone else in this thread had posted - that a Louie's restaurant is, in fact, one of the outparcel sites being built for the 89th and Western intersection. He also said that "something really big" was going in there as well, but he did not know what...part of me wondered if he did have an idea, but maybe for business reasons couldn't say anything.
As far as confirming the Target story goes, I attempted to email the Sooner Traditions property management company to which someone else on this thread had been referred regarding this development, but the email was bounced back to me as an unknown recipient.
As an aside, the new CVS pharmacy (yawn) at SW 89th and May appears to be poised for opening within the next week or so. Crews have been installing store fixtures rather feverishly over the last day or two, so all that would seem to remain is loading stock.
Will continue snooping :)
Easy180 04-19-2007, 02:19 PM A Louie's should do good business in that area...Not much bar wise on the SW side...They are on my happy hour short list!
Martin 04-19-2007, 02:23 PM very interesting... definitely will be keeping an eye on that corner. -M
SoonerDave 04-19-2007, 02:56 PM A Louie's should do good business in that area...Not much bar wise on the SW side
Actually, this same person relayed to me that he had understood the group's demographic research for the area suggested they should consciously downplay the "bar" aspect of the restaurant, and emphasize more on the food quality/dining experience/environment etc. Not to say that it won't have as much of a liquor presence as the other Louie's, but it won't be as heavily touted.
Martin 04-19-2007, 03:00 PM i'd say that's the way louie's on campus corner is... it has a bar, but that's not it's only attraction. frankly, i'd rather have this than another bar. -M
Easy180 04-19-2007, 03:31 PM No it's definitely not a true bar, but it will have a sizeable bar area and do a lot of alky bidness
linze 04-23-2007, 08:35 PM Okay, I hate to ask. But what exactly is a Louies? If its a bar. Then why would they build so close to a gradeschool isn't that against some law????
Martin 04-23-2007, 09:52 PM it's more of a sports grill with a big bar in it. besides that, if it were a proper bar, the location may be just far enough from sky ranch as not to invoke those laws. -M
CMSturgeon 04-24-2007, 08:03 PM Are they taking over the Boomerang spot? And if someone already said that, sorry, I dont want to read through all of your posts!!!
Martin 04-24-2007, 08:08 PM nope... rumor is that it'll be a new outparcel on the other side of western from boomerang. -M
dismayed 04-25-2007, 08:32 PM i agree that the far southwest side could use a target, however i think that the areas are far enough apart that a new location could be opened without having to close the existing one on 44th. i believe that store still gets traffic, so i see little reason to close it and force those customers to drive several miles out of their way.
soonerdave, no offense taken but i'm pretty sure the email sent to me says 'sooner traditions', but i can check it again when i get home. i do remember pulling up their website after receiving a somewhat cryptic response from tap... sooner traditions appeared to be a fairly small company in norman that seemed to do quite a bit of property management and some commercial... because of that, i'm more inclined to believe the "louie's" rumor, which i've also seen posted on this site a few months ago.
Sooner Traditions is bankrolled by Barry Switzer, Toby Keith, and a local Norman real estate / business man. They are responsible for a lot of new development in Norman recently, including residential housing on the east side and at least part of the new commercial development going on along I-35 near Super Target. I can't remember off-hand if they were involved in the Super Target deal.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-25-2007, 10:39 PM Great another beer joint for the city. We have so many bars in the city that our city officials should invite Betty Ford to open a new state of the art facilty in the city.
Martin 04-26-2007, 07:27 AM i really wouldn't classify louie's as a beer joint. as it's been stated, it's a restaurant with a bar. there's a louie's at east wharf on lake hefner... hardly a place for a beer joint. -M
okclee 04-26-2007, 08:03 AM I think that it is good to see a new bar like louie's in okc, especially in southwest okc.
You may think that we have too many bars, but I disagree. Now if you want to talk about having to many churches then I will agree with you.
Easy180 04-26-2007, 08:50 AM I also disagree with what you said bacon....The SW side definitely needs some drinking establishments...At least ones that smoke doesn't pour out of the door when you open it...The ones you have to go directly to the washing machine once you stagger through your front door :Smiley036
Louie's is a nice step up from the dirty dives such as McFinns, Enzone types of places and has much better food (Just assuming)
SoonerDave 04-26-2007, 09:15 AM The SW side definitely needs some drinking establishments
I'm with you, Bacon. I know of no place on the face of the earth that needs drinking establishments. Keep 'em out.
Easy180 04-26-2007, 09:22 AM Down with fun!!!....Down with fun!!!
J/K....But I now hope you do land that highly coveted Walmart soonerdave :Smiley063
SoonerDave 04-26-2007, 12:42 PM But I now hope you do land that highly coveted Walmart soonerdave
Maybe they can replace the soft drink machines with automated drink mixers...better still, they'll put in a bar just so you can have fun, Easy... :)
Spartan 04-29-2007, 03:23 AM There will be no new Target at SW 89th and Western. I am putting together a basic review of what major new development is however going in and I'll post more once I get that straightened out.
okclee 04-29-2007, 08:56 PM We could use a few more churches on the southwest side of Okc as well as a few more walmarts.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-30-2007, 12:04 AM I am thinking the Target store may still happen in far SW OKC.
If it does happen it will probably go in at 119th and Western.
If you look at the blueprint in this link you will see a place for a large building on the west side of Western. It is very similar to the new format for the newer Target stores.
119th and Western would provide the same buffer zone that the two Northwest Expressway stores have.
Spartan 04-30-2007, 12:15 AM 125,000 square feet, the largest block of retail there, isn't near half the size of a new Target, I don't think.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-30-2007, 12:46 AM At one time Target listed on there website that:
Traditional Targets are 126,000 sqft
Target Greatlands are 145,000 sqft
Super Target's are 175,000 sqft
I think that drawing is more of rough draft than anything else.
bombermwc 04-30-2007, 08:17 AM Plus I don't think they would build a new one so close after they just remodeled the old one on 44th.
SoonerDave 04-30-2007, 08:48 AM Okedoke, folks, I have some new information.
There is NO Target going in at SW 89th and Western. This info is *direct* (as in not a rumor) from a city government-type who has seen drawings et al.
The developer is putting in a French-style shopping center, with a Starbucks and Louie's as the prime outparcels. The style of the center is supposed to have the same design idea as Chatenay Square at SW 104th and Penn, with a group of higher-end retail shops fronting an upscale apartment complex behind. The developers of the Starbucks apparently just lost a battle with the city council to get a waiver for a pole-mounted sign, where the planning commission had already told them to put up a monument-style sign. To me, that's pretty darned concrete as far as credible goes - but no Target.
Other information - not from the same person, and therefore of significantly less veracity - is that Target IS in the planning stages of a new store immediately adjacent to I-44 just off of SW 104th, on either the southwest corner (west of I-44), or the northeast corner just next to the northbound I-44 entrance ramp. There are what appear to be new survey/flag markers on that northeast corner, but that may be nothing more than pure coincidence.
A Target in that spot makes a lot of sense, particularly considering that there's quite a bit of new westward residential expansion in that region....
okclee 04-30-2007, 08:55 AM ^^^ Good reporting Sooner Dave, excellent information. I think that it is time to see some development of I-44, that would be an excellent location.
Spartan 04-30-2007, 04:36 PM I've seen renderings and it doesn't hold a candle to Chateny Square.
Martin 04-30-2007, 05:12 PM very cool. thanks for the updates, soonerdave! -M
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-30-2007, 06:34 PM I guess that would also explain Wal-Mart supposed intrest in 104th and May. (If that ever happens) Hopefully a new developer will use that property for another gas station, grocery store, hotel or office. It is probably more than likely the Northeast corner beacause there is not much land between I-44 and Portland on the SW corner. I think the land west of Portland falls into the clearance zone for Will Rogers.
In a nutshell I think it is safe to say that Target is looking at placing a store somewhere in SW OKC. If it were false, we would not be hearing all of these rumors flying around. Someone on here would have came across a definite no by now. There are just too many of us that are in the know when it comes to certain things taking place. I think we will see something concrete by summer. When I say concrete, I mean yes the store is going at location x or no it is not happening and never will.
okclee 04-30-2007, 07:28 PM On another subject / location, I noticed that the vacant land at the southeast corner of 119th and western has recently been marked with survey pins. The devleloper for the location is also Sooner Investments. Are there any rumors to what is going on at this location?
Spartan 04-30-2007, 10:33 PM Here's a rendering:
Spartan 04-30-2007, 10:36 PM Sorry, I resized the pic...
SoonerDave 05-01-2007, 09:36 AM In a nutshell I think it is safe to say that Target is looking at placing a store somewhere in SW OKC.
Well, I would agree with you, but on the downside I've been hearing about SuperTarget rumors in my area for several years now, and nothing's come of any of it. The source of this particular original rumor (about 89th) has, in the past, been pretty darned good and is one that should have access to good info, but obviously was wrong. The only thing I've seen that's close to real is the WalMart at 104th and May, and when I say "real" I mean in terms of drawings/development/concrete info.
I've seen renderings and it doesn't hold a candle to Chateny Square.
Well, Spartan, the contact for the info said it was similar in concept to Chatenay, aspired to be higher-quality. I should have made that more clear.
Okedoke, folks, I have some new that Target IS in the planning stages of a new store immediately adjacent to I-44 just off of SW 104th, on either the southwest corner (west of I-44), or the northeast corner just next to the northbound I-44 entrance ramp. There are what appear to be new survey/flag markers on that northeast corner, but that may be nothing more than pure coincidence.
A Target in that spot makes a lot of sense, particularly considering that there's quite a bit of new westward residential expansion in that region....
I agree: the last 5 years have seen a tremendous growth from I44 to the West, and West NorthWest to Mustang. A very nice, and very large, park has been built at Meridian and 119th, additions are sprouting up to the West and Northwest of that park, for miles. I believe that much of the growth is driven by the FAA Center located just West of Will Rogers. 104th is the major artery to and from the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) from the East and South (104th to MacArthur then North on MacArthur to the South MMAC gate) so any development at I44 and 104th would have a ready-made flow of well-paid consumers driving by twice every weekday. Furthermore, for those unfamilar with the Tri-Cities area (Newcastle/Tuttle/Blanchard) growth in that area has exploded over the past 10 years, and there is massive traffic up and down I44, comprised of thousands of folks (like me) that have chosen a relatively quiet country life on an acreage, but who still earn their living up in the City. The Highway 4 bridge has relieved some of the load on I44 (especially from Tuttle and the Highway 37/Highway 4 junction) but the rush-hour traffic on I44 north of the river is still substantial. So there's plenty of North/South traffic too. THis is significant because, at the moment, the Tri-Cities Wal-Mart is the most convenient shopping location for most of us in the Tri-Cities area, and it's notorious for being out-of-stock on things. A Super-Target at 104th and I44 would be a God-Send. (although I'm not holding me breath)
A couple of quasi-random points:
1. MacArthur, which is the main access road to the MMAC is, and has, for years, been closed to public traffic from 59th to 89th. The City is in the process of re-routing MacArthur through the middle of the MMAC (between the original MacArthur and Rockwell) which will open it back up to the public. Furthermore, one of the runways on the airport is due to be extended (I think it's probabaly a 12-30: the angle seems right) which means that portion of MacArthur between 59th and Highway 152 will be closed for good. When completed , the new MacArthur will head Southwest at the intersection of MacArthur and 152, then due South near 59th, about 1/3 of a mile East of Rockwell. The new FAA Visitor's Center (a visual monstrosity) will be just south of the new MacArthur and 59th intersection, on the East side of new MacArthur. MacArthur will then continue south to 89th. Apparently, it will eventually continue south past 89th, straight to 104th, but it may dead-end at 89th, which would require traffic to take 89th back east to reach the old MacArthur. I tend to think that they'll continue new MacArthur on due South once it reaches the South side of the MMAC, but that's just a guess. Anyway, the reason that this may be significant: MacArthur will once again become a prime artery: Rockwell dead-ends before it reaches I40, meridian dead-ends at Will Rogers, and parts of Portland are in pretty bad shape. new Macarthur could further stimulate growth between the residential development taking place South and West of Will Rogers and the bustling I40/Meridan/Macarthur/Rockwell corridor.
2. Although Tri-City development has slowed drastically in the past two years, the pace of development between I44 and Mustang seems to be as strong as ever: I can't detect a hint of a downturn. So, despite housing slumps in other parts of the Metro, the area West I44 and 104th is still going strong, which bodes well for the development of supporting businesses like Target.
okclee 05-01-2007, 09:41 PM On another subject / location, I noticed that the vacant land at the southeast corner of 119th and western has recently been marked with survey pins. The devleloper for the location is also Sooner Investments. Are there any rumors to what is going on at this location?
I will quote myself on this. I did find the link but I can not read the information.
Sooner Investment Commercial Real Estate (