View Full Version : Interesting Flatiron rendering...

04-09-2007, 06:06 PM
I was searching for some OKC related stuff on Google and came upon this. I haven't seen it before, so I apologize if it has previously been posted...

brandon michael specketer - projects: 131 harrison, oklahoma city flatiron district (

04-09-2007, 06:10 PM
Very interesting...

04-09-2007, 06:13 PM
I was looking some more on his site and saw another proposal for a metro station at 2nd & Gaylord.

He used to work for E+A, taught at the OU Arch. school, and also worked at HornbeekLarsson in Edmond. That's where the OKC stuff fits in...

04-09-2007, 09:51 PM
I really like both designs. The flatiron one, although it would have been awesome, appears to be on the block that Grant Humphreys is developing, so I guess it was no more than a vision. Too bad. I like his downtown circular idea too. Somebody should give that link to Mick.

04-09-2007, 10:00 PM
Yeah, I'd love to see that 2nd street light rail station get built for a downtown rail system. If you look further into the site, under contests, you'll see those projects there also. I'm guessing the developer of the property and the city of OKC solicited proposals for the respective properties and obviously they never materialized. Well hopefully the light rail will in time. As you can see the guy moved to NYC in 2004 so I'm guessing they're pretty dead in the water.

But hey, great find!!!! Very fascinating. I'll probably email him for more info.

04-09-2007, 10:07 PM
He was a student at OU not that long ago. The 5th Year architecture students at OU always do projects related to urban design, and most are in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. They worked on the first Core to Shore plans last year and are currently working on some MAPS III proposals to be presented to the mayor and council next month. I will be in 5th Year next year and it is rumored that we will be focusing on either the Triangle district or Midtown, we'll see. I'll be excited about either one and hopefully some of the proposals become reality.

03-19-2008, 02:11 PM
I really like both designs. The flatiron one, although it would have been awesome, appears to be on the block that Grant Humphreys is developing, so I guess it was no more than a vision. Too bad. I like his downtown circular idea too. Somebody should give that link to Mick.

That design is for the Momentum Market that's across the street, so it's not dead!