View Full Version : Rosie O'Donnell
Karried 04-07-2007, 10:47 AM I'm starting this thread for discussion but I hope it won't turn into a Republican/Democrat discussion as it so often happens.
Rosie has some very opinionated discussions on the View. Do any of you watch it? Or hear about it? I wonder about the ratings since she joined.
Personally, I was glad to see Star Jones go. I couldn't take another minute hearing about her wedding or whatever she talked about.... I don't watch it all that often but I hear that Rosie is definitely stirring up the controversy.....
With the political climate being what it is.. do you think she should have free reign to say what she wants to on national TV?
BailJumper 04-07-2007, 11:22 AM do you think she should have free reign to say what she wants to on national TV?
Absolutely! That said, she's a nutcase and a bitter lesbian. While she gets The View mentioned alot on the news, etc. she gives them a really bad name.
Her latest conspiracy plot idea regarding 9/11 just proves she's an idiot.
fromdust 04-07-2007, 02:34 PM people on this site couldnt wait to rip apart ann coulter when she called someone ***. nooooooooooo! rosie has been saying many more hateful things as of late. i think there is a diffrence with someone calling somebody a name and someone who pretty much sides with the enemy and seems to bash her own country. i dont see hoew disney can keep her.
mranderson 04-07-2007, 03:26 PM people on this site couldnt wait to rip apart ann coulter when she called someone ***. nooooooooooo! rosie has been saying many more hateful things as of late. i think there is a diffrence with someone calling somebody a name and someone who pretty much sides with the enemy and seems to bash her own country. i dont see hoew disney can keep her.
Very good point. The reason they ripped apart Ann Coulter and not Rosie O'Donnell is because Rosie is a liberal and Ann is not. It is called a double standard. Just like a guy and his kids. "Son, be in bed by eight and home by midnight," "you had better not even think of having sex with my daughter." That routine.
I say tape Rosie's mouth while Trump sues her.
PUGalicious 04-07-2007, 03:40 PM Why would Edwards sue Rosie?
And how can you be in bed by eight if you don't have to be home until midnight?
Karried 04-07-2007, 04:36 PM Just like a guy and his kids. "Son, be in bed by eight and home by midnight," "you had better not even think of having sex with my daughter." That routine.
What are you even talking about?
people on this site couldnt wait to rip apart ann coulter when she called someone ***. nooooooooooo!
What does Rosie have to do with Ann Coulture?
The reason they ripped apart Ann Coulter and not Rosie O'Donnell is because Rosie is a liberal and Ann is not.
Did you happen to miss the first line of this post?
You can't lump everyone together and assume anything about why people post. You don't know that people ripped Ann Coulture apart because she is a Republican.. she was ripped apart because she is socially offensive and says hurtful insults to people. She was using cruel language in a hate mongering effort .. just like Imus is now getting ripped apart because of his comments regarding an African American basketball team. Nothing to do with his political affiliation - just plain rude and insulting.
windowphobe 04-07-2007, 05:38 PM If we're going to have our national discourse conducted by former stand-up comedian types, I'm holding out for The Steven Wright Show.
Karried 04-07-2007, 06:16 PM ooohhh, he was my all time favorite comedian.. in fact, I was in Jamaica on vacation and he was on the same resort ... I tried to stalk him but he was surrounded by his peeps.. ha,ha .. I would have loved to hear his dead pan humor.
Keith 04-07-2007, 06:38 PM I have no respect for Rosie. She is nothing but a pathetic loser who likes publicity. I guess she feels she doen't get enough attention.
Easy180 04-07-2007, 09:05 PM It's hard for me to actually listen to her...Just can't get past how hot she is to hear what she's saying
kcsooner85 04-07-2007, 10:21 PM I have no respect for Rosie. She is nothing but a pathetic loser who likes publicity. I guess she feels she doen't get enough attention.
I completely agree with you Keith. She is someone that I absouletly can not stand, she just annoys the heck out of me.
aintaokie 04-08-2007, 07:35 PM Can a human being actually be so repulsive as Rosie O Fatmouth? YUK....
PUGalicious 04-09-2007, 04:27 AM Can a human being actually be so repulsive as Rosie O Fatmouth? YUK....
Nothing quite so persuasive as childish insults...
MadMonk 04-09-2007, 10:20 AM Rosie seems like one of those types that you either love or hate. She's had her funny moments, but she does get quite annoying after a while - and not just because of her political views. I think she's operates under the same delusion that has convinced the likes of Sean Penn, Timothy Hutton, etc. that, because they are famous entertainers, somehow what they think/say really matters. :rolleyes:
PUGalicious 04-09-2007, 11:03 AM I think she's operates under the same delusion that has convinced the likes of Sean Penn, Timothy Hutton, etc. that, because they are famous entertainers, somehow what they think/say really matters. :rolleyes:
How is that different than what people do here?
Their comments obviously gets more play because they are (in)famous, not because what they say matters more or that they personally believe it matters more.
jbrown84 04-09-2007, 11:53 AM Rosie O'Donnell = publicity vulture
MadMonk 04-09-2007, 12:49 PM How is that different than what people do here?
Their comments obviously gets more play because they are (in)famous, not because what they say matters more or that they personally believe it matters more.
Well, for one thing, this is a community-focused, public forum where anyone can voice alternative views - not so on "The View", where the informationaly-challenged audience applauds her every deranged word on cue. I doubt someone like Rosie would last five minutes if knowledgable people were allowed to comment back to her.
Also, like you said, this forum doesn't have the large exposure that Rosie has on TV and I doubt that any here really have the delusion that what we say will really sway a large portion of the populous to a particular view - though for some I'm sure it's not for a lack of trying.
But, as we're all aware, controversy equals ratings so I'm sure that she'll be sticking around.
Dave Cook 04-09-2007, 12:51 PM I don't watch this program...but I know one thing...
The ladies that appear on that show are Rosie...Barbara Wa Wa and....those other ones.
Looks to me like Rosie brings alot to the show, draws viewers, and maintains if not boosts ratings.
And she starts threads all by Oklahoma City.
PUGalicious 04-09-2007, 01:07 PM Well, for one thing, this is a community-focused, public forum where anyone can voice alternative views - not so on "The View", where the informationaly-challenged audience applauds her every deranged word on cue. I doubt someone like Rosie would last five minutes if knowledgable people were allowed to comment back to her.
Also, like you said, this forum doesn't have the large exposure that Rosie has on TV and I doubt that any here really have the delusion that what we say will really sway a large portion of the populous to a particular view - though for some I'm sure it's not for a lack of trying.
But, as we're all aware, controversy equals ratings so I'm sure that she'll be sticking around.
Well, like Fox News, it wouldn't last if it didn't have an audience. It is apparent that having alance and/or alternative views isn't a prerequisite for being able to use television as a platform to propagate (or spew) partisan views.
MadMonk 04-09-2007, 03:07 PM Well, like Fox News, it wouldn't last if it didn't have an audience. It is apparent that having alance and/or alternative views isn't a prerequisite for being able to use television as a platform to propagate (or spew) partisan views.
You are comparing "The View" to a news show. At least the Fox people have some sort of credentials besides "I'm a comedian". Besides, something needs to balance out the partisan news stations on the other end of the political spectrum.
So, is that where you get your political news from? What do you watch for a family show, Jerry Springer?
By the way, you haven't said how you feel about her, only argued with what other's have posted. Should we take from your posts that you are a fan? What do you think about her? Are you aware of some of the comments that she has "spewed" recently? How do you feel about that? Do you think she really believes what she says or is she just stirring up controversy for the ratings? I think it's a little of both, but it's hard to be sure.
PUGalicious 04-09-2007, 03:09 PM You are comparing "The View" to a news show. At least the Fox people have some sort of credentials besides "I'm a comedian". Besides, something needs to balance out the partisan news stations on the other end of the political spectrum.
So, is that where you get your political news from? What do you watch for a family show, Jerry Springer?
You're so clever. It's nice you find yourself so amusing, kind of like MrA does.
MadMonk 04-09-2007, 03:21 PM You're so clever. It's nice you find yourself so amusing, kind of like MrA does.
Oh come on, it was just a little jab. Get over it and answer my question (I edited it recently; probably after you already posted). What do you think about Rosie?
PUGalicious 04-09-2007, 04:26 PM :whiteflag
Oh come on, it was just a little jab. Get over it and answer my question (I edited it recently; probably after you already posted). What do you think about Rosie?
Sometimes that "just a little jab" is "just a little" insulting... and unnecessary when nothing in my post was a personal attack on you.
I wasn't ignoring your question because there was no question in that post at the time I responded. However, I will now oblige your request for an answer.
I used to enjoy Rosie's act and/or comedy many years ago before she became so militantly bitter and angry. When ABC announced it was adding her to The View, I was a bit surprised. I've watched her on there a few times and don't particularly enjoy the show much when she's on there because it always seems like there's tension on the show. But, of course, it's not really a show aimed at my demographic, so maybe I'm not supposed to enjoy the show. But, I frequently exercise my right and ability to change the channel when I don't enjoy what I'm watching.
What's fascinating to me is that people are surprised that Rosie is expressing her view on a show called... wait for it... The View. It's equally surprising when people are shocked by what Ann Coulter says. I find her comments frequently offensive and outrageous, but you don't hear me — at least I don't recall ever — saying she should be booted off the air or that she should keep her mouth shut or result to childish insults of her.
Ever since being the opinion editor for my college newspaper years ago, I have operated with the philosophy of allowing and encouraging diverse and sometimes polarizing viewpoints on any given issue to be expressed in public. First, you can see someone's true character by the things that they say, spout or spew. Second, you expose to the light of public scrutiny the belief systems that exist in our society — even (and especially) the repulsive ones. Even the most partisan rhetoric shouldn't be stifled because airing them out often exposes the silliness and/or faultiness of the extremity of the position.
I personally don't agree with a lot of what Rosie has said. Am I outraged? No. It's one person's opinion.
I definitely do not agree with just about anything Ann Coulter says. Am I outraged? No. It's one person's opinion.
Do these television personalities have a right to express their opinions? Certainly.
Do they have the right to use television to do it? If someone will air it, sure.
Do they think they are important voices? Don't we all, at least to some degree?
If we could express our opinions on the same stage (i.e. television) as Rosie or Ann Coulter, would we take advantage of it? I think most of us would. If we didn't think our opinions mattered, why would we participate in a forum like this.
Is Rosie doing all this simply to boost ratings? I don't think so. I think she's been that provocative for some time; the difference now is that The View and ABC are now able to capitalize on it.
But it all boils down to this: If people don't like what Rosie has to say, turn the channel!
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-09-2007, 07:15 PM I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, what most people fail to realize is that nobody is 100% correct in the world of politics.
Regardless of how much truth you have behind your opinion, their is always going to be someone who presents evidence to knock down your point of view.
One thing I get of tired are the people like Rosie O'Donnell who expect the world to agree with them. Then they get nine kind of upset when people disagree with them.
If you are going to debate politics in any public forum you better be ready for someone who disagrees with you. You cannot get mad, you cannot start calling people names. You have to be able argue your point of view and still be respectful to the person(s) who oppose your point of view.
In my opinion when you have to resort to name calling, shouting and flat out humilation of the opposing viewpoint, you have lost the argument.
dismayed 04-09-2007, 07:31 PM Very good point. The reason they ripped apart Ann Coulter and not Rosie O'Donnell is because Rosie is a liberal and Ann is not. It is called a double standard. Just like a guy and his kids. "Son, be in bed by eight and home by midnight," "you had better not even think of having sex with my daughter." That routine.
I say tape Rosie's mouth while Trump sues her.
Oh I don't know about that. I seem to remember Rosie getting ripped to shreds a few weeks ago for saying "ching chong ching chong chong" on air while doing an Asian impersonation. She was forced to apologize and took major heat for it.
I think she's been called out just as much as Ann for the things she says. Coulter has taken a far worse beating recently simply because she really did hit the lowest rung you can hit in public life, tossing out an F*. At this point literally the only thing she hasn't done yet is drop an N* bomb. That's about the only thing more offensive she could do at this point.
The two of them would make a fine pairing for a new talk show on Fox News.
Karried 04-09-2007, 08:36 PM Speaking of... Imus is in a world of hurt... ouch..
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-09-2007, 09:35 PM I am going to play devils advocate for a moment....
If you really think about it we have become a very thin skinned society. If you are confident enough about yourself a derogatory word should not phase you.
If we as society were truly mature adults people and their useless opinions would not even be news. The only mention they would get is at the watercooler at work. The statement would be something like "Did you see _________ make an ass of themselves.....You would think they would learn to engage their brain before they open their big fat mouth."
I think we all practiced the awkard silence method, we could end hate and unmotivated bias real quick.
MadMonk 04-10-2007, 07:15 AM Sometimes that "just a little jab" is "just a little" insulting... and unnecessary when nothing in my post was a personal attack on you.
Sorry about that. I was just giving you a hard time; I didn't intend to insult.
I wasn't ignoring your question because there was no question in that post at the time I responded. However, I will now oblige your request for an answer.
I know, that's why I put that bit in parenthesis saying I edited it while you were probably already in the middle of posting your reply. Just a little bad timing on my part.
I used to enjoy Rosie's act and/or comedy many years ago before she became so militantly bitter and angry. When ABC announced it was adding her to The View, I was a bit surprised. I've watched her on there a few times and don't particularly enjoy the show much when she's on there because it always seems like there's tension on the show. But, of course, it's not really a show aimed at my demographic, so maybe I'm not supposed to enjoy the show. But, I frequently exercise my right and ability to change the channel when I don't enjoy what I'm watching.
What's fascinating to me is that people are surprised that Rosie is expressing her view on a show called... wait for it... The View. It's equally surprising when people are shocked by what Ann Coulter says. I find her comments frequently offensive and outrageous, but you don't hear me — at least I don't recall ever — saying she should be booted off the air or that she should keep her mouth shut or result to childish insults of her.
Ever since being the opinion editor for my college newspaper years ago, I have operated with the philosophy of allowing and encouraging diverse and sometimes polarizing viewpoints on any given issue to be expressed in public. First, you can see someone's true character by the things that they say, spout or spew. Second, you expose to the light of public scrutiny the belief systems that exist in our society — even (and especially) the repulsive ones. Even the most partisan rhetoric shouldn't be stifled because airing them out often exposes the silliness and/or faultiness of the extremity of the position.
I personally don't agree with a lot of what Rosie has said. Am I outraged? No. It's one person's opinion.
I definitely do not agree with just about anything Ann Coulter says. Am I outraged? No. It's one person's opinion.
Do these television personalities have a right to express their opinions? Certainly.
Do they have the right to use television to do it? If someone will air it, sure.
Do they think they are important voices? Don't we all, at least to some degree?
If we could express our opinions on the same stage (i.e. television) as Rosie or Ann Coulter, would we take advantage of it? I think most of us would. If we didn't think our opinions mattered, why would we participate in a forum like this.
Is Rosie doing all this simply to boost ratings? I don't think so. I think she's been that provocative for some time; the difference now is that The View and ABC are now able to capitalize on it.
But it all boils down to this: If people don't like what Rosie has to say, turn the channel!
I do agree with you that she has every right to say anything she wants and as long as she has a audience she'll be on the air. I've not called for her dismissal or censure and as far as I can tell neither has anyone else here. I've just given my opinion of her and what she says; and I wouldn't call it outrage so much as loathing and a bit of pity. Wasn't that the whole point of the thread?
Baconcheeseburger has a point that if we just ignore these people they might go away, but I think that there are enough people in the world who tend to view TV personalities as authority figures for that to happen. Sadly, if you are on TV it seems you are automatically considered by many an expert (Of course! Otherwise they wouldn't be on TV...right?) - this seems to be especially true for the talk shows. How many dolts out there now firmly believe that the WTC7 building collapse was "the first time in history that fire melted steel" because Rosie said so?
PUGalicious 04-10-2007, 07:42 AM Sadly, if you are on TV it seems you are automatically considered by many an expert (Of course! Otherwise they wouldn't be on TV...right?) - this seems to be especially true for the talk shows. How many dolts out there now firmly believe that the WTC7 building collapse was "the first time in history that fire melted steel" because Rosie said so?
I agree. But that's also what frightens me so much about Fox News.
Easy180 04-10-2007, 07:48 AM Pug...CNN and MSNBC are almost as bad coming from the other side...Fox is more extreme, but those two slant many of their stories to the left
Just like politicians...The three cable news stations just sit around and wait for one to screw up so they can pounce on them...Just a pissing match most days
PUGalicious 04-10-2007, 08:12 AM Pug...CNN and MSNBC are almost as bad coming from the other side...Fox is more extreme, but those two slant many of their stories to the left
I would generally agree that CNN and MSNBC are also sloppy, lopsided and opinionated in their coverage rather than sticking to hard news reporting. However, my experience and the research suggests that Fox News is the worst offender and has the most viewers so they are the biggest threat, IMHO.
My point is that a large percentage of people in this country are letting the "boob tube" do their thinking for them — and that's dangerous no matter where you fall along the political spectrum.
Easy180 04-10-2007, 08:30 AM Or worse yet...They only watch Lou Dobbs and the only thing they think is going on in the entire world is Mexicans coming over illegally :dad:
Good lord man move on...We gotcha..We know what ya saying...Find another issue to bitch about for 3 years straight
PUGalicious 04-10-2007, 08:40 AM Indeed.
NE Oasis 04-10-2007, 02:46 PM My point is that a large percentage of people in this country are letting the "boob tube" do their thinking for them — and that's dangerous no matter where you fall along the political spectrum.
Far too many folks fail to understand bias in the media. The NE Oasis challenge - by an Oklahoman and a Tulsa World and notice the bias 100 miles bring. That same gullible group follow Rosie becuase "she's on TV, therefore she must be informed". Rosie is doing no more than you or I, using the largest forum avaiable to express her views. We have a humble internet forum and letters to the editor, she's riding (are dare I say dragging down) the coat-tail of Barbara Walter's credibility.
Dark Jedi 04-13-2007, 12:29 PM Pug...CNN and MSNBC are almost as bad coming from the other side...Fox is more extreme, but those two slant many of their stories to the left
Just like politicians...The three cable news stations just sit around and wait for one to screw up so they can pounce on them...Just a pissing match most days
I saw a nice jab at Faux News lately. A political cartoon, Fox News showing Al Gore holding his Oscar. Caption says "Gore recently seen in public with small nude man."