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10-15-2007, 12:23 PM
Mmm.... we hit the breakfast buffet and it was quite yummy. Lots of options, great omelette bar, much fresh fruit, and good desserts.

10-28-2007, 09:23 PM
I went there the other day and the food was good! never going to golden corral again! But one draw back was there was about 10 waitresses just standing there doing nothing! but i got drinks on time and service was good, just dont think they need 100 servers at once at the resturant i kept running into them! the old people are annoying after 20 minutes everyone single one had to come over and admire my child :-s maybe next time i can leave her with mom so i can have a quiet meal.

10-28-2007, 09:32 PM
I hear that the old-style Furr's Cafeteria location in French Market Mall still does a good business, but they are considering NOT renewing the lease and building a free-standing Furr's Fresh Buffet nearby. I was told they are also eyeing a Memorial Road pad. Since the company is now owned by Buffet Partners, LP and has a new, very admired CEO, this thing is going places. The new CEO was President of La Madeleine Bakery Café and Bistro, was Senior VP of Development at Darden Restaurants and spent 12 years building the TGIFriday's Carlson franchises in the Southwest. It's definitely no longer going to be your father's Furr's.

10-28-2007, 10:22 PM
I think the size of the crowd their speaks volumes about the food, the price and the service. Every time I drive by there, the parking lot is so full that people have to park on the grass.

10-29-2007, 07:14 AM
Our family went to the Furr's Fresh Market in Moore, and our experience was only so-so.

Immediately off-putting when I handed the clerk my debit card was her request if I wanted cash back "so I'll have money for a tip." I found it particularly presumptuous that I was going to leave a tip in a restaurant where I serve myself. And, no, I'm not leaving a tip for someone having brought me a $1.59 glass of tea.

We arrived literally minutes before the Sunday throng, and we were glad we did. The arrangement of the service tables leads to ridiculously cramped quarters and abject confusion in the service area. I finally gave up waiting for the line serving roast beef; and I didn't find the hot rolls until I started snooping desserts - which is where they were, inexplicably. Three different people told me three different things about where to find baked fish, only to discover it hadn't been put out at all. After one lady was kind enough to bring out some, it wasn't out when I returned for a second serving. And I wasn't about to battle the crowds to ask for more.

The fish was good, as were the salads, but most of my family conveyed the sentiments that their food was dry and/or overcooked. The meatloaf was abysmal, gristly from bite one and possessed of a rather nasty flavor. The macaroni and cheese was pretty good, as was the baked chicken. My son's hard-shell taco tasted like it had been sitting under a Taco Bell heat lamp, while my wife didn't even finish her tamale (and she LOVES her tamales).

Desserts were only okay; my carrot cake was good, but nothing special. My wife and mom both tried the blackberry cobbler and said it was excellent.

The overall atmosphere left us feeling rushed and crushed. None of us, for whatever reason, felt like we had a nice, relaxing lunch; don't know precisely why. Organizationally, Hometown Buffet has Furr's beaten to death in terms of layout, and frankly I think their food is slightly better, too. Our family simply refuses to do Golden Corral anymore because its just so fundamentally disgusting.

After we left, we all more or less took a vote and decided that, for a meal costing over $10.00 per person (including a drink), we thought we should all have liked it a bit more. They're obviously trying to create a hybrid of a cafeteria, Hometown Buffet, and maybe Golden Corral, and methinks they have a way to go to get it right. Our vote was unanimous that we won't be going back. It isn't that any one thing was bad; just nothing struck us as especially meritorious of a second visit.


10-29-2007, 07:24 AM
This is Furrs Cafeteria PLUS. If you like the good cooking (not quite home cooking, but much healthier than most restaurants) ...and the service was excellent

Healthier than most restaurants? Lets see, I passed one hot line serving chicken fried stead and cream gravy along with macaroni and cheese, which was just down the street from the deep-fried fish and fried chicken, which was a stone's throw away from the dessert bar...and we won't even talk about the leftovers at the breakfast bar, including sausage, eggs, etc.

New and different? Kinda. Healthier than most? Laughably overstated.


10-29-2007, 11:34 AM
Healthier than most restaurants? Lets see, I passed one hot line serving chicken fried stead and cream gravy along with macaroni and cheese, which was just down the street from the deep-fried fish and fried chicken, which was a stone's throw away from the dessert bar...and we won't even talk about the leftovers at the breakfast bar, including sausage, eggs, etc.

New and different? Kinda. Healthier than most? Laughably overstated.


Don't you just hate Monday mornings?

10-29-2007, 06:36 PM
Well in their defense the breakfast buffet did have a large variety of fruit and other healthy crap I ignored completely

Breakfast buffet was pretty good....Didn't blow me away, but it's a nice enough place to go from time to time

10-30-2007, 12:34 AM
Cafeterias and Buffets are not intended to be fine dining establisments. The main mission of these places is to keep the food line stocked with fresh food. They know they will hear complaints regardless of what they make.

I noticed that most places monitor what people are eating. If something is not being eaten, it is pulled off the line remade or replaced with something else.

I have yet to visit any buffet where every item on the menu is 100% perfect.

SoonerDave, you sound like someone who is hard to please. Jessica Alba could be sitting on your lap in a string bikini feeding you steak and lobster and you would still find a reason to complain.

I make it a point not to dine with people like you. It's people like you that force everyone else at the table to get the disguisting extras all because you chose to be a pain in the backside.

10-30-2007, 08:22 AM
SoonerDave, you sound like someone who is hard to please. Jessica Alba could be sitting on your lap in a string bikini feeding you steak and lobster and you would still find a reason to complain.

I make it a point not to dine with people like you. It's people like you that force everyone else at the table to get the disguisting extras all because you chose to be a pain in the backside.

First, I'm happily married, and I don't need Jessica Alba doing anything for me, thank you very much - as if it is your business in the first place.

Complain? I expressed an opinion. I thought that's what the board was for. If you don't like that opinion, that's great. What "complaint" of mine got your knickers in a twist? I pointed out some things I liked about the new Furr's, and some I didn't. It was hardly a wholesale indictment.

People like "me"? What kind of person, exactly, is that? How did this turn into a personal attack? You know nothing about me. If you think you can draw conclusive inferences about me based on a message board post about a cafeteria, I'd say one of us is a bit misguided.

Disgusting Extras? Huh?! What on earth are you talking about? You like Furr's? That's great. No problem. I didn't dislike it, it's just not a place I'm going to go out of my way to visit again. That makes me someone "you don't want to dine with?" Fine, but please keep in mind you were never invited to my table.

Didn't like the fact that I pointed out their menu includes just as many supposedly "unhealthy" choices as most other restaurants? That's fine, too. What you don't get is that I'm not part of the "villain food theology" that says food "X" is "bad" and food "Y" is good, so characterizing one place as "healthy" and one as "unhealthy" is fundamentally flawed. The "healthiest" eating is one of balance and moderation from all the choices available.

I'd go on, but I have to start making my rounds at the local restaurants and forcing people to eat some more "disgusting extras," whatever that means... :dizzy:
