View Full Version : City Continues Removal of Illegally placed signs

04-05-2007, 07:08 PM
City continues removal of illegally placed signs

City crews will be out in force April 9-10 disposing of illegally placed signs located along City right of ways, medians and utility poles. The citywide Sign Sweep is part of Oklahoma City Beautiful’s Centennial LitterBlitz campaign, which kicked off in March.

“We desperately need to change the culture in Oklahoma City. While campaign signs pose an eyesore, our biggest challenge is with the businesses that litter the City’s right of way year-round with inexpensively produced corrugated plastic signs,” said City Manager Jim Couch.

The location of City right of ways vary depending on the width of the street. Along highly traveled arterial roadways, where most of the signs can be found, the right of way can be as much as 26 feet from the curb. On most residential streets, the right of way is generally12 feet from the curb.

Signs are also illegal when placed in medians, parks, on utility poles, hydrants or street signs. In almost all cases, temporary signs are illegal, regardless of whether they are placed in the median or not.

City Council has been strengthening the Municipal Code on sign violations over the past nine months. A breakdown of their actions is as follows:

On August 15, 2006 Council members voted to allow employees, rather than just police officers and code enforcement officers, to remove illegally placed signs. As a result, hundreds of crews in several departments including Parks, Public Works, Airports and Planning were trained to identify and remove the illegal signage.

On October 3, 2007 the Oklahoma Municipal Code Ordinance No. 23143 was amended, requiring City crews to throw away signs once they are picked up. In the past, City hauled the signs to a central location where they were stored. Owners were given an opportunity to buy back their signs for 25 cents per sign. Revenue from the signs rarely, if ever, exceeded $100 annually.

On November 7, 2007 City Council voted to increase the fine for repeat offenders from $200 to $500.

An amendment to the ordinance was introduced on March 27, 2007 giving the Mayor and City Council authority to pick up illegally placed signs. The final hearing is set on April 24.
The last Citywide Sign Sweep was conducted in November 2006. More than 7000 illegally placed signs were removed over a five-day period.

For details about the sign ordinance, log on to (

04-05-2007, 07:55 PM
This is an important step in beautifying our city.

04-05-2007, 09:07 PM
Keith is there a number to call and report illegal signs.

04-05-2007, 11:11 PM
I'm not Keith, but I can answer your question. YES PLEASE CALL the city action center. The Action Center at 297-2535 routes complaints and questions to other City departments and divisions, including Police, Code Enforcement and Zoning Enforcement.

And to make it even easier you can go to City of Oklahoma City | News ( (the city's website) and on the top righthand corner of the screen click Online Service Request and you can fill out a form online and file your request electronically.

Keep those complaints going on illegal signs, as the article said, we really need to change the mentality around here regarding those!!

Keith, I'm assuming the above two amendments were in 2006 and not 2007 as the article said? I doubt we can pass them before the time has passed.

Realtors need to read this thread and make sure they're up to code. I know many are out of code. I know Karried is probably educated enough to know the code but please feel free to share with other Realtors you know who are not. If you go to the city's page above, they have a link to a Realtor brochure of what is and isn't allowed. I think these should be mailed to all real estate offices in OKC by the MOKC association of realtors as well as all info mailed to sign shops!!

04-06-2007, 07:59 AM
While campaign signs pose an eyesore, our biggest challenge is with the businesses that litter the City’s right of way year-round with inexpensively produced corrugated plastic signs,” said City Manager Jim Couch.

I agree that something needs to be done. Yes, most Realtors are pretty knowledgeable about sign placement. The signs we use cost $70 and are metal..they are not corrugated cardboard ..but with a saturated market, even a few make the front of the additions look trashy. I know Open House signs should be put up Friday night and removed Sunday afternoon. I know they are an eyesore but sellers love Open Houses.. one day when you want to sell your home, you'll want the exposure of a sign leading a potential buyer to your home. A lot of drive bys result in sales. Ideally, all listings would be noticed through the MLS but sometimes, people driving through neighborhoods find homes through the use of signage. But I try to be responsible and learn the association's rules and city codes before placing any sign.

The political signs get crazy too.

Too bad we don't have more codes regarding Billboards. I've seen some pretty offensive ones including peeling, dated and ugly messages.. Not to mention, they are enormous.

04-06-2007, 10:00 AM
I don't mind the realtor signs so much. It's the ones right on the edge of the road, made of plastic that say


and crap like that.

Oh and there's a nice sign at NW Highway and Wilshire on an empty lot that says


Yes you read that right. And it's been there for a couple years, and apparently no one has caught it.

04-06-2007, 12:13 PM
Thanks Metro for the action center number,and jbrown84 your post is one of the funniest I have read on this forum.

04-06-2007, 12:30 PM
and jbrown84 your post is one of the funniest I have read on this forum.

wow. thanks!

04-09-2007, 02:20 PM
I have one point to make about the signs. I live on a corner of a very busy street. People put signs on my lawn all the time. Usuaally a just take them down and put them in the trash. But occassionally realtors put their signs on my yard advertising a house down the street. People I know come up to me and tell me "I didn't know you were moving" or complete strangers come up to the door and ask how much I am asking for my house. I don't mind the sign so much if two things take place. First, ask me. I will not mind if you put an arrow on the sign (#2) to signify the house for sale is down the street. My across the street neighbor is not quite so nice. Her solution is to put the sign in my yard.

Dark Jedi
04-13-2007, 11:40 AM
I have one point to make about the signs. I live on a corner of a very busy street. People put signs on my lawn all the time. Usuaally a just take them down and put them in the trash. But occassionally realtors put their signs on my yard advertising a house down the street. People I know come up to me and tell me "I didn't know you were moving" or complete strangers come up to the door and ask how much I am asking for my house. I don't mind the sign so much if two things take place. First, ask me. I will not mind if you put an arrow on the sign (#2) to signify the house for sale is down the street. My across the street neighbor is not quite so nice. Her solution is to put the sign in my yard.

Send the realtor a bill for the advertising space. They'll stop.