View Full Version : Cornett Round Table Meeting

04-05-2007, 09:35 AM
Mayor Mick Cornett will host The Mayor's Development Roundtable 6 on Monday, May 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cox Business Services Convention Center.

Every May, the Mayor holds this event to bring together public and private sector individuals with a commitment to developing a great community. Burns Hargis will moderate this half-day conference, which addresses topics relevant to Oklahoma City's growth and development.

The conference includes a luncheon, at which Mayor Cornett will discuss how Oklahoma City can promote sustainability and gain prosperity by "Getting Green."

This year, the Roundtable features three notable speakers and local panel members that will discuss

Retail Strategies for Oklahoma City
Value of Central Park Space
Creating Connections through TransitRegistration fee is $50. Beginning May 5, registration fee is $65.

(Adobe PDF, 80 KB)
Look here for details of the 2006 Roundtable. (

City of Oklahoma City | Mayor's Development Roundtable (

04-05-2007, 09:37 AM
Good post Karried! Should hopefully be beneficial to future development. Brewer, Hogan, and OCURA need to attend!!!!

04-05-2007, 09:52 AM
I have heard that OCURA, Brewer, Hogan and the like, have their own round table meeting on May 14, secret time and secret location, of course.

04-05-2007, 10:54 AM
Really wish I could go to this, but once again, it's on a work day.

04-06-2007, 06:19 AM
Maybe we should mention this to the mayor, that if he'd really like a great turnout for civic planning events - he should schedule the events during the evening or on a Saturday.

That way, people could attend without having to take off from work. We need to have people attend - especially since there is a renewed enthusiasm and sense of pride in the city.

Of course, those of us on this and other OKC forums have contributed much - and much of this could serve as a starting point for any round-table planning type discussions for sure. But to support this, it would be nice to have a few of us at these meetings.

Would someone like to volunteer to draft a message to the mayor about the time?