View Full Version : The Horror

04-04-2007, 08:31 PM
Sleeping father suffocates child
An 11-month-old girl was found suffocated Tuesday morning in Tulsa after her father fell asleep and rolled on her, police said.

The dad fell asleep with the baby in his arms, Tulsa police officer Jason Willingham said. Police will forward their findings to the district attorney's office but charges are unlikely, Willingham said. There have been about five children killed in similar ways this year in Tulsa, Willingham said.

That is so sad.

When my first son was born, we were so exhausted - 27 hour labor, came home .. baby ate every hour it seemed like ..a few days later I needed a break and my hubby took him, laid on the couch and put him on his chest so I could get some rest ( after being awake for days with no sleep) .. and they fell asleep.

A while later, I woke up to cries from my newborn... I ran into the living room where the baby had rolled off sleeping/snoring/exhausted new daddy's chest onto the carpet .. Dad was snoring loudly and didn't even notice the crying baby ( thank God I had put the couch cushions around the couch so baby was fine, albeit pissed) needless to say, I can see how in a deep sleep, something this tragic could could happen.

Poor family.. what a tragedy.

04-04-2007, 11:35 PM
:( Oh man, that's got to be so hard to deal with. I don't know how I would be able to live with myself.