View Full Version : My Hometown Moore magazine
EX3MKT 04-04-2007, 08:28 AM Hello everyone
This is a free direct mailed magazine to all homes and business in Moore and SW OKC creating an excellent advertising avenue for business while providing interesting positive stories and articles about People, Life and Businesses in Moore and SW OKC. We have a monthly circulation of 34,000 per month. As a direct mail you do not have to do anything to get it. It’s delivered by the always reliable USPS.
We are honored to be in this community and encourage people to send story ideas or even right about themselves or what Moore or SW OKC means to them. We also encourage you send in your special events pictures and any jokes or funny things that happened in your work place that are shareable.
Welcome and chime in please. What can we write about that is interesting to you but positive?
From the Managing Editor
sparks9 04-18-2007, 01:05 PM Hi,
I want to write a response to the Managing Editor for My Hometown Moore magazine which covers SW OKC and Moore. I'm concerned with your editorial skills for this publication. I graduated with a Master's in Professional Writing from OU, and I can tell you from first-hand knowledge that the writing skills for this publication are not up to par. In the March issues, I noticed simple grammatical errors. Also, there have been several people who have complained that you can't even get the reporters' names (who write for the publication) right. I hope people in this area are not taking this publication seriously. My prediction for the future: This publication won't last a year, and if it does then I feel sorry for its readers.
By the way, "We are honored to be in this community and encourage people to send story ideas or even right about themselves or what Moore or SW OKC means to them." Do you mean to say "write" instead of "right"?
cindyl57 04-20-2007, 08:14 AM You know I hate to rain on your pessimistic parade, but it is a "New" publication still working out the bugs. I know that some people's pet peeves do not mirror others and maybe bad grammar, poor spelling is one of yours.
While in school, I made straight A's in grammar and spelling but with my brain filling up with unimportant junk like raising and supporting a family, I have forgotten very much of what I have learned. You know I can spell but when writing out my thoughts in an email or document sometimes I do the same thing, write the wrong word. I usually will edit my document and of course use spell check, but what if I miss something. Oh don't worry, I have a College Graduate to point out my mistakes.
I appreciate that we have such a publication in Moore and I hope that it is around for sometime. I am sure with people like you to point out all their mistakes, they will be able to correct the problems and make it bearable for you to read.
Ooops there is no spell check here, so please forgive all of my spelling and of course every grammatical error that I made.
Easy180 04-20-2007, 08:44 AM You know I hate to rain on your pessimistic parade, but it is a "New" publication still working out the bugs. I know that some people's pet peeves do not mirror others and maybe bad grammar, poor spelling is one of yours.
While in school, I made straight A's in grammar and spelling but with my brain filling up with unimportant junk like raising and supporting a family, I have forgotten very much of what I have learned. You know I can spell but when writing out my thoughts in an email or document sometimes I do the same thing, write the wrong word. I usually will edit my document and of course use spell check, but what if I miss something. Oh don't worry, I have a College Graduate to point out my mistakes.
I appreciate that we have such a publication in Moore and I hope that it is around for sometime. I am sure with people like you to point out all their mistakes, they will be able to correct the problems and make it bearable for you to read.
Ooops there is no spell check here, so please forgive all of my spelling and of course every grammatical error that I made.
Come on cindy!!...There are only two O's in oops :Smiley051
cindyl57 04-22-2007, 10:18 AM LOL...yeah I know...and I am not usually that outspoken or defensive, but I just couldn't help my self...And I even wrote it out and deleted and then had to come back to it...I am really not a B#$ch, but my fingers just wouldn't stop...
CMSturgeon 04-23-2007, 06:44 AM I recently received my first issue of this magazine. I can't remember too many stories.... mainly ads. Which is fine, people need to advertise. But I need more than that to keep me interested. Still looking forward to see what the next issue has to offer.
Intrepid 04-23-2007, 07:10 AM I recently received my first issue of this magazine. I can't remember too many stories.... mainly ads. Which is fine, people need to advertise. But I need more than that to keep me interested. Still looking forward to see what the next issue has to offer.
That was my biggest gripe about it as well. Too many ads.
But I guess when you have a start-up, free, publication things are going to be "ad heavy" for awhile.
EX3MKT 04-23-2007, 03:03 PM Thank you all for excellent feedback and critique. We do not claim to be 100% error proof but we have a commitment to continuous improvement. We also admit we cannot make everyone happy. With a circulation of 34,000 homes and businesses every month and considering that half of office or business has more than 1 person then we have a readership of more than 51,000, so one not happy reader is bad at all.
As a direct mail to 34,000 addresses there is cost hence the need for advertising revenues, although we are not ad heavy if every other page has a story. There are several magazines with less than 5 stories and full of ads on a 32 page publication.
Thank you for your comments which are well noted and look forward to hearing from you and everyone else as we continually improve.
EX3MKT 04-23-2007, 03:08 PM CMSturgeon
When the local business can support the cost of this type of print quality and 34,000 direct mail circulation cost we would add more editorials content to keep you interested. I can tell you there is more and more interest every month from readers and businesses so we will make it happen one day. At this time 10-15 strories is what we target hence at least a story on every other page.
Thanks for understanding.
SeinfeldBlock 05-10-2007, 02:13 PM As a new Moore resident, I receive this magazine. I enjoy the articles, but with any new publication, it needs some work. The biggest errors I have noticed are all grammatical. I'm not going to list my credentials, but I'm aware of the various writing styles and grammatical styles of specific US publications, and this one desperately needs a good editor. Continue the good work with stories about Moore, and get a great editor!
BailJumper 05-10-2007, 03:32 PM Sounds like a good at home job for a stay at home mom/dad ex teacher/professor.
Maybe they could find one to email all their articles to for proofing and it would cost much less than an in house employee
Karried 05-10-2007, 03:56 PM Good idea... send them to me.. I'll edit them. I'm pretty inexpensive ... (my friends all send me their marketing materials to proof read - it's actually fun for me).
so one not happy reader is bad at all.
See, I catch things ... jk.. lol but seriously, PM me if you are interested.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-16-2007, 03:02 AM I grew up in Moore, graduated in '90...But until I can figure out the statute of limitations on a few key things...I can't share many stories :D
EX3MKT 05-16-2007, 06:41 PM Thank you for all your comments. We do not claim to be the best writers or editors, but have the right concept. As a small and growing business once we get more businesses to advertise then we can afford hiring a professional editor. However, the MY-Y section is basically stories as submitted by Moore writers and we do not edit those. Basically we run them as is. Because we want to allow even the not so talented writers opportunity to grow.
We are headed there and we will get there. So if you know any excellent writers please PM me.
I myself do not boast to be a writer, I am an entrepreneur and have excellent visionary skills on business ideas and ventures. I come up with concepts that will succeed. Need a business idea? I have 2 I am working on.
kevinpate 05-16-2007, 07:56 PM I'm curious as to the northern boundary line for your distribution area.
EX3MKT 05-16-2007, 09:08 PM Distributions is determined by zip codes as you know the 73160 and 73170 and now we have interest from people east of I-44 and south of I-240. Why?
kevinpate 05-17-2007, 03:16 AM > Why?
Simply curious. Your initial indication, 'all homes and business in Moore and SW OKC', dinna offer an easily recognizable northern boundary. The added information, though not as specific as a major cross street, does permit me to look it up when the curiosity level again peaks.
I was just wondering if your coverage was generally targeted to deep southwest OKC, i.e. south of SW 89th, or if your northern distribution line extended to I-240 or even to Reno.