View Full Version : McDonalds Hefner & Rockwell
Julesc2001 04-02-2007, 02:56 PM I swear one day the McDonalds was there, and the next it was gone. They ripped it to pieces. At first I thought they were remodeling the old McDonalds, but when they remodel, they typically keep signs up, or at least their large sign. There is no sign of a McDonalds ever existing there.
Does anyone have any idea what is going in at the location? My guess is that it is still fast food (they kept the drive-thru)...
Someday I will get my Jack in the Box, oh how I miss it. :closed:
ultimatesooner 04-02-2007, 03:34 PM I noticed that last week too, I have no idea what happened though
the backyard burger over there is closed due to a fire as well
mranderson 04-02-2007, 05:00 PM The McDonalds is being remodeled to the new look. As was indicated in a previous thread, every McDonalds in the country will be remodeled or demolished and rebuilt. The one that is the subject of this thread closed on or about March 8, and will reopen later this spring or early summer.
FYI. That McDonalds was built in the late 70's or early 80's and has never had an exterior remodel. It is about time.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-02-2007, 06:39 PM The only reason a sign is not there is because someone hit the sign with their car just a few days before they closed. I remember seeing it laying in the front yard.
It laid there for two days and I remember thinking "Why haven't they replaced it? Because most businesses would have replaced the sign within a day or so. Then the very next day the entrances where blocked and they were starting renovations.
As the postings have stated, A new Mcdonald's is being built on that site. If they were just moving, they would have left the building empty and opened another one closeby the same day that one closed.
The Mustang Mcdonald's is also being replaced. The sign still there, it states "Closed for Renovations Please Visit Us at Wal-Mart"
JerzeeGrlinOKC 04-14-2007, 11:41 AM I really think we should try hard to phase out these types of threads (quasi-supportive of fast food chains in the area) in light of the recent OKC title of "fast food capital of the country". Let's show outside readers that we don't care about a new McDonald's, or any new run-of-the-mill fast food facility.
Oh and I don't understand this obsession with Jack in the Box (referring to the first post on this thread and other posts I've seen here). On the east coast we don't have them (thank heavens), and awhile ago someone coerced me during a hungry moment of desperation into trying something from there (in Texas) just so I could say I ate there. UG!!!!! BLECH!!!! Waste of a few bucks! To each their own I guess, if you grew up with it I guess I can sort of understand, maybe. In any case, most fast food chains are generally nasty, its all a matter of which ones are more tolerable!
Anyway, my point: support local places!
chuckdiesel 04-14-2007, 12:48 PM Why do you care so much what outsiders think?
chuckdiesel 04-14-2007, 12:52 PM I really think we should try hard to phase out these types of threads (quasi-supportive of fast food chains in the area) in light of the recent OKC title of "fast food capital of the country". Let's show outside readers that we don't care about a new McDonald's, or any new run-of-the-mill fast food facility.
Oh and I don't understand this obsession with Jack in the Box (referring to the first post on this thread and other posts I've seen here). On the east coast we don't have them (thank heavens), and awhile ago someone coerced me during a hungry moment of desperation into trying something from there (in Texas) just so I could say I ate there. UG!!!!! BLECH!!!! Waste of a few bucks! To each their own I guess, if you grew up with it I guess I can sort of understand, maybe. In any case, most fast food chains are generally nasty, its all a matter of which ones are more tolerable!
Anyway, my point: support local places!
Let's show outside readers that we don't take ourselves so seriously as to think we can't have a good ol' Mickey Dee's burger if we get the notion. It is possible to be successful without becoming an elitist.
okclee 04-14-2007, 01:07 PM I really think we should try hard to phase out these types of threads (quasi-supportive of fast food chains in the area) in light of the recent OKC title of "fast food capital of the country". Let's show outside readers that we don't care about a new McDonald's, or any new run-of-the-mill fast food facility.
Oh and I don't understand this obsession with Jack in the Box (referring to the first post on this thread and other posts I've seen here). On the east coast we don't have them (thank heavens), and awhile ago someone coerced me during a hungry moment of desperation into trying something from there (in Texas) just so I could say I ate there. UG!!!!! BLECH!!!! Waste of a few bucks! To each their own I guess, if you grew up with it I guess I can sort of understand, maybe. In any case, most fast food chains are generally nasty, its all a matter of which ones are more tolerable!
Anyway, my point: support local places!
I agree with you Jerzee, but for different reasons, such as diet and exercise.
There is nothing wrong with a BigMac every now and again (although not my choice) , but Okc is killing itself with all of these fast food junk that we keep feeding ourselves.
Let's make Okc a healthier place to live, it that has nothing to do with being "elitist". It has everything to do with taking care of ourself as a society.
Oklahoma City has one of the greatest resources of any city and that is our citizens, we need to promote diet and exercise and not the new fast-food joint or the new all-you-can-eat buffet.
I am tired of seeing the people of Okc getting fatter by the minute.
JerzeeGrlinOKC 04-14-2007, 04:37 PM Geez ChuckDiesel, I hardly think that grabbing a burger once in awhile gave us the distinction of fast food capital of the country. I hardly think it has anything to do with being elitist either, I'm just saying that the quantity on a whole by which we (this city and this country, for that matter) consume fast food is both detrimental to the economy and ourselves. And I still think that there is so much better to offer in this city, its just a shame to promote all these crusty fast food joints. Just a shame, and a waste of space. :fighting3
And it sort of does matter what outsiders think, to our market and our economy. If we keep making these top ten lists (fattest city, fast food capital, etc) its not something to hang any hat on, and people are not going to want to move here (jobs, economy, again). Plus if we keep stuffing our arteries full of fast food we're going to be in the top ten for medical costs (maybe we already are, who knows).
Look, I moved out here recently and I truly love this place and I want to see it flourish and become a better and healthier city, don't you? I hope the rest of the country can see OKC for what it really is, not these awful and misleading titles. That's why it matters.
JerzeeGrlinOKC 04-14-2007, 04:44 PM And thanks, okclee, you have the other half of it too. I do like to go out to eat though, not fast food, but that doesn't mean its any better healthwise.
CMSturgeon 04-14-2007, 04:57 PM I blame the poll findings on hard workers. Where do most of us go for lunch? I know there is a Wendys RIGHT by my job. I, however, no longer eat fast food 12x a month like I did in high school, I just dont like to spend the money. Who cares if I want to go to Wendy's and get a triple cheese burger, fries, and a coke. I'm not fat. That's my justification, I'm not fat.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-14-2007, 06:34 PM One thing I really get tired of is self-righteous people. You know those people who think they have a right to tell other people how to live.
This is a free country and I can eat what I want, as many times as I want. If it kills me, so be it. I am not going to blame you for my waist size and my health problems. I work for a living, I pay taxes and I pay my medical bills. I do not come to your house and tell you how to live and what to eat, so stay out my business.
I think the world would be a better place if more people learned to tend their own problems first before point fingers at everyone else.
Banning fast food is not going make the world a better place. On the other hand, if we eliminate the self-righteous busybodies we might actually solve some of the world's problems.
Karried 04-14-2007, 06:56 PM Well, you have to admit there is some correlation between obesity, heart disease and higher than average health care costs....something that does affect us all.
We are self employed.. because Okies love their fries, our health insurance costs are triple what they were in CA.... ( I asked why are they so high - 'easy - because we live in Oklahoma' ).
Hubby just dropped $600 bucks to find out he is healthy as a horse.. our insurance doesn't cover it.
OK tops many lists on being not so healthy. Something that can be easily modified with better eating habits and more exercise.
So, yeah, no one like to be told that they might not be doing something healthy by eating, drinking, smoking to oblivion .. but there just might be some truth there.
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 04-14-2007, 09:11 PM I agree health insurance is not priced fairly. Everyone who makes an effort to take care of themselves should pay less.
My main point is that an induvidual should be allowed to live their life as they see fit. No one should be forced to live a lifestyle based on someone else's standards.
In away I think the whole living healthy trend has nothing to do with medicine in general. It has more to do with how vane our society has become. No one can age gracefully. Everyone has to look young and 100% physically fit. You have to have gleaming white teeth and flawless skin. Perfect has become the new standard.
The only reason why doctors have jumped on the perfect band wagon is because it is a big fat cash cow. Cosmetics, unneccessary enhancements, health food, vitamin supplements and weight loss schemes pay out millions to doctors every year. Even the biggest quack in town can take home a healthy paycheck.
Karried 04-14-2007, 09:28 PM No one can age gracefully. Everyone has to look young and 100% physically fit. You have to have gleaming white teeth and flawless skin. Perfect has become the new standard.
Yeah, I can see your point about that.
Look at our celebrity youth.. they are mostly anorexic, sporting fake tans, complete with translucent veneers and thousand dollar purses.. a little liposuction - who can compete? All the ordinary kids who don't have the money to emulate them feel gross,ugly and worthless.
It is a very sad state of affairs.
No one should be forced to live a lifestyle based on someone else's standards.
It's very clear that no one is forcing Oklahoma Citians to live by any kind of health standard.
MadMonk 04-17-2007, 07:15 AM It's very clear that no one is forcing Oklahoma Citians to live by any kind of health standard.
Though not for any lack of effort.
okclee 04-17-2007, 08:12 AM I got an email from my wife's family, which lives out of state, and they were referring to the list of Okc as the fast food king.
They are not from here and ironically they have made the statement before on how many fast food places that we have here in Okc.
Each time they visit Okc they want to eat at all different places that they don't have in Minneapolis. They have also stated that if they lived here that they would weigh 300lbs, because of all of the fat places to eat.