View Full Version : What are you doing this weekend? 3-30-07
CMSturgeon 03-29-2007, 06:56 PM What are you doing this weekend?
Party? I want to go.
BYOB you say? I don't want to go then.
No plans yet for me! I still want to check out the Napoleon exhibit and would like to go try out Royal Bavaria but I'm pretty low on cash until Monday.
Texas Hold Em at my place and then Thunderrun this weekend
Friday going to see Aaron Tippen
Intrepid 03-29-2007, 08:42 PM I actually have a Friday night free and nothing to do. As for Saturday and Sunday, I will be working 1-945p, as usual.
CMSturgeon 03-29-2007, 10:33 PM 1-945p huh? Whats that?
redcup 03-29-2007, 10:57 PM Leaving tomorrow afternoon on a big bird to San Francisco to visit my DS and his GF!
Have not flown since 911 and am pretty nervous that I have packed something that will land me in the hoosgow :dizzy:
Will return Wed. afternoon!
Leaving DH to batch it while I am gone.
You all stay out of trouble and have a great weekend (if it is possible to do both at the same time):Smiley208
Intrepid 03-29-2007, 10:57 PM 1-945p huh? Whats that?
i'll be working from 1p-945p on Saturday and Sunday.
CMSturgeon 03-29-2007, 11:24 PM lol. I feel dumb now. Thanks Intrepid.
For people that are into bikes Thunder Run is this weekend ...
Martin 03-30-2007, 06:58 AM going to bricktown with friends for dinner and a movie tonight.
saturday's currently open... but after a busy week, that's not such a bad thing.
BailJumper 03-30-2007, 07:21 AM We're (me and the guys) doing Thunder Run tonite (usually a good party before the real even starts on Staurday). Maybe stop in on Sat. just depends on how late we are up tonite. The wife is driving to Tulsa for some ballet thing tonite.
Saturday I'm doing some yard work for sure since the ground is all wet and easy to pull stuff up.
Saturday night is poker and BBQ night.
Sunday we are doing a morning outing to the Zoo.
Martin 03-30-2007, 07:30 AM the important question... so where's the barbecue gonna be from? -M
BailJumper 03-30-2007, 07:34 AM the important question... so where's the barbecue gonna be from?
Neighbor has a smoker and he starts cooking today! Ribs and hotlinks - O,yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!
Also, if I can score some Cosby tickets, I'm gonna surprise the wife for Sunday evening.
Karried 03-30-2007, 08:09 AM I'm so jealous.. I Miss our bike so badly!! One of the first casualities to go the first year we moved here.. hubby worked constantly 12 - 14 hour days - and bike sat in garage for a year.. never took it out.. so we decided to sell it.. I regret it daily .. especially when I hear about bike runs and biker gatherings.. I was thinking about surprising him for his birthday... I know what he likes.. I would love to track down his last bike and buy it back.. Harley Road King Classic.. Dallas Cowboy Colors, Blue and Diamond Ice... all the fun stuff..we didn't have time to ride it often but when we did, it was such a blast - really loved it. Heavy sigh....
Redcup, put any liquids.. ie even lip gloss, travel lotions, nail polish, anything that you carry in your purse or check in bag in a Clear Ziplock Bag.. I believe One gallon size.. remember to wear slip off shoes, take them off and put them in the trays at security with your watch, bracelets etc. (Bring an extra pair of warm socks in your check in bag because it's gets so chilly on your feet) .. Get there early. Have fun!
dismayed 03-30-2007, 09:17 PM I might be going to the Medieval Fair in Norman this weekend, if the rain lets up. Anyone else going?
BailJumper 03-31-2007, 07:30 AM Well we stayed home last night due to the weather and boy am I glad.
Around 8pm we noticed our living room was FLOODING! The pond behind our house overflowed its banks and into our house.
Spent the night sweeping the flow of water away from the house and mopping and towleing the wood floors. YUCK!
Keith 03-31-2007, 08:15 AM Well we stayed home last night due to the weather and boy am I glad.
Around 8pm we noticed our living room was FLOODING! The pond behind our house overflowed its banks and into our house.
Spent the night sweeping the flow of water away from the house and mopping and towleing the wood floors. YUCK!
Yeah, I went to work at 7 yesterday morning, and didn't leave until 10:30 last night. With all the flooding, we had over 130 sewer backups reported. Many homes flooded due to the rain. I'm up this morning, but I'm sure I'll be called in to work.
PUGalicious 03-31-2007, 08:16 AM I was gonna mow and get my lawn under control, but there's so much standing water in my yard, I guess that will have to wait -- oh shucky darn.
Karried 03-31-2007, 08:46 AM Bailjumper!! OH no... that is horrible.
Did you get it all up and cleaned out?
At least today you can air it all out.. if it got on the carpet, make sure the pad isn't soaked (if it is, I would go rent a carpet shampooer and extract any water)
Thankfully you have wood floors!
Did you see my flood pics, that creek is the same one that backs up to my Mom's house who's patio is just a few feet from the creek.. she was panicked. She is pretty high up but still - pretty scary.
Pugalicious, no worries, tomorrow it is suppose to be 80! You'll have plenty of time to enjoy your favorite pasttime of lawn work.. ha,ha..
BailJumper 03-31-2007, 11:11 AM Unfortunately, our 'wood' floors are the snap together Sam's Club type. They do not mix with water.
They are ruined. About 550 square feet.
We'll move all the furniture out and replace the floor next weekend. We put it in the first time in a day (ALL DAY!).
I think since the room will have to be emptied and the floor taken up, it would be a good time to remove the popcorn cathedral ceiling and put in some recessed lighting.
The joys of home ownership!
bandnerd 03-31-2007, 11:22 AM Well, I was supposed to go out last night with a friend...but since it was so bad I stayed home with the hubby and had pizza and watched House. Went to bed pretty early. It was a good time.
Today, more hanging around the house...I need some down time. Plan on working out later (it's been too long) and cleaning up because tomorrow afternoon I have a friend coming to stay for 3 days. We plan to go to Bennigan's tomorrow night (she really likes the place and they don't have it in her town in SC). Other than that, just laundry and groceries, the usual.
TomGirl 03-31-2007, 12:26 PM I guess I'm going to looking for a new lawn guy! I haven't seen mine this year and my lawn is looking horrible! Does anyone do lawns or know someone that wants to do mine this season? I'm at about 122nd & Lake Hefner Pkwy.
This weekend, I'm at the hospital with my wife and new baby, Isabella Joy.
CMSturgeon 04-01-2007, 08:47 PM but since it was so bad I stayed home with the hubby and had pizza and watched House.
I am so sorry, so so sorry.
Spartan 04-01-2007, 09:07 PM Well, I was supposed to go out last night with a friend...but since it was so bad I stayed home with the hubby and had pizza and watched House. Went to bed pretty early. It was a good time.
How's the hubby?
Keith 04-01-2007, 09:30 PM Let's see...I worked half a day Saturday because of all the flooding, and then on Sunday, church.....mowed 4 lawns, and then church again. I need to go back to work to get some rest.
BailJumper 04-02-2007, 06:38 AM Dried out our living room Friday (flooded).
Saturday we did some yard work and pushed the BBQ and poker to Sunday.
Saturday night we took in the Hornet vs. Knicks. Excellent game and overtime.
Karried 04-02-2007, 08:01 AM Bailjumper, are you sure your floors are ruined? Did they dry out? Or did they warp or come unglued? You might be able to reuse the floor.. bummer, bummer... sorry to hear of it.