View Full Version : Training Employees

03-28-2007, 10:29 AM
What tips do you managers have to keep your new employees professional, loyal, and enthusiastic? What mistakes have you made that you have learned from when training employees?

I will add my own later.

03-28-2007, 11:05 AM
Mistakes.. I know a big one is not being clear and concise about employee expectations and job description. Making it up and changing it constantly makes employees feel as if they can never do anything right and are always criticized if it's not crystal clear what they should be doing.

I think being a good leader and motivator is really important.. make employees feel like team players, tell them you appreciate their hard work, have monthly evaluations, possibly reward extras (going above and beyond)...

I know being a good leader is being able to let go and not micro manage. It empowers employees to feel that their boss trusts their decision making skills and execution of duties ( of course training is key first).

03-28-2007, 04:37 PM
I always like clear communication, an open door policy, unwavering fairness, consistency, realistic expectations and feedback.

Not only do I perform evalutations on staff, but also solicit anonymous evaluations on my performance as well.

Be a leader, confidant, and mentor. However, I caution ever becoming a 'friend.' Demand respect by earning it and reflect respect to others.

Also, as a team leader I try and deflect praise to my team and support staff.