View Full Version : Don't hang up on me you son of a.....

03-27-2007, 06:04 PM
Do any of you work in a position in which you deal with customers on the phone? Just had a guy call about a property for lease and then I told him the person he needed to speak with was out of the office for the day and he said "i'll just call her tomorrow," and then hung up on me. I guess it's just me 'pet peeve' but that really annoys me. Where are the manners? In regards to customer service jobs, or any job where you have to deal with customers, what do the people do that makes you the most angry?

My most amusing day was watching a lady (who wasnt even a customer but argued over the phone with a coworker) try to hit my coworker with her shoe.

03-27-2007, 07:11 PM
I think people tend to be a bully on the phone because they know they can get away with it. The chances of ever encountering the person your abusing on the other end of the phone in person is slim. If you do see them, the chances are even slimmer that they are not going to remember you and vice versa.

In person you cannot bully very many people because most people are going to stand up to you either verbally or physically.

03-27-2007, 08:39 PM
Had a funny customer experience when I was a teller for Liberty Bank yrs ago

Woman went through the drive thru trying to cash a check for her husband...I informed her only he could cash it...After trying to explain her sob story she peeled out and left

Came back 15 minutes later and intentionally took the last lane...Of course I noticed it was her again...This time she had put a hat on her young son (Looked 10 or so) trying to make him look like the husband...Knew I had her so I told her we weren't able to visually verify her husband so I will keep the check and just please have him come inside to cash it

By that time everyone was standing to the side laughing cause we wanted to see what she was going to do now....Whole thing was ruined by my mgr sending the check back just saying we couldn't cash it...He didn't know the whole story before he did that

Man I was pissed he ruined our fun!!