View Full Version : Restaurants In Moore

03-27-2007, 08:27 AM
Okay...I know I have lived here all of my life...and I know the basic places here, but with all the growth...

And we are Members of STAR Touring...It is a National and International MC club that supports Feed the Children and promotes Riding safely with family as our focus...
I believe there are 4 chapters in OK one in Tulsa, Stillwater, 2 in OKC...
We are members of Chapter 378 out NW OKC...

Any way...They are always asking me where we can make Dinner rides in Moore...and I am like DUH....
Just been living here all my life...No I am not blonde, but if not for the "bottle" I would be pretty gray...

Anyways...I am looking for some suggestions here....

Thanks Guys..

03-27-2007, 08:50 AM
About how many people we talking about Cindy??

03-27-2007, 09:14 AM
Usually we have about 15 or 20...
Depending on Life and weather and you know who can show up that week...

03-27-2007, 10:32 AM
For dinner...Maybe Royal Bavaria on Sooner...Really good German food and beer

04-03-2007, 06:02 PM
The beer at Royal Bavaria is terrible and I was not impressed by the food - maybe it was an off night because I know a lot of people love it - but I don't think I will be going back.

04-03-2007, 06:14 PM
Moore is a sad , sad, place to find a good restaurant.

04-03-2007, 08:04 PM
Yeah there really isn't anything here aside from 15 to 20 places...Wish there was a Buffalo Wild Wings. or a Chili's, or a Dan McGuinness or a Applebee's or a Royal Bavaria or a Alfredo's or a Quizno's or a IHOP or an Earl's or a Berkley's or a ....

04-03-2007, 08:20 PM
The beer at Royal Bavaria is terrible and I was not impressed by the food - maybe it was an off night because I know a lot of people love it - but I don't think I will be going back.

Haven't heard that one yet...

04-04-2007, 11:25 AM
Yeah there really isn't anything here aside from 15 to 20 places...Wish there was a Buffalo Wild Wings. or a Chili's, or a Dan McGuinness or a Applebee's or a Royal Bavaria or a Alfredo's or a Quizno's or a IHOP or an Earl's or a Berkley's or a ....

Easy , I did not say there weren't any restaurants in Moore. I said good restaurants (In my opinion, of course), I don't consider BWW, Chillis, Applebees, Quizno's, IHOP, etc, etc, to be good dining restaurants, I think they are average. I would like to see less chain restaurants and more local type with high quality food and service. If I was wanting to impress an out of town business exec, in Moore where would I dine?

04-04-2007, 11:41 AM
Royal Bavaria

04-04-2007, 11:41 AM
Well since we aren't trying to impress any out of town clients<g> Just friends who like to get together, ride and eat...LOL...we decided on Van's Pig Stand...
I wasn't sure that they could handle that many folks as when I was there, it seemed so small. But the manager on duty said they there we have it...We are usually dressed pretty casual when we ride...LOL...although many of our Riders are Business Men and Women...when we let our hair hang out or is that down...LOL...well you know...Most of the folks are from the north side of town and so I hope to show them A Moore Welcome...
Thanks for all the input...

Oh and by the way...Any one who is interested in Riding with a group of Bikers and most of us are Hanging somewhere Close to Plus or minus the 50th birthday...
Who are family orientated(is that a word) which means we do things that is appropiate for all ages...and we welcome familys...I would like you to consider Joining us....STARS Touring...We support Feed the Children..we are actually International with Chapters world wide...
There are 4 in OK...We are members of Chapter 378 in Northwest OKC.
We have a business meeting Tomorrow night, April 5 at Hometown Buffet at NW 63rd and North West Expressway...You are welcome to join us
Our sponsor is Maxey's Cycles of OKC...We did meet there at his Club house until he rented it out to another proprieter...So therefore we moved our meetings...
Oh and you don't have to ride a Yamaha to be a member...the only requirement for owning a if you want to be President of the Chapter...We welcome all Models...In fact ...Mike and I bought a Brand new Ultraglide Classic Harley for our Christmas/Anniversary...Bless his heart...He traded in his 05 Midnight Silverado that he had put about 4000.00 in so that I would be more comfortable...

Any one interested please email me and I will give you my phone number and any information...Also the website for our club is ...
STAR Touring and Riding Chapter 378 (


04-06-2007, 01:41 PM
I just wanted to add to the post above...Because I cannot edit it...
In the last sentence I referred to our Motorcycle Chapter as a Club.
This is a mistake and I am sorry. For those who are are members of Motorcycle Clubs you know what I am talking about. For all others this sounds like a ramble.
I apologize to those members of Motorcycle Clubs that may have took it the wrong way...
My Gray was showing and my words get mumble jumbled in my brain sometimes..

We are a Chapter of a Motorcycle Association.

I would like to invite anyone interested in riding with us to visit our website
STAR Touring and Riding Chapter 378 (

08-18-2007, 06:01 PM
I like Royal Bavaria. Never had the beer, though.