03-27-2007, 07:24 AM
I think this probably qualifies as an obsession...
PULLMAN, Washington (AP (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/27/underwear.theft.ap/index.html)) -- A man was charged with theft and burglary after police said they found 93 pounds of women's panties, brassieres and other underwear at his home.
Investigators believe Garth M. Flaherty, 24, took as many as 1,500 undergarments from apartment complex laundry rooms before he was caught, police Cmdr. Chris Tennant said.
A man was seen taking underwear from two laundry rooms Saturday, a witness recorded his license number, and Flaherty was identified from photographs, Tennant said.
Police found enough underwear in his bedroom to fill five garbage bags, Tennant said.
"He said he had a problem," Tennant said.
A problem? I should say so! All those panties and nothing to wear...
PULLMAN, Washington (AP (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/27/underwear.theft.ap/index.html)) -- A man was charged with theft and burglary after police said they found 93 pounds of women's panties, brassieres and other underwear at his home.
Investigators believe Garth M. Flaherty, 24, took as many as 1,500 undergarments from apartment complex laundry rooms before he was caught, police Cmdr. Chris Tennant said.
A man was seen taking underwear from two laundry rooms Saturday, a witness recorded his license number, and Flaherty was identified from photographs, Tennant said.
Police found enough underwear in his bedroom to fill five garbage bags, Tennant said.
"He said he had a problem," Tennant said.
A problem? I should say so! All those panties and nothing to wear...