...is land north of the current I-40 going to be aquired as well? I'd really like the Ford dealership south of the Botanical Gardens, the McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. wiped clean and built over. Plus, there are a lot of run down buildings just west of downtown that I wouldn't mind seeing go. Does anyone know what to expect in that area? Everything I've seen focuses on building south of I-40.
It encompasses a great area, hence 'Core to Shore'. Core=CBD to Shore=both shores of the Oklahoma River.
03-27-2007, 01:56 AM
I'm sure if there is a big push for redevelopment of the lands south of the blvd. (the current I-40) there will be consequent development to the north in already established areas of the south CBD. I especially think the areas around Myriad Gardens have loads of potential with the CBD and hotels to the north, convention center and Ford Center to the east, and then mostly under-utilized space to the west and south. I would love to see those areas redeveloped before I see anything happen south of I-40. Myriad Gardens has the potential to be the 'Central Park' of OKC, an oasis surrounding by buildings and active streetlife.
03-27-2007, 03:56 PM
...is land north of the current I-40 going to be aquired as well? I'd really like the Ford dealership south of the Botanical Gardens, the McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. wiped clean and built over. Plus, there are a lot of run down buildings just west of downtown that I wouldn't mind seeing go. Does anyone know what to expect in that area? Everything I've seen focuses on building south of I-40.
Okay, look. A lot of those "run down" areas just of downtown are great, historic warehouses that can be rehabbed and the shells adaptively reused for urban development. Ever heard of Film Row? There are two projects in there, the Hart on Film Row, and Film Exchange, that do just like that.
03-27-2007, 04:14 PM
I agree. The old warehouses need to be rehabbed. The car dealerships need to go for sure. The fast food places I would rather see in more urban buildings, but I doubt it will happen any time soon.
03-27-2007, 09:52 PM
My point is just let's be careful what we say before let's start exalting ourselves and making crazy statements like, "Let's just know it all down!!!"
I wasn't exalting myself and I certainly don't think I was writing anything crazy. I know there are a lot of old warehouses that we should keep, but there are also a lot of old, run down, pieces of crap that have no business being located in such an area once the revitalization is complete. You can't polish a turd. If that's crazy talk, I'll commit myself.
03-28-2007, 06:21 PM
does ne 1 know the current status on the i-40 relocation. i've tried looking up the progression to date and haven't found nething.
03-28-2007, 06:24 PM
I live in Okc and drive by once and a while and can't really see what's going on over there. I heard they were supposed to be done in 2008, but it doesn't look like it's going to get done by then by the look of things.
03-28-2007, 08:59 PM
yes, its still under construction but the opening date has been pushed back to 2012, if you do a search here or a google, you will find much discussion on it. I took pictures of the new bridge they are working on by the Chesapeake boathouse. I'm posting them now so you can see them in my gallery.