View Full Version : Old lady murderers

03-25-2007, 08:53 AM
Depravity knows no age or gender bounds...

LOS ANGELES (USA Today ( — Two women in their 70s face trial here on charges that they insured the lives of two homeless men and ran them over with a car in hit-and-run murders to collect millions of dollars in death benefits.

Longtime friends Helen Golay, 76, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 74, are to be arraigned March 29 on homicide and conspiracy counts. Paul Vados, 73, was killed in a Hollywood alley in 1999. Kenneth McDavid, 50, died in an alley near UCLA in 2005. After a preliminary hearing last week, a judge ordered the women to stand trial. The defendants had pleaded not guilty to an earlier criminal complaint in the case.

"Local newspapers have compared this bizarre case to the comical plot of Arsenic and Old Lace, but these were brutal murders," says Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Shellie Samuels, who is prosecuting. "The pure and simple motive was greed."

Court documents allege the defendants installed the transients in apartments and paid rent for two years to keep track of them while paying premiums on 24 insurance policies worth a total of $5.7 million.