View Full Version : Man Commits Suicide Live On Webcam

03-24-2007, 08:25 AM
Is this the virtual world that some are "looking forward" to?

Teleford, England -- Aman who apparently committed suicide while using an Internet chat room with other people died of hanging, police said Friday.

The body of Kevin Whitrick (javascript:siteSearch('Kevin Whitrick');), a father of two children, was found Wednesday night after a chat room user contacted police to report that the 42-year-old had "self-harmed" while online via a Webcam.

Whitrick, of Telford, a town in central England (javascript:siteSearch('England');), was found hanged at his house after police were alerted to the tragedy. (more (

03-24-2007, 07:27 PM
How can it be virtual if he's really dead? The two environments are not related, except for the minor point that both involve some computer use.

03-24-2007, 07:52 PM
They are related in that some people cannot distinguish the two... and some don't want to.