03-23-2007, 08:49 AM
This was posted on another message board that I visit. The board is for 20-something women.
Could you date/marry someone with wildly different beliefs than you? Say you are deeply religious and your partner is an Atheist?
***I'm kind of in the middle of a flame war over there right now, because a young woman posted something that I found to be very judgmental of Catholics, and when I stood up and said, hey, that's not cool, they're jumping all over me!
My experience:
I married someone with wildly different beliefs than my own. I am an Atheist, and he is a Catholic. Now, while he doesn't attend church very often (his problem is more time-related than anything with being a full-time employee AND a full-time law student) he holds his beliefs very near and dear to his heart. There are things he disagrees with the Roman Catholic Church; however, and really, that was just how he was raised. I call his church a "progressive" Catholic church, because they see todays issues and teach accordingly. They teach safe sex (they push abstinence when they can, but they aren't going to play dumb, either) they don't hound you about not using contraception, etc.
I have not been religious since high school. Some things happened in my life, while I was at the church, that changed my views forever. It's just not what I believe. Though I do respect those who are deeply religious and believe; I just don't agree.
When we were married, we were married in the Catholic church. The priest had no problems with the choices we had made in our lives. He knew I wasn't religious; he didn't care. He told me that I obviously understood that compromise was important in a marriage and it was very kind of me to have my wedding in the church though I wasn't religious. I told him that every other aspect of the wedding had been of my choosing ;) He thought I was funny.
Religion has never been a problem for our relationship. He doesn't try to change me, and I don't belittle him for his beliefs. You don't marry someone to change them; sometimes, we just have to accept people as they are, especially if we love them.
So when I see someone about my age who says they "lose respect" for someone who engages in pre-marital sex, especially Catholics; well, I get a little upset. Especially when this person isn't even religious herself, but a "mystic" or whatever she calls herself. Because she knows the Bible "says it's wrong" she's going to lose respect for people.
Because Catholics aren't allowed to make mistakes?
I was quite upset by this argument.
So what is your experience? I know we have a lot of differing views on religion here, but I don't remember ever having discussed it in the realm of relationships and marriage.
Could you date/marry someone with wildly different beliefs than you? Say you are deeply religious and your partner is an Atheist?
***I'm kind of in the middle of a flame war over there right now, because a young woman posted something that I found to be very judgmental of Catholics, and when I stood up and said, hey, that's not cool, they're jumping all over me!
My experience:
I married someone with wildly different beliefs than my own. I am an Atheist, and he is a Catholic. Now, while he doesn't attend church very often (his problem is more time-related than anything with being a full-time employee AND a full-time law student) he holds his beliefs very near and dear to his heart. There are things he disagrees with the Roman Catholic Church; however, and really, that was just how he was raised. I call his church a "progressive" Catholic church, because they see todays issues and teach accordingly. They teach safe sex (they push abstinence when they can, but they aren't going to play dumb, either) they don't hound you about not using contraception, etc.
I have not been religious since high school. Some things happened in my life, while I was at the church, that changed my views forever. It's just not what I believe. Though I do respect those who are deeply religious and believe; I just don't agree.
When we were married, we were married in the Catholic church. The priest had no problems with the choices we had made in our lives. He knew I wasn't religious; he didn't care. He told me that I obviously understood that compromise was important in a marriage and it was very kind of me to have my wedding in the church though I wasn't religious. I told him that every other aspect of the wedding had been of my choosing ;) He thought I was funny.
Religion has never been a problem for our relationship. He doesn't try to change me, and I don't belittle him for his beliefs. You don't marry someone to change them; sometimes, we just have to accept people as they are, especially if we love them.
So when I see someone about my age who says they "lose respect" for someone who engages in pre-marital sex, especially Catholics; well, I get a little upset. Especially when this person isn't even religious herself, but a "mystic" or whatever she calls herself. Because she knows the Bible "says it's wrong" she's going to lose respect for people.
Because Catholics aren't allowed to make mistakes?
I was quite upset by this argument.
So what is your experience? I know we have a lot of differing views on religion here, but I don't remember ever having discussed it in the realm of relationships and marriage.