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01-18-2012, 05:02 PM
A while back and this has been around 7-10 years probably The rumor was that Frontier city was buying the property around it to move White Water out there. I doubt this is happening now but it is worth mentioning. Other waterpark rumors were that prior to the Moore area construction on I-35 Schlitterbahn was interested in that stretch of road.

01-18-2012, 10:11 PM
Thanks for the pics

Richard at Remax
01-19-2012, 09:19 AM
Wonder why they are being so quiet?

THey are probably quiet because people aren't responding well liek they hoped to the "water" upgrades on the wildcat. We want rides, not to get wet.

01-19-2012, 02:32 PM
I drove by earlier today and it didn't look like anything new or anything going on period.

01-19-2012, 05:19 PM
Well the website still says "new attraction for 2012" so I guess we can hope for something new (and good)

01-21-2012, 08:13 PM
Frontier city411 Facebook "tune in tomorrow at 2pm for a special announcement,you won't want to miss this"

01-21-2012, 09:46 PM
Odd timing if it is indeed the official announcement

01-22-2012, 01:01 AM
I think they wanted to announce a month ago but had to delay, or FC411 has a "leak" from an employee, or they're just announcing something stupid. FC411 is a passionate albeit bit weird fan group, like most park fan groups.

Final speculative guess before the "announcement": a 20-passenger flume ride from Hopkins/Skytrans Manufacturing with a basic up and down oval layout. One of these rides was just installed at a park in Alabama last year. These rides are cheap, can be set up fairly quickly, I assume they are being marketed fairly heavily due to the new Skytrans partnership, and of course: they make a huge splash. This speculation is highly optimistic and is based entirely on the fact that they put splash imagery in their teasers, and on what I see on the market right now that would give them a splash to tease about. This ride would fit right into the park, both physically due to it's small footprint and in a crowd pleasing sense due to the high number of people that can be entertained and cooled off at once. This is one of those rides that makes a huge splash that gets both riders and nearby spectators soaked. After looking at the park's website and seeing that they are literally marketing "something new for 2012" I can't see how they wouldn't be planning a new ride, unless they are really, really bad at marketing. And yes, this is something that can be built in a few months. Alabama's began construction in January I think and was open in May.

I have a feeling I'll be let down though...

01-22-2012, 02:06 AM
I have a feeling I'll be let down though...

I'm usually one who looks on the positive side of things, so I hate to say... I have a feeling you are right

01-22-2012, 02:06 PM
Oh yea, water cannons and small kiddie pools.


Now, the big announcement that everyone has been waiting for is our team can now confirm what to expect in 2012 at Frontier City. Our team can confirm that the south parking lot also known as the employee lot will be the place of a water fortress type attraction, a small pool area, and lounging area. The park will renovate the HR building to allow for changing rooms. This may be a disappointment to some after many were expecting a medium water park expansion.

01-22-2012, 02:23 PM
it's a bit like the last Indiana Jones movie all over again

01-22-2012, 02:32 PM
Oh yea, water cannons and small kiddie pools.


it would have been a whole lot better in the current customers lot and not the employee lot..oh well .

Richard at Remax
01-22-2012, 02:56 PM
zZZZZZ Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

01-22-2012, 03:46 PM
Wow, actually - I'm pleased with this announcement and I think it's a good step for the park. It's not the ride I was hoping for, but it will be a crowd pleaser for younger families and it will enable and entice more people to come during the hottest parts of the summer when their attendance has been heavily impacted in recent years. They obviously know what they are doing and choose this addition based on their market research and crowd targeting needs. I know a lot of teens may be disappointed that they won't get a new coaster or thrill ride, but honestly most parks today are trying to drive the teens away anyway. It turns out the thrill seekers are really the worst customers for most parks - the young families that something like this will attract will bring them vastly more money.

I mean, this probably won't get me to come out to the park next year either, and I'm a hardcore ride junkie, but I think they're doing right by themselves. I'm just glad to see new investment in the park.

01-22-2012, 04:40 PM
Uh, what was the announcement, nothing was posted other than speculation...

01-22-2012, 06:36 PM
^metro, the "announcement" was a leak by a fan site that stated that the new addition would be a "water fortress" style play area with some kind of pool amenities attached. Basically a mini water park to accompany the dry park instead of building a complete new water park to compete with WWB. The old HR Building (former SF headquarters once upon a time I believe), will be converted to changing rooms.

It will be interesting to see if the fortress structure is more like the old Splash Harbor attraction that used to be at Silver Dollar City with water cannons, or more like what a lot of water parks have with a tipping bucket and slides. Sounds more like the latter since there may be a small pool attached.

01-22-2012, 07:20 PM
Wow, sounds lame. They really need a few good sized coasters.

01-29-2012, 09:36 PM
Seems like it's been/being canceled/revised/delayed because I was driving by today and noticed that the banner and trash bin were gone

02-08-2012, 08:05 PM
They ripped the parking lot up

02-09-2012, 01:18 AM
Good to hear they finally started work on this, I was getting worried that they might have cancelled it or something.

For anyone wondering what this is, there is a photo of a similar attraction on this page:

Basically it sounds like it will be a fairly small water play structure like what you might see in the kid's area of a water park. There might be some splash pad stuff to go with it.

Again, this is a very popular concept for young children that has proven itself at several other parks across the country already. A small park down in Texas that is close to FC's size is also adding this kind of attraction this year, and nearly every other park in the country that doesn't have a full water park directly attached has something like this. As much as we all like big rides and roller coasters, this is a smart investment for the park and I think it will pay off big time for them.

There's every possibility for a new coaster or something bigger soon. Considering the time frame it takes to design a new coaster it would have been tough to add one this year, but the new owners are the type that could be working on something pretty big for 2013. A good reaction by families to this addition will surely show them the potential in this property.

02-14-2012, 12:59 PM
$1.3 million building permit today for "Frontier City Spray Deck".

02-14-2012, 01:02 PM
Well, although we all wished for/wanted some major additions. This is still good news. Amusement parks die when they don't expand, renovate, update etc.. As long as they continue to invest in the park they will be fine. Hopefully one day we will see some larger additions.

02-14-2012, 04:30 PM
I could have sworn Frontier City used to have something like this in their kid area. A play fortress type thingy with water. (no pool though) It has been years since I've been there though.

Good to hear they finally started work on this, I was getting worried that they might have cancelled it or something.

For anyone wondering what this is, there is a photo of a similar attraction on this page:

Basically it sounds like it will be a fairly small water play structure like what you might see in the kid's area of a water park. There might be some splash pad stuff to go with it.

Again, this is a very popular concept for young children that has proven itself at several other parks across the country already. A small park down in Texas that is close to FC's size is also adding this kind of attraction this year, and nearly every other park in the country that doesn't have a full water park directly attached has something like this. As much as we all like big rides and roller coasters, this is a smart investment for the park and I think it will pay off big time for them.

There's every possibility for a new coaster or something bigger soon. Considering the time frame it takes to design a new coaster it would have been tough to add one this year, but the new owners are the type that could be working on something pretty big for 2013. A good reaction by families to this addition will surely show them the potential in this property.

02-14-2012, 07:10 PM
Well, although we all wished for/wanted some major additions. This is still good news. Amusement parks die when they don't expand, renovate, update etc.. As long as they continue to invest in the park they will be fine. Hopefully one day we will see some larger additions.

Mmhmm. Granted not everyone can be Cedar Point, but they could at least pick up some of the older coasters that were retired from other parks but are still in good condition. If anything, just get more variety out there. I was always hoping that Cedar Fair would come in and buy them up when everyone was in their buying/selling mood.

02-14-2012, 07:29 PM
there is so much they could do to get frontier city going, they own land west of coltrane they currently use it as a ride scrap area, I would put a new parking lot there and expand the park on the old customer parking lot and into the old campground site, but a expansion will never come :(

02-14-2012, 11:09 PM
$1.3 million is more than I thought they might spend. Sounds like this might turn out real nice.

^^^They have a dry play fort, but this is akin to something out of a water park.

^^Lol, cedar fair. If you thought the Six Flags years were bad for FC, Cedar Fair would be even worse. None of the bigger operators want to touch FC unless they think they can sit on it and then flip it somehow after a few years. It's not really in a very good setup or location and will require a good amount of smart investment to really turn it into a solid attraction.

^Expansion will come, we are watching it happen right now. Your vision, however, probably won't. As fun as it is to speculate possibilities, there's no reason for them to make a massive capital investment to really expand the size of the park right now by moving the parking lot. With a few years of smart growth like this expansion, that might begin to change. The park needs to build up a solid base of customers and not rely on bored teens during the summer. This is one of the first steps towards that hopefully.

02-15-2012, 11:41 AM
The announcement is in:

Frontier City is proud to announce new to the park in 2012, Wild West Water Works, Oklahoma's largest water activity structure! This exciting new water feature is over 5 stories tall with over 198 ways to get wet, eight colorful slides, a 1,000 gallon tipping bucket, spacious lounging deck, changing facilities, showers and more, creating the ultimate water oasis for guests of all ages.

Sounds great to me, this is a LOT bigger than I thought they'd go. I guess it's so hot in the summer that they aren't even worried about gate cannibalization. FC needs something big and wet to do for them to survive the heat waves.

02-16-2012, 10:07 AM 24018_n.jpg

02-16-2012, 10:38 AM
I was expecting something smaller -- looks good. Maybe in the future this will get expanded upon.

Larry OKC
02-16-2012, 08:38 PM
And from the Oklahoman...

Wild West Water Works is set to open in May, about one month after the park itself opens April 15.

The new water attraction is five stories tall with 198 ways to get wet, and features eight colorful slides, a 1,000 gallon tipping bucket, a lounging deck, changing facilities and showers. The attraction is being added as the park prepares to open for a second season under the management of Gary Story and Kieren Burke. ...

02-16-2012, 08:53 PM
Looks like a nice addition...Hopefully it won't be another decade before they add something significant

Yo White Water...My kids are a couple years away from wanting to go...Let's spend some dough and get some new stuff in before then...Thanks

05-24-2012, 12:25 AM
I saw a video of this on the news tonight and it looks like a very fun new attraction, especially for the younger set.

05-27-2012, 02:24 PM
Couldn't believe how expensive Frontier City is! Regular prices - $35 per adult! Six Flags is running a special right now for $39 per adult. You think Six Flags is a little bigger/nicer than Frontier City? We found a discount for kids - but it still cost just under $30. And they don't include tax in their posted prices. Rip. Off!

05-27-2012, 02:37 PM
You can knock that significantly with a bit of pre-planning. Put together a couple of families as a group and purchase two weeks out and it falls to 18+ tax a ticket, and one ticket free. Nice lil' discount at that.

If it and White water are places some folks will likely visit several times over the summer, the season pass becomes a decent buy pretty dang quick.

Hook up with some scout folk and there are special scout days where tickets can be pre purchased at even less.

05-27-2012, 03:23 PM
Couldn't believe how expensive Frontier City is! Regular prices - $35 per adult! Six Flags is running a special right now for $39 per adult. You think Six Flags is a little bigger/nicer than Frontier City? We found a discount for kids - but it still cost just under $30. And they don't include tax in their posted prices. Rip. Off!

Tickets are too much for the content of the parking{i remember when it was free to park}. Certain rides/attractions are always broken. Add to that the horrible overpriced food and ill pass.

05-27-2012, 03:34 PM
Couldn't believe how expensive Frontier City is! Regular prices - $35 per adult! Six Flags is running a special right now for $39 per adult. You think Six Flags is a little bigger/nicer than Frontier City? We found a discount for kids - but it still cost just under $30. And they don't include tax in their posted prices. Rip. Off!

You can't really blame them for those prices. They have to charge what it takes to keep the place open - theme parks have a huge baseline and are ridiculously expensive to operate and they don't even make profitability until the fall most of the time. The big Six Flags parks are able to work the prices a little more because they have so much volume to work with. I assume you're talking about Six Flags over Texas down in Dallas in this instance. They get something like 2 million visitors per year compared to FC's 200-300 thousand. FC can't just scale the price to what's in the park compared to Six Flags. In any case only a small portion of their customer base even buys daily tickets anyway. Their bread and butter is the double park season passes, which are a good buy if your enjoys the park enough to visit a couple of times and maybe stop in during concert nights.

Anyway, I foresee this new water attraction working out really well for them. This management group seems to have the park all figured out now. They did really well with the concert series last year and it seems like that has revitalized a lot of their customer base. Between that, their successful fall and spring events, and this new water attraction to attract people in the heat of the summer, this has to be a good year for them.

Larry OKC
05-27-2012, 09:42 PM
While i agree that theme park prices are outrageously high, what others have said is true as well...if you do some advance planning with just about any park, you can save quite a bit of money on tickets. I used to get the out of area season pass for the Six Flags parks (back when Frontier City owned them) and for a little more than a regular priced one day ticket, you could get into any Six Flags branded theme or water park (Frontier City/Whitewater Bay not included, but did get discounts for them too). They could afford to do that because you are a captive customer once inside and they know they are going to make money off food, drinks, etc etc etc. they aren't losing money on the deal at all.

That said it seems that Frontier City has raised their prices quite a bit in a short number of years, without making substantial improvements to the park to justify it IMO.

05-27-2012, 11:27 PM
While i agree that theme park prices are outrageously high, what others have said is true as well...if you do some advance planning with just about any park, you can save quite a bit of money on tickets. I used to get the out of area season pass for the Six Flags parks (back when Frontier City owned them) and for a little more than a regular priced one day ticket, you could get into any Six Flags branded theme or water park (Frontier City/Whitewater Bay not included, but did get discounts for them too). They could afford to do that because you are a captive customer once inside and they know they are going to make money off food, drinks, etc etc etc. they aren't losing money on the deal at all.

That said it seems that Frontier City has raised their prices quite a bit in a short number of years, without making substantial improvements to the park to justify it IMO.

We've purchased season passes for the past 6 years, and the prices have always been about $65.00. That includes both Frontier City and White Water Bay. In my view, it's a great deal. FC is open in April, and you can keep going until Halloween...that's a long season. Yes, Six Flags definitely has more to offer, but the lines there are incredibly long (e.g., 1-2 hours) versus 15-20 minutes for rides at Frontier City. A few years ago, they seemed to have more problems with rides breaking down and such; we haven't experienced that lately. Again, I think the season pass is a great value.

Larry OKC
05-29-2012, 09:20 AM
I was going to get the season pass this year but when I found out they had gone up again, I may not. I rarely do water parks (dont have the body for it and dont want to subject other paying are welcome), so would only be using it for Frontier City. Dont get out that way very often, so not sure if I would use it even twice to break even on it.

The deals were in the low $40 range not that long ago and have gradually increased every year. Granted when you spread out the cost on a per visit basis, it still seems reasonable, but they don't let you pay for it that way. They want the whole $65 up front (of course if you use a credit card, you can make payments on it but then that is costing you even more). For many folks, coming up with the the extra 5, 10 or 20 bucks can be the difference between doing it and not. Especially when you factor in the cost of getting tickets by the number of people in the family etc. If those sales drop off because of it, that is additional money the park is not capturing in other attendance spending where it makes a decent profit. Seems to me, better to take the hit on the front end with affordable prices is all I am saying.

01-29-2013, 11:35 PM
I've always wondered why Frontier City doesn't had just a few high profile coasters. I haven't been to the park in 10 years, but last time I was there, I thought the atmosphere of the park was decent, probably better than a lot of superior parks, they just need a little more variety in attractions. A coaster like Mamba at Worlds of Fun would be a good start and totally doable for Frontier City. I don't see why OKC, being a popular stopping point for cross-country travelers, couldn't support a real theme park. If they had a few high profile coasters, I would buy a season pass to the park. As is now, I don't think I will even go when I can go to Six Flags for not much more. Honestly I don't know how it even makes enough money to stay open. I guess its a good place for children, but for older teens and twentysomethings, it is rather meh.

02-01-2013, 06:25 PM
I just moved here last January. I grew up 3 hours from cedar point and 3 hours from six flags Chicago. I brought a season pass to frontier city. No I was not expecting it be on the same lines as cedar point or six flags However I went twice with my season pass and thought the park really was lacking. Not one ride really last more than a minute. Who wants to wait in line 30-45 minutes for a 45 second ride. They just need one or two bigger rides and that would help the park much more.

02-01-2013, 10:42 PM
I just moved here last January. I grew up 3 hours from cedar point and 3 hours from six flags Chicago. I brought a season pass to frontier city. No I was not expecting it be on the same lines as cedar point or six flags However I went twice with my season pass and thought the park really was lacking. Not one ride really last more than a minute. Who wants to wait in line 30-45 minutes for a 45 second ride. They just need one or two bigger rides and that would help the park much more.

Agreed. Frontier City will never be a Cedar Point or even a Six Flags over Texas, but its more than capable of being a Worlds of Fun or a Silver Dollar City. Oklahoma is more than capable of supporting it as well. There just needs to be owners that will invest.

When Six Flags owned the parks that was a perfect opportunity, but they didn't want to invest in Frontier City with Six Flags Over Texas so close.

02-01-2013, 10:56 PM
Frontier City has a ton of potential. It's already a hit locally and it doesn't even have anything that "thrilling". Imagine if it got just 2 or 3 unique, hit rides. It's not like they have to go out and build it to a Six Flags over Texas standard, just add some stuff that will draw and interest people more so than what's already there.

02-04-2013, 01:23 PM
Frontier City has a ton of potential. It's already a hit locally and it doesn't even have anything that "thrilling". Imagine if it got just 2 or 3 unique, hit rides. It's not like they have to go out and build it to a Six Flags over Texas standard, just add some stuff that will draw and interest people more so than what's already there.

Therein lies your problem. Attendance and revenue must be satisfactory to not make a case for additional investment.

02-06-2013, 01:54 PM
IMO, it couldn't be in better hands. Gary Story and Keiran Burke will do the park right. Just give it time. They don't have deep pockets.

02-19-2015, 11:10 PM
Another new ride is coming.

02-19-2015, 11:22 PM
Yawn! When will frontier city get a real roller coaster? Something like Wildfire at Silver Dollar City would be awesome.

Probably the smoothest roller coaster I have ever been on.
02-19-2015, 11:58 PM
Boring. Frontier City is like the state fair of amusement parks. Makes me yearn for Busch Gardens in Tampa more and more. And Busch Gardens is open year round as well.

02-20-2015, 12:17 AM
Well excuse them. How silly is this. A new ride comes on line and all we see is criticism because it's not as huge as someone wants. Maybe they should just do nothing so nobody would have anything to complain about.

02-20-2015, 09:06 AM
Boring. Frontier City is like the state fair of amusement parks. Makes me yearn for Busch Gardens in Tampa more and more. And Busch Gardens is open year round as well.

I agree. I applaud them for trying but this ride is similar to ones you see at traveling state fairs. I cannot justify the cost of a season pass or even one time ticket to Frontier City. I miss Carowinds in Charlotte a lot and was a season pass holder every year I lived there. They are now getting the world's tallest roller coaster.

02-20-2015, 09:12 AM
not much to be excited about. as mentioned above this is no different than traveling rides at State fairs and carnivals. maybe a bit taller but not exciting.

02-20-2015, 09:27 AM
Well excuse them. How silly is this. A new ride comes on line and all we see is criticism because it's not as huge as someone wants. Maybe they should just do nothing so nobody would have anything to complain about.

Go Frontier City!

You would think that there would be some air of excitement. I'm excited, can't wait to take some of my family members to Frontier City. What's really great about living in OKC, you can do 5 to 6 things in one day. We have Frontier City, Whitewater with a number of 'real' second-to-none venues planned for our river.

When I lived in the Metroplex, they had a lot of options; however, you were fortunate to get around to complete 2 or 3 planned activities. Six Flags Over Texas, the lines for rides we're so long, you had to take a 7th inning sit down stretch (30 minute wait). We have room to grow as our city gets bigger and better.

02-20-2015, 10:05 AM
When I lived in the Metroplex, they had a lot of options; however, you were fortunate to get around to complete 2 or 3 planned activities. Six Flags Over Texas, the lines for rides we're so long, you had to take a 7th inning sit down stretch (30 minute wait). We have room to grow as our city gets bigger and better.

When you have a real amusement park with first-class rides in a major city that draws people from all over, of course there are going to be longer wait times. You can still time your visit right and go during less busy times and get right on the rides. That's what I used to do at Carowinds when I lived in Charlotte. People only go to Frontier City because its something to do and there isn't anything better unless they want to drive to DFW. This new ride won't be enough to get people excited about going there. I have no doubt Oklahoma City could support a better amusement park and a lot of people complaining are simply tired of the mediocrity.

02-20-2015, 10:32 AM
When you have a real amusement park with first-class rides in a major city that draws people from all over, of course there are going to be longer wait times. You can still time your visit right and go during less busy times and get right on the rides. That's what I used to do at Carowinds when I lived in Charlotte. People only go to Frontier City because its something to do and there isn't anything better unless they want to drive to DFW. This new ride won't be enough to get people excited about going there. I have no doubt Oklahoma City could support a better amusement park and a lot of people complaining are simply tired of the mediocrity.

Real amusement park? Wow! Don't go there, get off that gold Trojan condom horse.

Everything doesn't have to be a big mega this or that to take your family to a nice outing.

Please Chris, go time your useless lectures, go preach to the choir... Charlotte isn't all that!

I agree. I applaud them for trying but this ride is similar to ones you see at traveling state fairs. I cannot justify the cost of a season pass or even one time ticket to Frontier City. I miss Carowinds in Charlotte a lot and was a season pass holder every year I lived there. They are now getting the world's tallest roller coaster.

You need to take your hips back to Charlotte!

Just the facts
02-20-2015, 10:51 AM
I just don't understand why Frontier City can't be more like this:

Wild Adventures Theme Park | Valdosta, GA (

Valdosta, GA has a population of 54,000 and is 4 hours from metro Atlanta and 2 hours from Jacksonville. The park is in a corn field. For the movie fans out there, it was the park in Zombieland.

TU 'cane
02-20-2015, 10:59 AM
Hm... Perhaps people should be cheering instead jeering. This is the last permanent amusement park in the state since Bell's has been out of commission for a number of years now.

Some families like amusement parks, to some it helps with the quality of life living somewhere. Plus, this is a draw for the region. I would be really curious to see how many people from Kansas or Arkansas stop in yearly.

Just chalk this up as another way Frontier City is trying to expand and make their park better. Sure, it's no Six Flags, but, it's the best we can offer now and should really be cheering behind it. Tulsans, for all of the complaining they did, I think deep down wish Bell's would return in some form. Too many people complain about there not being enough to do.

02-20-2015, 11:12 AM
I just don't understand why Frontier City can't be more like this:

Wild Adventures Theme Park | Valdosta, GA (

Valdosta, GA has a population of 54,000 and is 4 hours from metro Atlanta and 2 hours from Jacksonville. The park is in a corn field. For the movie fans out there, it was the park in Zombieland.


Take a look at Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville.

It doesn't have to be Six Flags or anything world class to be a strong park. OKC could support something like this. I am disheartened by the "Well, it isn't great but its good for OKC" mindset that is being displayed here.

02-20-2015, 11:43 AM
Lol @ ANYONE that doesn't agree that both parks suck, and it's not being ungrateful to realize what a good business opportunity is being squandered with OKC's market size

OKC is supposed to be one of the top family-friendly cities every year, best place to raise a family etc. WHY?
-is it because we have great fun venues, as well as the educational ones?
-is it because the largest public school system in the largest city is top in class (or even decent)?

Most folks that are against complaints of stuff like this, DONT live in OKC proper, DONT send their kids to OCPS, and are ALWAYS hitting the highways\airport to other, more productive cities
They aren't as mutually invested in the prosperity of the City, like others
Some of ya'll even voted against taxes that helped get the Thunder here......

It appears the way to improvement may just go through closing both Frontier City and WhiteWater.....
They literally brought a ride called the CircleJerk, and that's all........
Let em die off, and then let some other developer give it a shot

We're all going to eventually learn that the right answer is not always "just go to Dallas"

02-20-2015, 12:44 PM
I am literally laughing out loud at some of the recent responses to this thread, (which is three years old btw, can we get a standard FC thread?). Some of you need a reality check on the amusement industry, as well as a visit to the park as it is today. The comparisons to Kentucky Kingdom and Wild Adventures are especially hilarious. FYI, both of those parks have failed in the past and are both currently under fairly new ownership. Kentucky Kingdom was literally trashed by Six Flags a few years ago when they gave up the lease, taking most of the rides with them, and is now being rebuilt bit by bit by Ed Hart. It's not even completely rebuilt yet, though this season will add a lot more back to it. It's mostly a water park with rides anyway. While they have a couple of good coasters, Frontier City has a more well-rounded park to build up from.
Wild Adventures is an odd case. It's location is actually terrible for a park of it's nature. I believe it started out as a rural safari attraction and was irresponsibly built up by a previous owner who then defaulted on it. HFEC, who actually operates Silver Dollar City in Branson as well, now owns the park and has put some substantial investment into it along with their superior operating practices. I don't think they're exactly making a killing off of it though, it always has been an odd choice for the company, but I suspect a deeper financial motive behind it.

Frontier City has improved by leaps and bounds over the past decade since it's sale from Six Flags. After being neglected for over a decade, just about every piece of the park has been rebuilt, repaired, repainted, or replaced over the last few seasons. It's still an old land-locked park with smaller coasters than I would like, but it's so much better than what it used to be. You guys really should give it a try this season before bashing it based on old memories and pictures of other parks that you've never actually been to.

I'm not terribly excited about this particular ride, but I am very happy to see them adding a thrill ride again. It's been over a decade since FC has added a thrill ride, and this seems like the start of some actual regular additions to the park instead of rebuilds and refurbishment projects. If they get a boost from this as I suspect they will, I am sure they will have more confidence to do even greater things soon. I agree that the park does need some new, quality rides.

Frontier City isn't going anywhere. Premier Attractions is doing great managing it, and I suspect they will purchase the park outright from CNL (a holding company that currently owns the park) soon. The concert series alone has been extremely successful and I've seen the park packed out on more than one occasion last year, which used to never happen. The mini-water park addition that people here were pooh-poohing has been a big hit with families as well.

Final note: While the "Super Loop" ride concept has been popular at traveling fairs for ages, a ride manufacturing company has recently started marketing a new version of it for parks. Quite a few have been sold this year, and even Six Flags Great Adventure (home to the current world's tallest coaster) is getting one:

02-20-2015, 04:43 PM
We're all going to eventually learn that the right answer is not always "just go to Dallas"

This right here.

In the thread about White Water Bay, I lamented the fact that it is dirty and the people who run it don't seem to care. I know people were just trying to be helpful by naming places in Tejas to go, but I don't wanna go down there. I don't wanna have to spend money on a hotel. I want to go somehwere here in OKC for a few hours and then go home. And I don't understand why OKC can't have a decent water park. And I'm tired of hearing that our parks don't suck as bad as they used to. When your standards are that low, I guess that seems like a positive but it's a dubious distinction.