12-06-2010, 08:51 PM
I hope they bulldoze the damn place...
pssssst ... you poured the gas but forgot to drop the match.
pssssst ... you poured the gas but forgot to drop the match.
View Full Version : Frontier City kevinpate 12-06-2010, 08:51 PM I hope they bulldoze the damn place... pssssst ... you poured the gas but forgot to drop the match. 8^) jmarkross 12-07-2010, 07:51 AM And put what in? Single family homes? No...I remember when it opened ~1958...was there that first weekend...and over 50 years later, they are STILL trying to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear"...only saying--time to ditch that money pit and get a nice, big, serious Ohio-style roller-coaster and ride park worthy of a city on the move as OKC is. We lose tons of money to Six Flags--only because we have nothing here. Build it--They Will Come. Money talks and BS walks... SOONER8693 12-07-2010, 04:30 PM Sooner8693, I have a friend that was in that group at different times, Leon Reynolds, did you know him? Absolutely, short, thin, wirey guy. A good guy and gunfighter. mburlison 12-08-2010, 10:47 PM Absolutely, short, thin, wirey guy. A good guy and gunfighter. Yep, that's him - known him since 1970'ish, dated his sister, he lives in Tulsa these days & works at one of the big Casinos there in "Security" ;). shavethewhales 01-25-2011, 07:52 PM Looks like Burke and Story are back in town again. They have the management contract for the park, but CNL still owns everything and is in charge of capital investments, if I understand correctly. I'm mixed on how I feel about this - Burke is famous mainly for running the Six Flags chain into the ground by building up the parks with copious thrill rides that they couldn't afford while neglecting almost all other aspects of the parks. Still, if it means change, that's a good thing. I'm quite tired of Frontier City right now. PARC did a great job fixing it up, but without anything interesting and new to ride, there's just no draw. Other than Silver Bullet and Wildcat, there's really nothing at the park I like to ride more than once per visit. Hopefully Burke and Co. will convince CNL to invest in some new thrill rides, or will invest themselves if that is how the deal is set up. Jesseda 01-26-2011, 08:48 AM they really need to invest in all that unused property they have, builda parking lot or garage on that unused land and use the curent parking lot as a expansion of the theme park. And hopefully they figure out the park can stay open for the christmas holidays if they have some kind of holiday theme eye catching thing going.. jbrown84 01-28-2011, 02:36 AM One thing the articles don't make clear and I wonder about: Are Burke & Story managing all of CNL's park properties (as PARC did) or just these two? Either way, I think this is the best thing to happen to FC/WW in years. Since they're only managing, they won't be tempted to overexpand as they did with Six Flags. Plus they've surely learned some lesson. If it weren't for these guys, we'd have no Frontier City at all. megax11 01-28-2011, 10:17 AM Leave it up to greedy people to think about their best interests. I of course mean anyone who says they should bulldoze Frontier City. Look pops... Just because you're an old timer now, doesn't mean that one-sided attitude should be taken out on the youth of the city. The youth here needs something to do, and my 3 kids, and me, for which I am 32, love Frontier City. I will never get tired of that place. Lots of great memories, and now I get to share new memories with my kids and friends. The place needs to stay, and people should stop thinking about what they want most in life, for whatever reason, because they need to grow up (ironically) and realize this world doesn't revolve around them. Jesseda 01-28-2011, 12:40 PM i went to circus circus and stayed there in october 2010, the adventuredome was really good for young kids, i have a 4 and 6 year old and they loved it, the hotel and casino not all that great but its a great deal at 30 dollars plus change a night.. It would be really neat to have a indoor theme park like that. to bad they cant just gut crossroads out and have all that space for a indoor park.. SoonerDave 01-28-2011, 01:24 PM Looks like Burke and Story are back in town again. They have the management contract for the park, but CNL still owns everything and is in charge of capital investments, if I understand correctly. I'm mixed on how I feel about this - Burke is famous mainly for running the Six Flags chain into the ground by building up the parks with copious thrill rides that they couldn't afford while neglecting almost all other aspects of the parks. Still, if it means change, that's a good thing. I'm quite tired of Frontier City right now. PARC did a great job fixing it up, but without anything interesting and new to ride, there's just no draw. Other than Silver Bullet and Wildcat, there's really nothing at the park I like to ride more than once per visit. Hopefully Burke and Co. will convince CNL to invest in some new thrill rides, or will invest themselves if that is how the deal is set up. Burke and co did a decent job of managing the parks until they were led down the primrose path wherein some investor/business types convinced them the property on which Astroworld sat on was worth considerably more as a parking lot serving the new Reliant Stadium than it was as an amusement park. Burke and co, so the story goes, bought the idea, shut down the park and tore it down, only to find that it sold for a tiny fraction of what they were promised, and the transaction put the company into terminal financial hemmorhage. If I'm not mistaken, that disaster was what led to Snyder coming in and waging a fight to have the board replaced and basically end the company as it was known at that time.... Insofar as it boils down to managing properties, I think Burke and co did a decent - not great - but decent job with what they had. They just made a horrendous mistake that, in effect, cost them the company. Those more in on the details of this, please feel free to correct/fill in blanks/whatever as suitable... jbrown84 01-28-2011, 01:28 PM Burke and co did a decent job of managing the parks until they were led down the primrose path wherein some investor/business types convinced them the property on which Astroworld sat on was worth considerably more as a parking lot serving the new Reliant Stadium than it was as an amusement park. Burke and co, so the story goes, bought the idea, shut down the park and tore it down, only to find that it sold for a tiny fraction of what they were promised, and the transaction put the company into terminal financial hemmorhage. If I'm not mistaken, that disaster was what led to Snyder coming in and waging a fight to have the board replaced and basically end the company as it was known at that time.... I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that although Burke & Co. announced the closure and sale of Astroworld, it was Snyder's regime who went through with it after the hostile takeover. Insofar as it boils down to managing properties, I think Burke and co did a decent - not great - but decent job with what they had. They just made a horrendous mistake that, in effect, cost them the company. Those more in on the details of this, please feel free to correct/fill in blanks/whatever as suitable... I'm more concerned with how well they did with Frontier City in the earlier days before they had the distraction of bigger parks in their portfolio. That's when they really transformed it. Thunder 01-28-2011, 09:06 PM Looks like no thrill coaster this year. :-( Hopefully next year, if they are smart. We have been waiting long enough. jn1780 01-28-2011, 10:15 PM Looks like no thrill coaster this year. :-( Hopefully next year, if they are smart. We have been waiting long enough. I don't know where they would put in a new coaster without a park expansion or a significant rearrangement of everything in the park. Thunder 01-28-2011, 10:38 PM I don't know where they would put in a new coaster without a park expansion or a significant rearrangement of everything in the park. Many parks have roller coasters overlapping other coasters and rides. It is possible. They just have to be creative. Taggart 01-30-2011, 02:01 PM That park needs much more before a new coaster. Magic Mountain has 17 of the tallest and best, but it's still a sub-standard park. Real food, entertainment comparable to high ticket shows, and atmosphere - in that order. Then customers will show up in droves, with fat wallets to boot. Somewhere along the line, these parks started believing that they can use the excuse "we're a theme park" for poor quality, and that guests wouldn't care. megax11 01-31-2011, 11:56 AM They could always tear down the Nightmare building and build a new coaster there. Then they could move the haunted house back to the campground. jbrown84 01-31-2011, 11:26 PM There's also the picnic pavilion areas that could go, although I think it makes more sense to demolish the Nightmare, much as it was a childhood fave. Thunder 02-01-2011, 12:33 AM I agree on tearing down the Nightmare building. Its of no use sitting there. Jesseda 12-06-2011, 10:39 AM Well the rumor mill is going around with the theme park news sites. Frontier city seems to be clearing out the old campground site just north of the parking lot. Rumor is they will be building a new parking lot in what is currently the empty camp ground site, and where the current parking is that will be a whole new expanison of the theme park.. That is a lot of room, hope it all turns out to be true.. you an look at frontier city thrills and other theme park forum sites, some of theme has mentioned it as well Achilleslastand 12-06-2011, 11:09 AM Sounds like more room for rides that will be broken down and a higher charge for parking. Jesseda 01-04-2012, 08:45 AM Okay so I mentioned a month or so ago on here that frontier city was clearing out the old camp ground site for a possible future expansion, well the other day they put a banner up on the wildcat roller coaster saying coming soon frontier city will get a lot cooler!!! So it seems like the rumors and hints are coming to play that another water park will be built in the metro! Snowman 01-04-2012, 08:49 AM I could mean a new water ride, that would fit better if they are not totally separate parks. Jesseda 01-04-2012, 08:53 AM yeah it might just be a water ride, but it just seems like a water park is more of a fit to why they are fixing up all those acres where the old camping grounds use to be jn1780 01-04-2012, 12:34 PM "Cooler" could mean a lot of things besides being wet. Richard at Remax 01-04-2012, 04:40 PM it would be tragic to add a water ride, all the place needs is an upper tier coaster and people will come Fantastic 01-04-2012, 06:08 PM While I am not opposed to a new water ride, worthy cook is right. Frontier City really needs something that has a wow factor. As far as another water park being built on that site. Let me go on record as saying that's not going to happen. metro 01-04-2012, 06:13 PM Especially considering that they own White Water, they'd be competing against themselves in a small market. shavethewhales 01-04-2012, 06:56 PM It is possible that they could add a standalone water play structure with a few small slides and novelties. Other parks have done similar things when a full water park was not an option. Obviously they won't add on a complete water park due to their operation of WWB. However it's also possible that this could be a new water ride or a refurbishment of the log flume, or something else entirely. I've been saying for a couple years now that a splash battle similar to what Silver Dollar City added would do well here. I just hope that this is a solid addition, whatever it is. Even though the park has been fixed up in recent years, I still want to see some good additions before I bother visiting again. Thunder 01-04-2012, 07:19 PM Jesseda, you made a post something about what was going on at Frontier City recently, but I could not understand why in the world the entire topic got locked down after you announced the news. However, I am happy that you started this topic to keep us informed. lol There is a Frontier City forum, but I don't know if its still alive. More info could be found there since people on there seem to have inside sources and post shocking info ahead of time. Thunder 01-04-2012, 07:25 PM Here it is. Someone need to post the entire article on here, please. A quote from the forum that someone shared from the article. CNL closes $400 million dollar bond issue, I wonder if this could possibly be good new for FC and WB, sounds to me like they are making a big push to update and add more to thier current properties. This will be a MAJOR investment for OKC!!! And it costs more than the new Devon Tower?! And a quote posted on Facebook. The Frontier City Facebook page says, "The holidays are just around the corner and a little elf just told me that Frontier City is getting something big under the tree for next year. Hmm.... wonder what it could be?" Let the speculation begin (or continue)! A forum post about a construction. There was a truck conducting some kind of drilling right nest to the Wildcats lift hill !!! That sounds and looks to me like a new coaster?! If you can imagine it, the track might go through the Wildcat`s lift hill?! Don't forget to hook up to instantly receive the news! jn1780 01-04-2012, 09:14 PM This will be a MAJOR investment for OKC!!! And it costs more than the new Devon Tower?! For one thing, thats the entire company and the money is spread out among several parks. Also, Devon tower is almost twice that amount. Jesseda 01-04-2012, 09:33 PM For one thing, thats the entire company and the money is spread out among several parks. Also, Devon tower is almost twice that amount. lol thats a big laugh, comparing a building cost with cost of adding on to a theme park.. metro 01-04-2012, 11:39 PM lol thats a big laugh, comparing a building cost with cost of adding on to a theme park.. Yeah it's funny thinking you guys think FC would have $400 million to spend, $40 MIL would be a HUGEEE stretch for them. jn1780 01-04-2012, 11:48 PM lol thats a big laugh, comparing a building cost with cost of adding on to a theme park.. I wasn't comparing anything. I was just correcting this statement: And it costs more than the new Devon Tower?! Not that it matters since only a certain percentage of that money is going to Frontier City. Thunder 01-05-2012, 12:16 AM I wasn't comparing anything. I was just correcting this statement: Not that it matters since only a certain percentage of that money is going to Frontier City. Well, there was no statement, so you did not correct anything. However, there was a question, but you failed to provide an answer. I forgot how much the Devon Tower costs to erect in OKC. :-) oneforone 01-05-2012, 05:50 AM Every time I drive by White Water it looks like it is falling apart. I think if there best bet would be to build a bigger and better water park at Frontier City and close White Water. I am sure they could get a nice chunk of change for the property. Then again the Mathis Brothers probably own the land like most of land along Reno. Then again this would be better..! Jesseda 01-05-2012, 08:50 AM Yeah it's funny thinking you guys think FC would have $400 million to spend, $40 MIL would be a HUGEEE stretch for them. um who is you guys, i think only one person mentioned 400 million for frontier city Debzkidz 01-07-2012, 06:05 PM Drove past Frontier City today and noticed the sign. Around the word "cooler" there were graphics that looked like water splashes, which sort of implies some sort of water attraction. ljbab728 01-07-2012, 09:32 PM A quick look at their website shows the same promotion as coming in 2012. You're correct in thinking that it implies a water attraction. Thunder 01-07-2012, 09:59 PM I am thinking a repair of the water section on the Wildcat coaster. No way in hell can a new attraction be completely built in time before this season starting in April. There is nothing out there that anyone have seen of any indication of a major water attraction. shavethewhales 01-07-2012, 10:23 PM Well, no one promised it would be major, but there will be something big enough to warrant them putting out a teaser like this. I expect something like a splash pad and small water play area designed around kids to keep them happy during the harsh summer months. This last summer was pretty brutal for all the midwestern parks. Many parks don't open their new rides on opening day, especially water rides and attractions. I expect they'll have whatever this is open by mid May to early June when the heat becomes unbearable again. That gives them some time. You can build a lot of this stuff pretty quickly with a crew working at the right pace. At least it will be something new for once. jn1780 01-07-2012, 11:22 PM I am thinking a repair of the water section on the Wildcat coaster. No way in hell can a new attraction be completely built in time before this season starting in April. There is nothing out there that anyone have seen of any indication of a major water attraction. You mean their not going to build an entire new water park in only four months or even before the 2012 season ends? You and your new found ability to use logic Thunder is depressing. lol kevinpate 01-07-2012, 11:42 PM fwiw, adding a mile or two of 'misters' would qualify as making the place cooler, albeit not more exciting. Hopefully they have more than that in mind. Grandbabies are still rather young to take to FC so if it takes them a few years to ooomph the place up, we can wait. Thunder 01-08-2012, 02:17 AM I just think that they had given us so many hints. 1) Banner sign placed directly on the Wildcat coaster. 2) Cooler in between the splash water symbols. Logically, this should be pointing to the Wildcat's water system. It used to be functional, I remember that when I was a little kid and I think Wildcat was my first major roller coaster (then the Nightmare). At the end, there are pumps on both side of the track above or partially submerged in the pond, which the coaster surround. It has been nonfunctional for many years. I am betting that they finally got to fixing it, because logically, all the rides must be repaired, upgraded, and painted (including overall park beautification and works on buildings) before major money are to be spent on new attractions. It has to be it, the water splash (same symbol design on the banner sign) at the end of the Wildcat ride. Believe it or not, it is the most sound logic, reasoning, and common sense. God bless Thunder! so1rfan 01-08-2012, 09:00 AM Twenty years ago Frontier City had water rides: a long tube ride where you went down on raft, and a tower water slide. I think they may have had a log flume also. I was in my twenties back then and I remember my gf at the time made the mistake of wearing white shorts. But it was evening so it didn't turn out too revealing. kevinpate 01-08-2012, 10:34 AM The log ride goes back way before the river raft. I recall the log from my own youth which was um, more than 20 years back. I don't recall a large water slide though. Where was it located? 15 or so years back the Tiny tots timbertown had some water features but I don't recall slides, and never saw many boyfriend/girlfriend age folks over there anyway. Questor 01-08-2012, 10:54 AM The problem is that Frontier City and White Water both look like crap. I don't know if it is just a lack of recent paint or if the parks are in a complete state of disrepair, but of course they are going to suffer when a brand new water park opens up in Norman next year. It's really their own fault though. I'm sure that's why they think they have to build a new park now. kevinpate 01-08-2012, 11:01 AM Unless the Norman park is far superior to what I have heard to date, I don't think it will cut very deeply, if at all, into WWB or FC ticket sales. Fewer attractions at higher prices might appeal to a small segment of crossover driving parental units, but it's not usually a draw for the masses. MrBojangles 01-08-2012, 12:34 PM Close both FC and WW down, build a Six Flags here in the crossroads of America. jn1780 01-08-2012, 12:40 PM Close both FC and WW down, build a Six Flags here in the crossroads of America. Six flags had their chance to do something great with White Water or Frontier City. They don't want to invest in a new park when they have several down in Texas. shavethewhales 01-08-2012, 12:42 PM The problem is that Frontier City and White Water both look like crap. I don't know if it is just a lack of recent paint or if the parks are in a complete state of disrepair, but of course they are going to suffer when a brand new water park opens up in Norman next year. It's really their own fault though. I'm sure that's why they think they have to build a new park now. That's your opinion anyway. I don't know why people keep saying this about every park in the U.S. What are you comparing it to, Disneyland? The park has been fixed up greatly over the past few years with new facades on buildings a new coat of paint on almost every ride. The norman park is not much of a worry to anyone at the moment. With their ticket prices I'd be surprised if 5 people show up on opening day. There have obviously been some big delays behind this project. It really looked like they wanted to announce it around Christmas. I still say it's a small new attraction of some sort, otherwise the park would not make this much of a fuss about it. If it were to end up being something mundane like the return of the splash effects on Wildcat they'd only further damage the poor reputation that is still following them from the Six Flags days. Furthermore, I believe that splash effect was taken out for a good reason, not because the pumps broke. I think it was damaging the PTC trains. Beastboii 01-08-2012, 04:51 PM On their fb someone said "this was released by an employee. The pumps at the end of the wildcat are being fixed,expect to be splashed on" the splash would be cool however I agree with shavethewhales, theywouldnt be making this big of a fuss for just that AND they took core samples AND have marked areas in the parking lot,let's hope it's not just the wildcat splash Jesseda 01-08-2012, 04:58 PM then if its something small inside the park, why have they invested time in clean up and removal of things in the old campground site north of the parking lot? they also own property west of covell rd (i believe that is the roads name just west of the park). jn1780 01-08-2012, 05:51 PM then if its something small inside the park, why have they invested time in clean up and removal of things in the old campground site north of the parking lot? they also own property west of covell rd (i believe that is the roads name just west of the park). Not saying they don't use that land eventually, but their not going to build anything grand before the 2012 season ends which is what their marketing towards, especially not a water park. Even if they started building something the same size as Alligator Andys right now it wouldn't be ready for the 2012 summer swim season. Let's say its not a water park and just a park expansion. They would have to move their parking lot over and than build whatever they plan to build which again takes time. ctchandler 01-08-2012, 06:30 PM Jesseda, For your information, it's Coltrane, not Covell. C. T. Jesseda 01-08-2012, 08:36 PM Jesseda, For your information, it's Coltrane, not Covell. C. T. thanks. all i knew was that it started with a C lol, i never really drive up that way so I have no clue as to what roads are what up there. Questor 01-09-2012, 08:15 PM That's your opinion anyway. I don't know why people keep saying this about every park in the U.S. What are you comparing it to, Disneyland? The park has been fixed up greatly over the past few years with new facades on buildings a new coat of paint on almost every ride. That's great if they've all been recently painted... the next time I am up that way I will try to stop and may even take pictures for this forum. What I am comparing it to is the over 10 year stretch where the rides and water attractions were allowed to look as though they had been wind blown in a hurricane, or sun-bleached in the Sahara. I guess I was comparing these parks to experiences I have had in Texas, whether it's Schlitterban, Six Flags, or even some of the smaller parks out near Frisco... it's a general complaint I have with a lot of things here though. People just don't take care of things as well as in some other states... like how when you go into an older neighborhood here often times even the 'nice' areas look kind of run down, but in many other parts of the country those same sorts of areas have nice landscaping, new paint, etc. Or on the subject of amusement parks, take a look at what Perfect Swing looked like before the tornado hit it and honestly it almost looked as bad. I don't mean to make you angry, I just wish more people would call businesses out on things like this and shame them into better maintenance. shavethewhales 01-10-2012, 09:01 PM That's great if they've all been recently painted... the next time I am up that way I will try to stop and may even take pictures for this forum. What I am comparing it to is the over 10 year stretch where the rides and water attractions were allowed to look as though they had been wind blown in a hurricane, or sun-bleached in the Sahara. I guess I was comparing these parks to experiences I have had in Texas, whether it's Schlitterban, Six Flags, or even some of the smaller parks out near Frisco... it's a general complaint I have with a lot of things here though. People just don't take care of things as well as in some other states... like how when you go into an older neighborhood here often times even the 'nice' areas look kind of run down, but in many other parts of the country those same sorts of areas have nice landscaping, new paint, etc. Or on the subject of amusement parks, take a look at what Perfect Swing looked like before the tornado hit it and honestly it almost looked as bad. I don't mean to make you angry, I just wish more people would call businesses out on things like this and shame them into better maintenance. Oh I totally agree, both to the fact that the parks did look terrible for a long time under the old ownership and to the general sentiment that people here in OK don't take care of things or pay attention to detail to the extent other states do. I just wanted to counter what I consider to be unreachable standards that a number of people hold when it comes to local theme parks. I think the new owners deserve more credit than they get for all the upkeep work they've done since purchasing the park from Six Flags. They've gotten off to a great start, I think the only thing they need to do now is investing just a bit more in the place and bring in something, anything of note to bring in fresh attention to the park. It's my understanding that CNL, a holding company, still holds the purse strings for this park (and a number of others) even while Burke & Story manages it. CNL has not been known to really splurge on new attractions yet - at least for their dry parks. The only two coasters the company has paid for so far are the Steel Lasso at FC and another smaller coaster at a park in New York. I don't really know what their plan is, but it almost seems like they're scared to really invest in a major ride for any of their dry parks. Just another reason to keep expectations low for this coming announcement. I kind of hope Burke & Story purchase the park outright some day soon. Even though they seem to be poor at general operation and staffing of their parks, at least they're famous for buying small parks and building them up quickly. shavethewhales 01-15-2012, 01:17 PM Just updating this thread with some news in case anyone is watching for developments like I am. I drove by the park yesterday to see what was up for myself. Turns out nothing was up. There is a construction trash dumpster in the parking lot now, but nothing else is going on. Obviously there was a project of some sort planned by the way everything is marked and flagged out the wazoo, but from the outside it looks like there has been some sort of major delay. The teaser sign on the wildcat has either blown down or been taken down. My expectations are being lowered about as far as they can go at this point. I've watched parks work on projects for a long time now, and I know it takes longer than this to get anything substantial built in time for the next season. Who knows what's going on though. One thought I had was that they could be bringing in something like a game. Other parks have set-ups for things like water balloon fights that are both safe and chargeable. Some photos here for those interested: Beastboii 01-17-2012, 07:26 PM Wonder why they are being so quiet? |