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11-24-2010, 09:48 PM in the forum section.. .. PARC had a lot of problems this year, rides breaking down, they couldnt afford to fix certain ones so they kept them closed throught the season, then they tried collecting more money off people by charging extra fees for there haunted houses at all of parc properties.. parc bought to many parks and fun centers more then they could handle

11-24-2010, 09:51 PM
Not sure how old you guys are but FC tried to expand to the west many moons ago, and that was shot down pretty quick. At its current location, FC isn't expanding anywhere. I am afriad it is move or die.

BTW - Here in Jax PARC is a subdivision developer and homeowner’s association management company. I think FC was their first foray into amusement park management. They are mostly an arcade/celebration station type outfit on the entertainment side. If you go back and find the threads about PARC first taking over FC I think you will find that I warned you how this was going to turn out.

11-24-2010, 10:10 PM
Kerry, it is actually "expand, move, or die." Yes, they can expand to the west. And no, the present time is not the same as the past time.

11-24-2010, 10:42 PM
Kerry, it is actually "expand, move, or die." Yes, they can expand to the west. And no, the present time is not the same as the past time.

Your right, people now a days are much more open to amusement parks backing up to their yards - especially in Edmond. What was I thinking.

Someone with access to Journal Record archives will need to post the story. It was written on November 13, 1992. FC want to use the land across Coltrane for employee parking. Protestors stopped it and to this day there is no employee parking west of Coltrane. FC is not expanding at their current location.

11-24-2010, 11:07 PM
Call me crazy but I thought Dollywood no longer exists??

11-24-2010, 11:10 PM
Call me crazy but I thought Dollywood no longer exists??

You're crazy. I was there about 6 months ago.

11-24-2010, 11:18 PM
OK thanks for clarifying must be mixed up with another Nashville attraction

11-24-2010, 11:21 PM
If it was me, I would relocate the park to a bigger piece of property and start with a new layout and better rides. Move the good ones from where it is now and start over. Maybe even do a combo theme park and water park with an indoor component to keep things going year around. Sell the current land for a truck stop and even build a new resort hotel on the new property.

The wife and I went to Adventuredome in Veags many moons ago and it was pretty good.

Circus Circus is a joke. Have you been to Vegas recently?

11-24-2010, 11:54 PM
OK thanks for clarifying must be mixed up with another Nashville attraction

Yes, you're mixed up metro. Dollywood isn't even in Nashville. I think you're thinking about Opryland which was in Nashville and no longer exists.

11-25-2010, 04:55 AM
um metro i was at circus circus one month ago, i took my kids there on the way to disneyland.. they loved circus circus, rooms where clean $22.00 a night with free breakfast ( the buffet is the only real thing that sucked but it was free).. half off ride bracelet for the kids so it was $9 bucks for ea kid all day, plus many more discounts with there coupon book you get checking in, they loved the adventuredome ( all rides working and clean), and midway.Friendly staff all aound. Circus circus is still a great place for families to stay, the downfall is that its so reasonable a lot of rude hateful foreign tourist stay there.

11-25-2010, 07:54 PM
um metro i was at circus circus one month ago, i took my kids there on the way to disneyland.. they loved circus circus, rooms where clean $22.00 a night with free breakfast ( the buffet is the only real thing that sucked but it was free).. half off ride bracelet for the kids so it was $9 bucks for ea kid all day, plus many more discounts with there coupon book you get checking in, they loved the adventuredome ( all rides working and clean), and midway.Friendly staff all aound. Circus circus is still a great place for families to stay, the downfall is that its so reasonable a lot of rude hateful foreign tourist stay there.

I will second that Jesseda. We didn't stay there, we only went to the Amusement Park. It was 100+ outside but a comfortable 75 inside. I did notice a lot of foriegners in the hote though. If you knew my wife you would laugh at the very idea of staying at Cicrus Circus. That definately isn't how my wife rolls. I was last in Vegas about 2 years ago.

Metro - Dollywood is in Pigeon Forge, 35 miles SE of Knoxville. It is located in the foothills of the Smokey Mountain. In fact, Gatlinburg and Great Smokey Mountain National Park is only about 10 minutes away. It is only about 25 miles from North Carolina on the eastern edge of Tennessee.

11-26-2010, 08:33 AM
If someone picks up FC, should PARC be selling, I hope whoever runs it - and decides to theme it in a more western flavor - they still hold events like Fright Fest.

11-26-2010, 08:40 AM
If someone picks up FC, should PARC be selling, I hope whoever runs it - and decides to theme it in a more western flavor - they still hold events like Fright Fest.

PARC doesn't own it - they are just the management company. Who ever buys it could keep PARC as the management company, in which case, nothing probably changes.

11-26-2010, 10:20 AM
Re-build Springlake Park...good Penny Arcade there...

11-26-2010, 01:52 PM
Kerry, there was never any mention in the past about Frontier City having a company ownership and a complex management. We all basically thought PARC was the owner and the management. Quite interesting to have learned that PARC does not actually own Frontier City, but managing it. I wonder how that work out financially.

So, what is up for bid? Management for Frontier City or ownership? If management is up for bid, then we'll still have the same ownership. But... Wouldn't that be bad? PARC is failing Frontier City, because the excuse was, "unable to keep up with the lease costs." Just how much does it cost to lease Frontier City? I don't understand that. Why do PARC have to pay to operate Frontier City? They are managing for a company! If ownership is up for bid, then I guess that is great, as long the management is not done by PARC.

The people owning and/or managing the Silver Dollar City in Missouri can do a fantastic job for Frontier City.

Clear up these things, Kerry.

11-26-2010, 04:43 PM
Here's the scoop from The Journal Record (Today, 11-26-10)

Bottom line: As I stated before, NO ownership management company coming....Frontier City City itself is in good financial shape and not for sale.

11-26-2010, 10:25 PM
Re-build Springlake Park...good Penny Arcade there...

And a very good Fun House too.

11-26-2010, 11:34 PM
And a very good Fun House too.

Yes, it was! I remember everyone always calling it the "Fun House" but I think its "official" name was "House of Mirrors." Though, admittedly, my memory fades a bit even in my fifties and I may be remembering something else. Lots of good memories of Springlake - and Wedgwood, too (

11-26-2010, 11:48 PM
Yes, it was! I remember everyone always calling it the "Fun House" but I think its "official" name was "House of Mirrors." Though, admittedly, my memory fades a bit even in my fifties and I may be remembering something else. Lots of good memories of Springlake - and Wedgwood, too (

The thing I enjoyed the most in the fun house were the huge slides which were about 2 stories. You had to sit on a gunnie sack to slide down. The air guns which shot up under the girls dresses were fun too. LOL

11-27-2010, 04:55 AM
And a very good Fun House too.

That big flat wheel you got on and it spun you off was damn hard to hang on to! And the rolling barrels were tricky for a kid...the split-stairs that went back and forth were a puzzlement...not sure if they were fun or not...the air-jets that shot upwards would have been nice if Marilyn Monroe had been in front of you...Springlake was also in a more seedy part of town and had it's share of riff-raff...interesting...

11-27-2010, 05:01 AM
Yes, it was! I remember everyone always calling it the "Fun House" but I think its "official" name was "House of Mirrors." Though, admittedly, my memory fades a bit even in my fifties and I may be remembering something else. Lots of good memories of Springlake - and Wedgwood, too (

Wedgewood was pretty cool...rides looked less likely to fly apart because they were newer...the Tornado (I think that was it's name) was a better roller coaster than the Big I saw Herman's Hermits there--who could forget that? Only problem at Wedgewood had no trees or decent landscaping--had that "post nuclear explosion" look...but--they did have some decent go-karts there...

11-27-2010, 05:04 AM
The thing I enjoyed the most in the fun house were the huge slides which were about 2 stories. You had to sit on a gunnie sack to slide down. The air guns which shot up under the girls dresses were fun too. LOL

The slides were fun...but a couple of times my worn out gunney sack slipped and in shorts my little kiddo leg went screeching down the slide and I got a nice road-rash burn from it!

11-29-2010, 09:56 AM
White Water Bay was originally built by Silver Dollar City. I would like to see something done with the vacant properties around Frontier City such as the old Red Carpet Inn location next door, which is an eyesore. The amusement park industry in the United States is in trouble. High insurance costs, lower attendance, the slow economy, competition from other forms of recreation and entertainment all contribute. I do not anticipate Frontier City moving or making major renovations. One thing I noticed when Six Flags sold is there do not seem to be as many big name concerts as there used to be. That is the only thing that gets me out to the park. I hope Frontier City stays open.

Bigray in Ok

11-29-2010, 10:52 AM
CNL reports that they have completed the ousting of PARC Management as the operator of their theme parks.

11-29-2010, 11:25 AM
White Water Bay was originally built by Silver Dollar City. I would like to see something done with the vacant properties around Frontier City such as the old Red Carpet Inn location next door, which is an eyesore. The amusement park industry in the United States is in trouble. High insurance costs, lower attendance, the slow economy, competition from other forms of recreation and entertainment all contribute.

Actually, the amusement industry continues to see a general rise in attendance. Many parks are continuing to make massive additions year after year, and several new park projects are still going on (though, unfortunately, most of the recent projects have been headed by idiots and have already failed). Theme/amusement parks are still a highly sought after form of entertainment and will continue to be so, I'm sure.

If the new operators of Frontier City can put in a couple of solid new attractions and back them up with a major marketing campaign, the park could easily double it's attendance. Being the only attraction of it's kind within a 5 hour drive in most directions, there's a lot of demand that the park simply hasn't been able to rise to meet.

I think HFEC is out of the question already though. They may or may not have put in a bid to buy the park outright, but it sounds like CNL doesn't want to sell. I don't see HFEC wanting to operate the place under a different ownership - they've had poor experiences with that kind of deal on multiple occasions. CNL will have to find a new operator very quickly if FC is to open in 2011. I've heard they're somewhat desperate and are willing to take the first semi-good offer that comes along...

11-29-2010, 11:45 AM
Actually, the amusement industry continues to see a general rise in attendance. Many parks are continuing to make massive additions year after year, and several new park projects are still going on (though, unfortunately, most of the recent projects have been headed by idiots and have already failed). Theme/amusement parks are still a highly sought after form of entertainment and will continue to be so, I'm sure.

If the new operators of Frontier City can put in a couple of solid new attractions and back them up with a major marketing campaign, the park could easily double it's attendance. Being the only attraction of it's kind within a 5 hour drive in most directions, there's a lot of demand that the park simply hasn't been able to rise to meet.

I think HFEC is out of the question already though. They may or may not have put in a bid to buy the park outright, but it sounds like CNL doesn't want to sell. I don't see HFEC wanting to operate the place under a different ownership - they've had poor experiences with that kind of deal on multiple occasions. CNL will have to find a new operator very quickly if FC is to open in 2011. I've heard they're somewhat desperate and are willing to take the first semi-good offer that comes along...

I am curious to see where attendance at amusement parks is rising. I have read a lot of articles and seen a number of news reports in recent years that seemt to point to the opposite. If attendance is growing, that is good. I like amusement parks.

Bigray in Ok

11-29-2010, 11:50 AM
Bigray, IIRC the old Inn next to Frontier City is owned by the park and serves as their storage and workshop space.
I could be mistaken, but that was the last I heard, although that was back when Story was involved so some time has passed.

11-29-2010, 06:55 PM
I knew that SD City had owned White Water, but didn't they own Frontier City as some point? Before Six Flags?

11-29-2010, 10:14 PM
Bigray, here are a couple of links that explain a little about the current state of the industry:

Basically, it's been up and down depending on where you look, but generally the industry has done surprisingly well during the recession. There's lots of money to be made if park developers can think outside the box a little and nudge past the public's expectations. I know some of the big name parks have seen a slight dip in attendance as more people stick closer to home, but this has contributed to a rise in attendance at many local parks.

Regionally, we haven't fared too well for some time. Bell's was ousted and still can't find a new home, Joyland went bust for good, and the developer of the new Wild West World in Wichita turned out to be a crook and the park was closed within months of opening. Things would be different if Bell's had been able to build the new coaster the had finally gotten approval for, Joyland didn't have so many legal battles pitted against it, and WWW's developer wasn't a complete idiot. Alas, here we are. FC is our state's last hope in the amusement park department, so you can see why I'm anxious to see who gets the reigns next. The next operator will either make or break this park.

mburlison, HFEC has never had a hand in FC before, to my knowledge. They have bid on the park several times now, apparently. They did indeed partner with another company to create water parks in OKC, Branson, and Atlanta, keeping only the Branson park when they ended up parting ways soon after.

11-29-2010, 11:38 PM
Bigray, here are a couple of links that explain a little about the current state of the industry:

Basically, it's been up and down depending on where you look, but generally the industry has done surprisingly well during the recession. There's lots of money to be made if park developers can think outside the box a little and nudge past the public's expectations. I know some of the big name parks have seen a slight dip in attendance as more people stick closer to home, but this has contributed to a rise in attendance at many local parks.

Regionally, we haven't fared too well for some time. Bell's was ousted and still can't find a new home, Joyland went bust for good, and the developer of the new Wild West World in Wichita turned out to be a crook and the park was closed within months of opening. Things would be different if Bell's had been able to build the new coaster the had finally gotten approval for, Joyland didn't have so many legal battles pitted against it, and WWW's developer wasn't a complete idiot. Alas, here we are. FC is our state's last hope in the amusement park department, so you can see why I'm anxious to see who gets the reigns next. The next operator will either make or break this park.

mburlison, HFEC has never had a hand in FC before, to my knowledge. They have bid on the park several times now, apparently. They did indeed partner with another company to create water parks in OKC, Branson, and Atlanta, keeping only the Branson park when they ended up parting ways soon after.

That is absolutely correct. It was Tierco Properties that bought Whitewater and joined it with Frontier City. That was in Frontier City's best days when they basically saved the park from extinction in 1982 or so. For a good eight year run it was the nicest, cleanest, midsize park around with huge capital improvements -- new rides, new paving, newly painted western storefronts, etc. It's a shame Wikipedia has wrong information on Frontier City. The Tierco acquisition and improvements - that saved Frontier City - isn't even mentioned. I just searched the OKCTalk site and there's a couple of old 2005 posts that correctly credit Tierco and their instrumental role in saving Frontier City from certain destruction. I know that the current President and CEO of Valliance Bank was one of the saviors for Frontier City. There were a couple of others involved as well who eventually hired Gary Story. They changed the name, after their successful operation of FC and focused solely on theme parks and changed their name to Premier Parks. We all know the rest of the story.

Larry OKC
11-30-2010, 12:25 AM
Frontier City, White Water Bay in OKC to get new operator (Lackmeyer, Oklahoman, 11/30/10)

...An agreement already is in place for the parks to be managed by Amusement Management Partners, which is chaired by Robert Masterson, former chief executive officer of Ripley's Believe It or Not. ...

Full story here:

11-30-2010, 02:31 AM
Just wondering... Who paid for the new roller coaster? PARC or CNL? If PARC did... does that mean they will take the roller coaster with them?

CNL Lifestyle Properties bought both amusement parks from PARC shortly after the Florida operator bought the parks in 2007 from Six Flags Inc.

Umm.. ??? What happened here? PARC actually bought these properties then sold to CNL only to be the operator for CNL? This does not make sense. Why would PARC buy these two properties then sell them to CNL? Since PARC sold to CNL, why stay around to be the operator? And then the backstabbing by CNL.

Filings with the Securities Exchange Commission show PARC paid its scheduled rent payments to CNL through Sept. 30 and reported improved property-level performance over the prior year. The filing also reports, however, that PARC experienced working capital issues and defaulted on its lease and loan obligations with CNL Lifestyle Properties, leaving CNL with a lease termination loss of $38.5 million.

Excuse me, I don't see why PARC is obligated with a loan debt to CNL. PARC sold these properties to CNL. So, why the hell should PARC be paying CNL money?! CNL should be paying PARC the money! Even more confusing for PARC to have stayed as operator. I feel bad for PARC, cuz if PARC paid for the new roller coaster, then CNL screwed them over.

An agreement already is in place for the parks to be managed by Amusement Management Partners, which is chaired by Robert Masterson, former chief executive officer of Ripley's Believe It or Not.

So.... What do we know about this new management? Looks like we lost out big on getting the management for Silver Dollar City. Still... This is quite interesting to see the potential for Frontier City to be turned into a very frightening Ripley's Believe It or Not park in this bible belt state. :-O

On a side note, Steve Lackmeyer, the NewsOK is a complete joke! When we highlight/copy a portion of text, this does not mean we want to also copy the page's URL. Each time, I had to delete that out when I paste into quotes on here. Get rid of that annoyance, thanks.

11-30-2010, 03:13 AM
Herschend was never looking at Frontier City (in the recent situation). That was a rumor that went far for being absolutely nothing.

It appears that CNL predicted the situation and had already been in talks with others before the announcement. The announcement of this was timed to IAAPA, the major convention for theme parks and the amusement industry.

As for Frontier City, it could be a great little park, it's just that not one of the operators in the past looked at it beyond trying to turn a quick profit. Frontier City needs an operator that truly understands theme design and what makes a good park. Unfortunately, MBAs and bean-counters run the place and have no creativity. Sad, really, because that charming little place has so much unrealized potential to be profitable without cramming it full of cheap games, lousy food, and budget entertainment.

But then again, I'm jaded - I've worked in the theme park biz for too long.

11-30-2010, 04:34 AM
Taggart, welcome back. I've wondered where you have been. Hope you will be able to come around to provide updates for both of our parks.

11-30-2010, 09:44 AM
Frontier City, White Water Bay in OKC to get new operator (Lackmeyer, Oklahoman, 11/30/10)

Full story here:

Hmm, I don't think that's right. Amusement Management Partners is running the chain's FEC's, not the theme parks, unless they just extended their partnership...

11-30-2010, 09:45 AM
Is Lackmeyer getting a suburban beat lately?

11-30-2010, 10:10 AM
Anyone remember around 1977 when the Oklahoman announced it was going to build a theme park in Stroud called Seven Continents Over Oklahoma? It was supposed to open in 1982. They had plans and drawings in the article. The concept looked pretty cool. Obviously, it never happened.

Bigray in Ok

11-30-2010, 09:41 PM
Thanks Shave & Mike - It's the "Tierco" thing I must have been thinking of.

11-30-2010, 11:37 PM
FC tried to expand to the west many moons ago, and that was shot down pretty quick. At its current location, FC isn't expanding anywhere.

Even if homeowners to the west succeeded in blocking expansion west of Coltrane, there is a lot of empty land north of the parking area (a former RV park, I believe). They used to do the haunted house in that area. I'm sure they could easily acquire and demolish the old Red Carpet Inn as well. If they moved the parking further north they could significantly increase the size of the park.

Also, there's abundant room to expand to the west without anybody's yard "backing up" to it:

12-01-2010, 12:48 AM
Taggart, welcome back. I've wondered where you have been. Hope you will be able to come around to provide updates for both of our parks.

I lurk around every now and then. Been busy here the last few years in Los Angeles.

Frontier City has PLENTY of room to expand - either to the west or north, or both. It's a large investment, and it doesn't seem like any owner wants to take the risk.

12-01-2010, 01:36 AM
Come back to OKLAHOMA!!!

About expanding to the north... I could see that only to expand the kiddies area. Most of the rides for them need serious replacement, so they should expand to the north to make room for kiddies area improvement. Then again, we would have to tear down the main entrance building and reroute the access to the Diamondback. If we expand to the north, then parking has to be move around to the west, I'd say northwest.

What is that huge rectangular block in the middle of the trees west of Coltrane? I assume the RV Park? Tear it down. I do not see any houses in the area there, except around the far northwest, which appear to only be a few of rich homes. A huge wall can be erected to lessen the sound, but then again, the park do not stay open way late.

There are still ways to add a couple of super thrill roller coasters within the park by overlapping other areas. I have seen it done at other major theme parks. It is a bit more...boxed have each ride locked in their own land space. A roller coaster traveling over a decent distance over the park is much more thrilling. Yes, safety issues, but the tracks can be high enough without reach. Developers can be creative, I know they can. They just need the inspiration.

The whole project can easily top $1 billion to completely expand, relocate buildings and access, and renovate. Do we want to do that just to simply preserve what we have there and to preserve the well known location of the park where people can easily find? Most of these rides can be moved. I would say that another location, much closer to downtown and the river, would be much more suitable. Would you rather have a totally fresh, clean, and brand new park to enjoy with your family? It seem that people just want to constantly revive the same ole Frontier City with facelifts, but nothing ever really change. Deep inside the core, the backbone of the entire park, it is all very old and nearly turning to dust. I know people want to preserve for the sake of history, but c'mon.. a theme park.

Either way, Frontier City has a whole bunch of untapped potential. Changing management after management will not bring a miracle. The ownership is still the same...CNL. They really have not done anything that I am aware of.

Kerry, you still need to answer some of my questions on the previous page.

12-01-2010, 05:48 AM
Anyone remember around 1977 when the Oklahoman announced it was going to build a theme park in Stroud called Seven Continents Over Oklahoma? It was supposed to open in 1982. They had plans and drawings in the article. The concept looked pretty cool. Obviously, it never happened.

Bigray in Ok

I remember that but I thought it was to be built out in the western part of the state near Hobart.

12-01-2010, 06:00 AM
So, what is up for bid? Management for Frontier City or ownership? If management is up for bid, then we'll still have the same ownership. But... Wouldn't that be bad? PARC is failing Frontier City, because the excuse was, "unable to keep up with the lease costs." Just how much does it cost to lease Frontier City? I don't understand that. Why do PARC have to pay to operate Frontier City? They are managing for a company! If ownership is up for bid, then I guess that is great, as long the management is not done by PARC.

Clear up these things, Kerry.

I don't know how much it cost to lease FC but according to the news story PARC had to pay for everything involved with the park (maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc). So why would they buy it, then sell it, only to lease it back? It is done for several reason but I usually find that is done by companies that are short on cash, don't have a lot experience owning what they bought and want to limit their exposure, or are laying the ground work for a potential exit. I suspect the middle reason sums up PARC. They are more of a Celebration Station type amusement owner/operator and FC was their first big park. Since it was new for them they didn't want to risk everything by managing AND owning the park, so they bought it and then sold it with the condition that they get to manage it.

It appears their plan worked out great for OKC because imagine if they were late on their payments to the bank instead of CNL. The park would now be closed and in foreclosure.

12-01-2010, 06:04 AM
I think they should set it up as a REAL Amusement Park...and FORCE anyone who wants to enter to sign notarized disclaimers for injury and death inside the park and put some REAL DAMN RIDES in there! Get some wild stuff....and let it be a place where hard-core thrill-seekers would come from all over.

12-01-2010, 06:41 AM
Thanks, Kerry, that is quite interesting. So, who is going to keep the new roller coaster?

12-01-2010, 07:22 AM
I am sure it stays with CNL. I suspect CNL paid for the roller coaster, although it was probably done at the request of PARC.

12-01-2010, 07:39 AM
I thought PARC paid cash for the rush design and installment? As long that roller coaster stays, it is all good. Unlike Six Flags stealing a ride.

12-01-2010, 10:56 AM
The roller coaster isn't going anywhere.

12-01-2010, 02:13 PM
so now the big question is, who is going to manage it or is the park going to be sold off, thus bringing in the rumored silver dolalr city owners? They better do something quick the new season is right around the corner, plus hopefully the new operators due something for the christmas holidays at the park, keep it open till christmas

12-01-2010, 02:18 PM
so now the big question is, who is going to manage it or is the park going to be sold off, thus bringing in the rumored silver dolalr city owners? They better do something quick the new season is right around the corner, plus hopefully the new operators due something for the christmas holidays at the park, keep it open till christmas

nah, see the article linked back at post 48

12-03-2010, 10:01 AM
I would love to come back to OKC, but unfortunately here in LA I'm locked in service to the mouse... ;)

That huge rectangle to the west of Coltrane is a storage area that Six Flags originally put in there when they owned the place. They stored rides from other SF properties there like the Excalibur coaster from Astroworld that they originally intended to re-build at Frontier City. It serves as junkyard to this day.

It really wouldn't cost 1 billion for Frontier City to expand twice its size. In comparison, Disney's California Adventure is going through a 1 bil makeover but for the size and scale of construction on that you could build 10 Frontier Cities. To expand either across Coltrane or up into the current parking lot, I'd guess you could spend a good 75-100 mil. - and that's a liberal estimate.

Also, the rumor is that Gary Story, the original CEO of Tierco/Premiere is looking to get the park back. If this is true, I think it would be the best thing for the park.

12-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Also, the rumor is that Gary Story, the original CEO of Tierco/Premiere is looking to get the park back. If this is true, I think it would be the best thing for the park.

Hi, Taggart. Can you explain when Gary Story came in with Frontier City? Original owner that bought the Six Flags? Or bought the park from Six Flags? I'm not quite sure on the timeline. So, he somehow owned Frontier City in the past? Did he do anything good for the park? Was he in control when 4 of the major roller coaster was installed or afterward? Just wondering why he would be good for the park since nothing was done until PARC came in.

12-03-2010, 11:59 PM
Actually Gary Story was hired by the guys with Tierco. He was hired from Six Flags Over Texas (long before any FC had any associations with Six Flags). This would have been about '81? '82? He was hired as "Operations Manager." There were two executives who bought Frontier City, fixed it up and hired Story. One of them is the CEO/co-owner of Valliance Bank now. Thunder, When Gary was just running the park he was one of the best of the best. Frontier City was great back in '81-'89/'90 or so. They're the ones who brought in the loop coaster, the wooden coaster from Kansas City, landscaped FC to major theme park quality, on and on.

12-04-2010, 08:17 AM
Actually Gary Story was hired by the guys with Tierco. He was hired from Six Flags Over Texas (long before any FC had any associations with Six Flags). This would have been about '81? '82? He was hired as "Operations Manager." There were two executives who bought Frontier City, fixed it up and hired Story. One of them is the CEO/co-owner of Valliance Bank now. Thunder, When Gary was just running the park he was one of the best of the best. Frontier City was great back in '81-'89/'90 or so. They're the ones who brought in the loop coaster, the wooden coaster from Kansas City, landscaped FC to major theme park quality, on and on.

I don't recall when he arrived, but my (admittedly at times faulty) memory is that Gary was still there in the late 90's and possibly into this decade.

12-04-2010, 10:22 PM
Thanks. So, is there anywhere that shows us he is considering coming back?

12-05-2010, 01:16 AM
I don't recall when he arrived, but my (admittedly at times faulty) memory is that Gary was still there in the late 90's and possibly into this decade.

He was, Kevin....but he had different responsibilities. The new people that came in around '90 reached too far too we all now know with the whole Six Flags debacle. But that '80s period produced a really, really nice park and the hire of Story was one part of why that was so.

12-05-2010, 08:28 AM
I was part of the gunfight/stunt crew at FC in the 80's. We all belonged to a group called Colonel Colt's Company, headed by Jim Rollins, the original marshall at FC when it opened in 1958. We saw many new things and great development at the park from about 82 thru 88. Gary Story was "the man" that we worked closely with and he was a tremendous individual to work with and for.

12-06-2010, 05:47 PM
I hope they bulldoze the damn place...

12-06-2010, 06:20 PM
Sooner8693, I have a friend that was in that group at different times, Leon Reynolds, did you know him?

12-06-2010, 06:44 PM
I hope they bulldoze the damn place... And put what in? Single family homes?