12-06-2016, 04:54 PM
Ehh, I think we should probably keep looking...
I do like your idea of The Beaumont...
I do like your idea of The Beaumont...
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HangryHippo 12-06-2016, 04:54 PM Ehh, I think we should probably keep looking... I do like your idea of The Beaumont... OKCRT 12-06-2016, 05:09 PM I do like your idea of The Beaumont... How about simply "The National" BTW,how many rooms will this hotel have? Has anyone announced or speculated on room count? Celebrator 12-06-2016, 05:10 PM How about simply "The National" BTW,how many rooms will this hotel have? Has anyone announced or speculated on room count? Love it...The National! HangryHippo 12-06-2016, 05:53 PM How about simply "The National" BTW,how many rooms will this hotel have? Has anyone announced or speculated on room count? Very nice! I haven't seen any speculation on room count. RodH 12-06-2016, 11:18 PM How about simply "The National" BTW,how many rooms will this hotel have? Has anyone announced or speculated on room count? by Cathy O'Connor, via The Journal Record: October 26, 2016* As plans for downtown Oklahoma City’s First National Center continue to develop, there is increased excitement about the final product. At a recent chamber event, local developer Gary Brooks shared his team’s vision for the iconic building. The First National Center will be a mix of a 149-room hotel, 210 apartments, two restaurants and 35,000 square feet of retail, commercial and event space. Residents will enjoy spectacular amenities such as a concierge, rooftop pool and dog-park, outdoor kitchens and a theater. The Great Hall on the second floor will be restored to its former elegance and open for public use, a hotel lobby and a museum. Pete 12-07-2016, 09:24 AM The hotel will be called The First: http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=42809&p=975947 Celebrator 12-07-2016, 11:44 AM The hotel will be called The First: http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=42809&p=975947 Meh, I like our suggestions for a name better. The First. It's okay. But who really cares because the efforts and results will be GREAT! GoldFire 12-07-2016, 12:43 PM Can't wait to see this finally starting to take shape! I always loved wandering around in the banking hall, will be great to have it fully restored/renovated. Pete 12-07-2016, 12:45 PM It's really the last remaining big puzzle piece in the CBD. Both in a symbolic and real way. Pete 12-28-2016, 05:29 PM They are on schedule to close on January 11th. edcrunk 01-02-2017, 11:37 PM I work for Paul Coury since he manages The Colcord. I hope to transfer to that property when it opens. I can't wait. LocoAko 01-08-2017, 09:57 AM http://www.oklahoman.com/article/5533403?access=80a1c9efe355e4cc34b69803da731acc Dr Beard Face 01-09-2017, 08:35 AM I love the renderings! This project is my favorite for the city. I can't wait to see it all finished. David 01-09-2017, 01:23 PM Oh man, what a great project. I just hope nothing goes wrong that would derail it. My favorite bit: The National Park Service, which oversees the historic tax credit program, ruled the building as a contributing part of the historic tower and couldn't be torn down. So plans now call for retaining the facade, while the east 1972 annex will be gutted to add in an entrance and ramps for the garage still planned in the center of the block. A retail “gallery” will span the first two floors along Park Avenue. Visitors will see a two-story mural of historic photos of First National, which was the city's leading bank until it failed during the 1980s oil bust. “We want retail facing Park Avenue,” Brooks said. “Our goal is to activate Park Avenue, and having a complete frontage along Park is important to us.” --- The east end of the banking hall, closed off for more than a quarter century, will be opened to connect to the two-story Gallery that will extend all along Park Avenue. Below the Gallery, the bank vaults that were protected by massive steel doors will be converted into an Italian restaurant and bar. gman11695 01-09-2017, 03:38 PM On the rendering of the pool, there's those big palm trees. I LOVE palms, but I didn't think OKC's climate allowed palms like that to be planted here. Are those just for rendering purposes, or are those palms actually going to be in any plans to be included in the final landscaping? I'd love if they did! Would give it a very tropical vibe haha brianinok 01-09-2017, 03:41 PM On the rendering of the pool, there's those big palm trees. I LOVE palms, but I didn't think OKC's climate allowed palms like that to be planted here. Are those just for rendering purposes, or are those palms actually going to be in any plans to be included in the final landscaping? I'd love if they did! Would give it a very tropical vibe hahaMy parents have 2 palms like that planted by their pool. The trunks have to be wrapped each winter. But they're doable. sooner88 01-11-2017, 01:35 PM At the State of the City today, Pete Delaney said that Brooks closed on First National this morning. Exciting news, looking forward to them getting started. Pete 01-11-2017, 01:55 PM Hooray! There is really no stopping this now as the City is pretty committed to making things work no matter what. Pete 01-11-2017, 03:07 PM Gary Brooks confirmed to me the sale did close. Pete 01-11-2017, 06:29 PM Although the road has been long and painful, I'm very sure this property is now in the right hands and that we'll see this grand building soon returned to beauty and importance. And you need to look no further than the Ambassador and Colcord Hotels to know that Coury Properties will do an amazing job with the lobby, restaurants and hotel. Today is the official start of a new era and represents really the last big puzzle piece for the CBD. 2Lanez 01-11-2017, 06:34 PM Most exciting happenings downtown since Devon. KayneMo 01-11-2017, 06:47 PM Yay! http://www.oklahoman.com/article/5533403?access=80a1c9efe355e4cc34b69803da731acc "Brooks said current scheduling suggests the redevelopment will take about three years to complete. Some plans have changed since the sale contract was first announced. A 1957 office annex immediately east of the tower was originally set to be torn down and replaced with a new garage with retail on the first two floors. The National Park Service, which oversees the historic tax credit program, ruled the building as a contributing part of the historic tower and couldn't be torn down. So plans now call for retaining the facade, while the east 1972 annex will be gutted to add in an entrance and ramps for the garage still planned in the center of the block." Just for clarification, does this mean the portion of the complex shaded in purple will now remain? http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/thefirst7.jpg Pete 01-11-2017, 06:52 PM Just for clarification, does this mean the portion of the complex shaded in purple will now remain? http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/thefirst7.jpg My understanding is that the facades of the East and Center buildings will remain but will still be used for parking with retail on the first two floors. riflesforwatie 01-11-2017, 08:40 PM Lights on top of FNC are back on tonight. Not sure how long they were off (since August? At least since early December, I think). UnFrSaKn 01-12-2017, 01:12 AM https://twitter.com/garydbrooks/status/819403582944509952 UnFrSaKn 01-12-2017, 02:39 AM http://m.newsok.com/article/5534004 UnFrSaKn 01-12-2017, 02:40 AM http://m.newsok.com/first-national-center-sale-closes-in-downtown-oklahoma-city/article/5534029 Pete 01-12-2017, 09:18 AM First National Center sale closes By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record January 11, 2017 OKLAHOMA CITY – The First National Center finally has a new owner. Developers Gary Brooks and Charlie Nicholas paid $23 million for the 1-million-square-foot building, according to an order confirming the sale filed Tuesday with the federal court. Receiver Jim Parrack deposited about $19.2 million into an interest-bearing account, waiting for further order of the court. Several debts associated with the building’s operation had to be paid. Next, the court has to decide which parties can lay claim to that money. Plaintiff Howard Abselet’s attorney, John Stiner, said via email that now his client can focus on getting his money. The center’s legal problems date back almost three years. A lien was filed on the property in August 2014 by Abselet, a New York resident. He claims he is owed $6 million by former building owner Aaron Yashouafar, who declared bankruptcy. “The sale represents an important step in more than two years of contentious litigation involving complex issues of real estate law,” Stiner said. “Now that the asset has been reduced to cash, Mr. Abselet can attempt to finally get his money back.” Brooks is ready to get to work on the building that will eventually house a hotel and upper-floor apartments. He said he’s started an application with Marriot to have an Autograph-brand hotel in the building, operated by Paul Coury, chairman of the Ambassador Hotel collection. The historic grand lobby would become the hotel’s lobby. “(Marriott) has seen the building,” he said. “They’re obviously very excited. First National Center is perfect for their Autograph flag. We believe they’ll bring a tremendous value to the operation.” Brooks and Nicholas’ first task is removing the asbestos from the buildings directly east of the First National’s original structure. Those buildings will eventually be demolished. He said people can expect to see selective demolition starting in early February. Asbestos removal will take nine months. Construction will start in early 2018. “We’re going to try to keep much of the work from being visible,” he said. “You can’t reposition and redevelop without creating a lot of noise and dust. We also recognize that we have a responsibility to keep it to a minimum.” He said a lot of work will be done in the alley. Main Street Parking Garage owner John Kennedy said he’s already spoken to Brooks about using the garage for workspace. The First National Center has been sold a few times in the past decade, but Parrack said Brooks and Nicholas are the right guys to take on this project. “Gary and Charlie have a long history in this market of building projects and doing projects, and doing what they say they’re going to do,” he said. “Add to that that the whole community is behind the effort. They understand the importance of the building and what I can mean to downtown Oklahoma City. I don’t think all of those pieces were aligned before.” Office tower owner and developer Mark Beffort said he also thinks this time the center will get properly redeveloped. “If you think about the prior times, we had two different groups that had no ties to our city,” he said. “Neither one of them really had a plan prior to acquisition nor a commitment to making this what it needs to be. I think all the right pieces are in place.” Bullbear 01-12-2017, 09:35 AM So excited about this project. I am sure she will be beautiful inside and out when complete. I am very excited and hopeful for updated lighting on the building. that alone will add significantly to the downtown skyline. Pete 01-12-2017, 09:59 AM From CloudDeck Media: https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/q81/s960x960/16107250_595116694016669_775974952757268177_o.jpg? oh=67530fcfa51aad0d3f6ba212fad67ea6&oe=58DF7C7C HangryHippo 01-12-2017, 10:00 AM I was thinking back to some of the name suggestions for the hotel in this property because I don't care for "The First" (assuming they opt to stick with that). What about "The National" instead? No matter, it's awesome to see this building coming back to life! Pete 01-12-2017, 10:05 AM Names have as much to do with trademarks as anything, especially when they are looking at joining the Marriott network. CloudDeckMedia 01-12-2017, 11:07 AM From CloudDeck Media: https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/q81/s960x960/16107250_595116694016669_775974952757268177_o.jpg? oh=67530fcfa51aad0d3f6ba212fad67ea6&oe=58DF7C7C That's one of several shots we captured last night for Cornerstone, but this is the only one they've shared on social media. Two notes on the lights: 1) The beacon light is on, but it doesn't rotate; and 2) I'm told that all of the crown lights haven't worked in decades (some did/some didn't) - and they've been making repairs for weeks. To see what we saw during last night's filming was breathtaking! warreng88 01-12-2017, 11:24 AM My understanding is that the facades of the East and Center buildings will remain but will still be used for parking with retail on the first two floors. The quote from the JR says: Brooks and Nicholas’ first task is removing the asbestos from the buildings directly east of the First National’s original structure. Those buildings will eventually be demolished. I assume that was a misquote and they won't actually be demolished? Pete 01-12-2017, 11:25 AM I believe most of those buildings will be demolished but the facades will remain. Bullbear 01-12-2017, 11:25 AM I'm hoping they upgrade all the lighting with LED capabilities so it can be changed for holidays etc. and a bit more dynamic in the night sky. I am sure it will look great! Pete 01-12-2017, 11:30 AM I'm hoping they upgrade all the lighting with LED capabilities so it can be changed for holidays etc. and a bit more dynamic in the night sky. I am sure it will look great! Ala the Empire State Building, which it is modeled after. David 01-12-2017, 11:50 AM I am 100% serious when I say that that picture made me tear up just a little when I saw it earlier. Bullbear 01-12-2017, 01:31 PM Ala the Empire State Building, which it is modeled after. Exactly! Laramie 01-12-2017, 04:45 PM Ala the Empire State Building, which it is modeled after. Great news to hear that this iconic structure will eventually be lighted & put to good use. The Great Hall is breath taking. As I child, many of us neighborhood kids referred to the 1st National Bank building as the 'Empire State Building.' :biggrin: gopokes88 01-12-2017, 07:32 PM I was thinking back to some of the name suggestions for the hotel in this property because I don't care for "The First" (assuming they opt to stick with that). What about "The National" instead? No matter, it's awesome to see this building coming back to life! https://twitter.com/garydbrooks/status/819612611847262208 So are you Gary brooks? HangryHippo 01-12-2017, 07:51 PM https://twitter.com/garydbrooks/status/819612611847262208 So are you Gary brooks? Holy hell - that's funny! Lol. But no, I'm not Gary. He has great taste though. Pete 01-12-2017, 08:08 PM Holy hell - that's funny! Lol. But no, I'm not Gary. He has great taste though. He reads here pretty religiously. HangryHippo 01-12-2017, 08:11 PM He reads here pretty religiously. Well, I hope he liked my suggestion. I'll have to have a drink in the place I helped name. : ) Kemotblue 01-13-2017, 11:49 AM That's one of several shots we captured last night for Cornerstone, but this is the only one they've shared on social media. Two notes on the lights: 1) The beacon light is on, but it doesn't rotate; and 2) I'm told that all of the crown lights haven't worked in decades (some did/some didn't) - and they've been making repairs for weeks. To see what we saw during last night's filming was breathtaking! CloudDeck Media I was leaving the Thunder game that night I looked up at the city skyline my jaw just dropped when I saw the top of the tower all lit up thenI noticed the beacon. I was like WHAT! I posted on twitter immediately and it got alot of re-tweets. It was so nice seeing that tower lit once again. I anxious to know if they plan on restoring the beacon completely with both lights rotating and use LED fixtures in the renovations. Thanks for your posts too of the photos it was breathtaking. Good things for Downtown. Joe Kimball 01-13-2017, 01:00 PM I'm thrilled to see such a monumentous effort to regain control end well. I have no doubt that this will be completed...now I can look toward Tulsa's Philtower with not jealousy, but with fraternal admiration in kind. With regard to the beacon situation, I thought I read that it was always fixed. It's not as if it's a complex matter to get it rotating in either case, especially if restoration to the degree of asbestos remediation is being undertaken. CloudDeckMedia 01-13-2017, 02:57 PM CloudDeck Media I was leaving the Thunder game that night I looked up at the city skyline my jaw just dropped when I saw the top of the tower all lit up thenI noticed the beacon. I was like WHAT! I posted on twitter immediately and it got alot of re-tweets. It was so nice seeing that tower lit once again. I anxious to know if they plan on restoring the beacon completely with both lights rotating and use LED fixtures in the renovations. Thanks for your posts too of the photos it was breathtaking. Good things for Downtown. Thanks for the compliments. All our work that night is licensed to Cornerstone, but I'll post more images and videos when it happens. - Tom gopokes88 01-14-2017, 08:23 AM https://twitter.com/garydbrooks/status/820264213151174656 I have a feeling Gary brooks is a good twitter follow. Seems to tweet out tidbits of info every few days. He also doesn't have a bunch of followers (yet), so if you have a suggestion he'll likely see it. Pete 01-14-2017, 10:12 AM More details on the redevelopment of First National Center (http://www.okctalk.com/content.php?r=356-More-details-on-the-redevelopment-of-First-National-Center) New owner Gary Brooks has provided a graphic that illustrates how the complex will be reworked into a boutique hotel, apartments, retail and a large parking structure. http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/fncparking2.jpg First National Center is actually 3 separate structures: The 33-story historic Tower built in 1931; the 14-story Center building finished in 1956; and the East building opened in 1974. http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/thefirst7.jpg The Tower will be extensively renovated and be home to a new hotel to be operated by Coury Hospitality, which was behind the remakes of the beautifully-done Colcord and Ambassador hotels in Oklahoma City. Like First National, both those buildings had previously been used as office space. The Tower also contains two 14-story wings that extend east from the larger structure, with an open space between. That open space reaches all the was to skylight of the Great Banking Lobby below. The marble and mural lined space will become the lobby for the hotel as well as a cocktail lounge. Other restaurants and bars are planned for the complex as well. http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/thefirst8.jpg Atop the northern wing will be a new pool area; 149 rooms are planned for the hotel on floors 2 through 8 with 210 apartments above. The Center and part of the East buildings will be gutted and used for parking, approximately 620 spaces. A section of the East building fronting Broadway will be completely demolished to make way for parking entrances and exits as well as the ramp structure needed to service the huge parking structure. The facades along Park Avenue will be preserved and 2 levels of retail space face Park Avenue. http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/fncfacade.jpg In 2014 the City of Oklahoma City commissioned a study (http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=36588) to identify ways in which Park could be enhanced as the primary retail corridor for the central business district and the First National property was prominently featured. The sale to Brooks and Charlie Nicholas closed last week and work is expected to start soon. mugofbeer 01-14-2017, 11:17 PM This is a wonderful project and I hope all goes well for the developers! Spartan 01-15-2017, 05:10 PM This is what I was referring to earlier. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/23/f8/7c/23f87cf2e47c73da1b33f42011b8fb9f.jpg Is the planned parking ramp permanent, or a place-holder use until another tower is built there? Pete 01-15-2017, 05:43 PM It's permanent. Only way to get in and out of the massive parking structure. bombermwc 01-16-2017, 07:57 AM its been a long time since ive been in the building, but can someone remind me what's in the center and east buildings now? I thought there was a garage in there somewhere, but i could be nuts. but im having a hard time imagining the repurpose without demolish if the areas are garage already....no way they built regular flood decks to parking standards and just shove offices on top of them. Just need a quick memory refresh please. Timshel 01-16-2017, 08:45 AM its been a long time since ive been in the building, but can someone remind me what's in the center and east buildings now? I thought there was a garage in there somewhere, but i could be nuts. but im having a hard time imagining the repurpose without demolish if the areas are garage already....no way they built regular flood decks to parking standards and just shove offices on top of them. Just need a quick memory refresh please. Are you thinking of the Main Street garage, which is directly to the south and is accessible from the newer portion of FNC? Anonymous. 01-16-2017, 09:27 AM its been a long time since ive been in the building, but can someone remind me what's in the center and east buildings now? I thought there was a garage in there somewhere, but i could be nuts. but im having a hard time imagining the repurpose without demolish if the areas are garage already....no way they built regular flood decks to parking standards and just shove offices on top of them. Just need a quick memory refresh please. I am pretty sure those are office floors. I also don't understand how they are "converting to parking" - unless that means demolish all except the exterior facade and build a garage on the other side. I love this project, but I am not sure how I feel about the majority of this block being parking garage now. Pete 01-16-2017, 10:08 AM The office floors will stay intact, but will likely need to be reinforced. The flat floors will be accessed by a series of spiraled ramps built in place of the demolished section of the East building along Broadway. Plutonic Panda 01-16-2017, 04:33 PM It a huge fan of the huge accommodation that will be made for parking. Seems there could have been a better way to do it but I am just happy this is getting done either way. bombermwc 01-17-2017, 08:14 AM I am pretty sure those are office floors. I also don't understand how they are "converting to parking" - unless that means demolish all except the exterior facade and build a garage on the other side. I love this project, but I am not sure how I feel about the majority of this block being parking garage now. Im sure this has been done somewhere else, but it just seems kind of "iffy" to me. It would be one thing if it had been built to hold things like a datacenter with concentrated weight. Most people dont realize how much weight a normal office desk (and the crap in it....say filing cabinets) can add to an area. But the density of a parking garage seems like it's a LOT more than that. I'm a crazy here? Pete 01-17-2017, 08:29 AM I've read the loads in parking garages are often less than in office buildings. hoya 01-17-2017, 10:06 AM I've read the loads in parking garages are often less than in office buildings. That is quite surprising to me. Would have never guessed. |