View Full Version : Favorite Zoo

11-09-2004, 11:20 PM
Okay guys. The field has been narrowed to 5 favorite zoos now, down from 15, and we've made the cut. So, I encourage everyone to vote again for our zoo. Check out Our zoo could win $25,000 from Microsoft.

Oklahoma City Zoo makes Top 5 in America's Favorite Zoo Contest

And then there were five! The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of five Zoos' nationwide selected as a finalist in "America's Favorite Zoo" contest sponsored by Microsoft Game Studios. Finalists were selected from a pool of 15 semifinalists by zoo lovers across the country who logged on to cast their vote at the official "Zoo Tycoon 2" Web site.

Now the Oklahoma City Zoo needs Oklahomans, Oklahoma natives and their friends to get back online and vote a second go around to choose the ultimate winner! So get online, show your pride and vote for the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden as America's Favorite Zoo. The contest winner will not only boast the title of America's Favorite Zoo, but also earn a $25,000 grant to fund its animal and habitat care. The second round of voting continues at, or from Nov. 1 through Nov. 12. The winner will be announced the week of Nov. 15. Other semifinalists include Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, North Carolina Zoo, Toledo Zoo and the Tulsa Zoo.

11-10-2004, 12:58 PM
I tried this and I used my sound mind to discover that you can vote multiple times. I hope those on this forum will take some time to vote multiple times for our zoo.

11-10-2004, 01:19 PM
Thanks SoundMind. I didn't realize you could vote multiple times. I'll take advantage of that. I sure hope our zoo gets the $25,000 prize.

11-10-2004, 01:41 PM
Thought you might want to know. You can vote as many times as you wish. I have several times.

We are also batteling against Tulsa in this effort.

11-10-2004, 01:43 PM
mranderson, you and SoundMind must think alike!

11-14-2004, 05:09 PM
Is Tulsa's Zoo in the same league as ours?

11-15-2004, 07:33 PM
That's the same question my fiancee just asked! We went to the Tulsa Zoo this past summer. It was okay, but nothing to call home about! The new Rainforest Exhibit was the only exhibit that really impressed me. Most of the other exhibits are pretty old, and many resemble our older concrete pits. I voted for our zoo, but personally, I'm not even sure it can really compete with the San Diego Zoo. The final list on Microsoft was OKC Zoo, Tulsa Zoo, North Carolina Zoo, Cleveland Zoo, and Toledo Zoo. I'm surprised some of the more prominent zoos didn't make the finalist list. But, it just goes to show you this list is based more on personal votes than on real quality. Anyways, I'm glad to see our zoo is in the running. I'm sure we could use the $25,000, and the recognition would be nice.

11-15-2004, 07:37 PM
Hey floater, if you're out there, tell us about Cleveland's Zoo. I'd love to hear more.

11-15-2004, 10:05 PM
I've been there only once. I wouldn't say it's much better, if at all. The Metroparks Zoo's asset is its place on the beautiful Emerald Necklace of natural parks around the Greater Cleveland area. The only noticeable difference is the presence of casual dining restaurants -- Chinese, etc. on the grounds that makes it seem like a food court in the wilderness.

One curious thing about the Metroparks Zoo is that it's located underneath a lively neighborhood. If you miss the downward sloping entry roadway, you could totally pass it.

The OKC Zoo is as competitive as the Metroparks Zoo, IMO.

11-24-2004, 08:39 PM
Looks like Tulsa has won the popularity contest and $25,000 from Microsoft.

OK People, seriously - how could Tulsa's Zoo beat OKC's? Someone from Tulsa must have created an executable and stacked the vote. Not to put them down, but they dont hold a candle to OKC.

Too bad Microsoft did not create a more fair voting system, but what could you expect in these days of politics!

11-24-2004, 08:44 PM
That sucks.

Congratulations to them.

11-24-2004, 10:50 PM
How on Earth did that happen? LOL... Well, that's great for Tulsa. They really need good things to happen up there with all the job losses and problems they've been having. But c'mon, I've been to the Granddaddy of the all: San Diego Zoo. I can't believe it didn't win.