View Full Version : "Will Rogers" - Inappropriate for an Airport?
writerranger 03-12-2007, 03:13 PM You know how we all get used to hearing things and it doesn't mean much to us. People from Iowa that I know got the biggest kick driving down to southern Oklahoma and passing through a town called "Pauls Valley." It sounds normal to us, but it was funny to them. They asked if there was a "Bill's Mountain" nearby. Just an example. Which brings me to.......
We've heard, "Will Rogers World Airport" all of our lives and think nothing of it. I've been traveling recently and was flying into Oklahoma City when a businessman said, "You know, every time I fly into Oklahoma City I am mortified that they would name an airport - of all things - after a person who died in a plane crash!" The lady on the aisle across from us heard him and agreed. The businessman (from Chicago) said, "Why not Oklahoma City International?" I thought about it.....hmm.....OKCI.....maybe they have a point. I didn't go on to mention that our general aviation airport is named after Wiley Post (died in the same plane crash as Rogers). But that makes sense given that Post is known for his aviation history.
The man said you could build the biggest statue of a man in the world and Will Rogers would deserve it - but an airport? He was really put off. I wonder how often people that know their history are bothered by our "Will Rogers World Airport?"
It's one of those things that I had never given much thought to. But, in these image conscious days for our city as it grows, what do you think of Will Rogers name being attached to our airport? Are there better ways to honor him? Would OKCI - or something else entirely - be better? What do you think?
SoonerDave 03-12-2007, 03:17 PM I think Will Rogers World Airport is as much a part of Oklahoma City history as anything. I vote to leave it alone.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 03:19 PM I think Will Rogers World Airport is as much a part of Oklahoma City history as anything. I vote to leave it alone.
Actually, I feel much the same way. It's all I've known all these years. But for new people just becoming acquainted with Oklahoma City, I can see where they may think it's rather odd.
jbrown84 03-12-2007, 03:21 PM Ha. I really never thought about it that way. I guess I remember him for other things, not that he died in a plane crash. Of course I knew that, but I never thought of the irony.
Was this guy also saying that Rogers deserves better than an airport? It's not like we're the only ones that named our airport after a famous figure. (Houston Bush, John Wayne, JFK)
I don't think it's a problem. Some people are superstitious. Whatever.
I did always wonder why we are the only "World Airport" while everybody else is an "International Airport", but I suppose that was for the sake of alliteration.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 03:34 PM Ha. I really never thought about it that way. I guess I remember him for other things, not that he died in a plane crash. Of course I knew that, but I never thought of the irony.
Was this guy also saying that Rogers deserves better than an airport? It's not like we're the only ones that named our airport after a famous figure. (Houston Bush, John Wayne, JFK)
I don't think it's a problem. Some people are superstitious. Whatever.
I did always wonder why we are the only "World Airport" while everybody else is an "International Airport", but I suppose that was for the sake of alliteration.
You're like me, I knew it and had heard the whispers about our two big airports being named after two people who died in plane crashes, but honestly - never gave it much thought. It's all I had ever heard and it just seems normal.
I used the term "inappropriate" in the thread title because that's the term the man from Chicago used. That's how he saw it. He said he loved Will Rogers, but that of all things to name the airport after him? (Because of his being associated with his death in a plane crash.) That was the gist of where he was coming from. While I see it as normal and part of our history, I do understand how he could feel that way. We're just all so used to hearing the name of our airport we don't give it a second thought.
BTW, I mentioned this to a colleague today and he said he had heard visitors say similar things like, "Didn't Will Rogers die in a plane crash?" (with a strange look on their faces) as they were getting off the plane.
It's funny when something seems so natural - like "Pauls Valley" - that we fail to see what others might think. I can see the humor in that and it being a "quaint" name - but I've heard it forever so I had not appreciated it.
jbrown84 03-12-2007, 03:41 PM I think they both have airports named after them because of their association with aviation in general, not because they died in plane crashes.
I can see how it's kind of ironic, and might freak out the superstitious, but I wouldn't say inappropriate. It's not like it's soiling his name.
It's not like it's the Karen Silkwood Plutonium Factory. That would be inappropriate.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 03:50 PM I think they both have airports named after them because of their association with aviation in general, not because they died in plane crashes.
I can see how it's kind of ironic, and might freak out the superstitious, but I wouldn't say inappropriate. It's not like it's soiling his name.
It's not like it's the Karen Silkwood Plutonium Factory. That would be inappropriate.
Oh, actually it was obvious he didn't think it was named after him BECAUSE of the plane crash.
Jbrown, that is funny! The Karen Silkwood Plutonium Factory!! (sad story though)
Kinda like the Dick Cheney Charm School. :)
jbrown84 03-12-2007, 03:52 PM no, the Dick Cheney Gun School.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 03:54 PM no, the Dick Cheney Gun School.
There you go!
mranderson 03-12-2007, 05:10 PM You know how we all get used to hearing things and it doesn't mean much to us. People from Iowa that I know got the biggest kick driving down to southern Oklahoma and passing through a town called "Pauls Valley." It sounds normal to us, but it was funny to them. They asked if there was a "Bill's Mountain" nearby. Just an example. Which brings me to.......
We've heard, "Will Rogers World Airport" all of our lives and think nothing of it. I've been traveling recently and was flying into Oklahoma City when a businessman said, "You know, every time I fly into Oklahoma City I am mortified that they would name an airport - of all things - after a person who died in a plane crash!" The lady on the aisle across from us heard him and agreed. The businessman (from Chicago) said, "Why not Oklahoma City International?" I thought about it.....hmm.....OKCI.....maybe they have a point. I didn't go on to mention that our general aviation airport is named after Wiley Post (died in the same plane crash as Rogers). But that makes sense given that Post is known for his aviation history.
The man said you could build the biggest statue of a man in the world and Will Rogers would deserve it - but an airport? He was really put off. I wonder how often people that know their history are bothered by our "Will Rogers World Airport?"
It's one of those things that I had never given much thought to. But, in these image conscious days for our city as it grows, what do you think of Will Rogers name being attached to our airport? Are there better ways to honor him? Would OKCI - or something else entirely - be better? What do you think?
I may not like hick things, however, I would oppose changing the name of Will Rogers World Airport. Here is why. Oklahoma City has the honor of having the first major airport in the nation named in honor of a member of the entertainment industry. Well ahead of John Wayne-Orange County in Santa Ana.
brianinok 03-12-2007, 05:38 PM I like it because it's unique. Younger people like myself (especially if they aren't from Oklahoma) need to be reminded about Will Rogers, and an airport is a fine way to keep that memory going. It doesn't bother me that it is named after a man who died in a plane crash. And there is no basis in their superstition. There might be if WRWA had a number of crashes to it's "credit" but it doesn't.
mranderson 03-12-2007, 07:34 PM I like it because it's unique. Younger people like myself (especially if they aren't from Oklahoma) need to be reminded about Will Rogers, and an airport is a fine way to keep that memory going. It doesn't bother me that it is named after a man who died in a plane crash. And there is no basis in their superstition. There might be if WRWA had a number of crashes to it's "credit" but it doesn't.
Here is another lack of basis for superstition. Will Rogers World Airport has never had a major plane crash. Plus, why would the FAA base a large percentage of their agency at an airport named after a man who died in a plane crash if there was anything to worry about? (retorical)
writerranger 03-12-2007, 07:40 PM Here is another lack of basis for superstition. Will Rogers World Airport has never had a major plane crash. Plus, why would the FAA base a large percentage of their agency at an airport named after a man who died in a plane crash if there was anything to worry about? (retorical)
I was just relaying the thoughts of this man from Chicago. Again, he wasn't being superstitious or "worrying" about anything. He just found it...well...odd. No big deal. I passed it along mainly because I think it's interesting how familiar things become normal things. People who know history and know that WR died in a plane crash wouldn't have to be superstitious to find it rather odd. Just relaying an outsiders thoughts. I thought it interesting.
okclee 03-12-2007, 08:05 PM I am in the minority here, but I would rather see OKC International. I think that it would tie the city to the it's airport. Especially for people that are not familiar with Will Rogers or for that matter Oklahoma.
Martin 03-12-2007, 08:07 PM so we landed at jfk jr international airport where we then went by helicopter to francis powers heliport. from there we drove to the theatre on the george patton expressway and parked the car in the robert kennedy parking garage. at the theatre we watched the play from the abraham lincoln box. we then stayed overnight in the hotel's martin luther king jr suite and the next day took the sonny bono lift up to the slopes to do a bit of skiing.
ok. ok. in all honesty, i think it'd be more unlucky to name an airplane after will rogers than an airport.
Karried 03-12-2007, 08:16 PM Thank God you had your lucky Rabbit's foot and Three Leaf Clover!
jbrown84 03-12-2007, 09:20 PM Well I guess I led us off topic a little on superstition.
I guess I'm still unclear on whether the guy thought it was odd/ironic or if he was offended. If that latter, I think it's kind of silly.
Again, I think Will Rogers is know for a lot of other things besides dying in a plane crash. In fact, I doubt many know that about him outside of Oklahoma. If it were John Denver, that would be different.
Kerry 03-12-2007, 10:15 PM Lets see - the airport in in Atlanta is really named Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International. Maybe in OKC it could be Rogers-Norick Oklahoma City International (if OKC can really be considered International).
BTW - tell your friend from Chicago the his own airport is named after someone killed in a plane crash. Lieutenant Edward O'Hare for whom O'Hare is named was shot down and killed in WWII. That is what I call ironic.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 10:26 PM Kerry, He's not my "friend," he was a guy on a flight I was on. I agree with everyone here that it shouldn't be changed (the name) and the man wasn't offended at all - it was an offhand comment that started a little discussion. More than anything I thought it interesting how some people see things differently than those who are around something and used to a name. (Like my 'Pauls Valley' example).
Kerry 03-12-2007, 10:29 PM Writeranger - don't take offense - I was using the term Friend in a very general sense.
writerranger 03-12-2007, 10:46 PM Writeranger - don't take offense - I was using the term Friend in a very general sense.
I understand. Thanks, Kerry.
zuluwarrior0760 03-12-2007, 11:00 PM That old quip has been going around since the time
the airports were first named....
We name roads after JFK even though he died in his car,
but let's just imagine for a second that JFK had actually died
in a plane crash.
I would venture a bet that NEVER would anyone land at that airport
and pose the query as to why it was named after him.......
Because he did some other stuff as well as die in a plane, or a car, or
by a bullet wound to the back of the skull, which brings us to the
more interesting question, which is WHY do people laughingly ask the
question about Will Rogers.....
Next time you hear someone ask that on the plane, remind them that
in the 20's and 30's Will Rogers was arguably the most famous
man on the planet and Wiley Post was the absolute GOD of aviators!!
I say nearly a century after you pass, the manner of your death should
take a back seat to what you did in life.
We named the airport after him because he was and is Oklahoma's most
famous son, and I say leave it no matter how curious it seems that
people say that, leave Pauls Valley alone too.....
Imagine what that guy would talk about as he landed in Tulsa.......
Wow, I'm landing in.........tulsa!
jbrown84 03-13-2007, 12:32 AM Thanks for the O'Hare tip. Now if I hear this again from someone, I have a pretty good comeback.
writerranger 03-13-2007, 09:32 AM Thanks for the O'Hare tip. Now if I hear this again from someone, I have a pretty good comeback.
Yes. I wish I had known that when Mr. Chicago was so mortified.
I make the joke that Oklahoma City is the only place that would name it's two airports after people who died in plane crashes all the time, but only because it is funny from its irony, but not because I think it's wrong, offensive, or odd to do so. Given who Will Rogers was, I think he would actually appreciate the irony and I think it makes it even more appropriate. As pointed out before, memorial namings are often associated with how or where one died.
I honestly think that the criticism is just someone's repressed personal bias bubbling to the surface. I once had someone say that Oklahoma City's image is affected by it's name, as it is, admittedly, unoriginal. However, this doesn't seem to affect New York City's image, or Kansas City. I think it has more to do with lack of image associated with Oklahoma City. Everyone, when pressed, would admit that most traditional stereotypes don't necessarily apply to it's major cities, but those cities have also struggled to supplant those images associated with the state at large. However, I do think it is slowly beginning to change and Oklahoma City is getting a better image nationally. With that, the names associated with our faculties and attractions and the city itself, will create associations based more on their actual merit and characteristics than on some old stereotypes that presently still exist only to fill the void of an image altogether.
bombermwc 03-13-2007, 10:13 AM If you are so worried about the name of an airport, then you probably have other things you should be worried about. It's a name, it doesn't mean anything. So what if he and Post died in airplane crashes. That's not why the airports are named after them, so get over it.
jbrown84 03-13-2007, 10:18 AM BDP, why would "only" OKC name their airports after 2 men who died in a plane crash?? What does that mean? We're too dumb to notice the irony?
Oh, nothing more than some self depricating humor. It's funnier if you say it that way. I don't think anyone with any persepective would take it as a qualification of intelligence.
Of course, I do not mention or joke about the reasons for renaming the North Canadian. That does make us look stupid. :)
CMSturgeon 03-13-2007, 01:59 PM I would rather it be named after a great person. Unlike "Southwester Bell Bricktown Ball Park" or the newly updated "Cox Business Services Convention Center."
CuatrodeMayo 03-13-2007, 04:55 PM Wonder how much the naming rights would cost...?
Hobby Lobby International Airport
writerranger 03-13-2007, 05:05 PM Wonder how much the naming rights would cost...?
Hobby Lobby International Airport
Don't give them any ideas. :)
CMSturgeon 03-13-2007, 09:48 PM That old quip has been going around since the time
the airports were first named....
We name roads after JFK even though he died in his car,
but let's just imagine for a second that JFK had actually died
in a plane crash.
I would venture a bet that NEVER would anyone land at that airport
and pose the query as to why it was named after him.......
Because he did some other stuff as well as die in a plane, or a car, or
by a bullet wound to the back of the skull, which brings us to the
more interesting question, which is WHY do people laughingly ask the
question about Will Rogers.....
Next time you hear someone ask that on the plane, remind them that
in the 20's and 30's Will Rogers was arguably the most famous
man on the planet and Wiley Post was the absolute GOD of aviators!!
I say nearly a century after you pass, the manner of your death should
take a back seat to what you did in life.
We named the airport after him because he was and is Oklahoma's most
famous son, and I say leave it no matter how curious it seems that
people say that, leave Pauls Valley alone too.....
Imagine what that guy would talk about as he landed in Tulsa.......
Wow, I'm landing in.........tulsa!
Speaking of famous Oklahomans, I just thought of a new name for the airport and he isnt even dead yet:
Toby Keith I Love This Bar and Grill International Airport
bombermwc 03-14-2007, 10:49 AM could even do like colleges and name terminals and gates.
The Cold Stone Creamery Gate in the Sonic Wing of Toby Keith's I Love this Airport.
HOT ROD 03-14-2007, 11:05 AM Will Rogers and Wiley Post were so named because they were famous persons known worldwide at the time, from OKLAHOMA.
And yes, Chicago O'Hare International Airport IS also named for a person who died in a plane crash - yet isn't it arguably the busiest airport in the world!!!?? That was the FIRST thing I tought of when I saw the heading of this thread - wasn't O'Hare killed flying a plane too.
I do agree in some ways, that we should modify the airport tho - as most people worldwide just say Oklahoma City International Airport. A while ago, we (certain members of this forum) thought up the name Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport - when it was just beginning the renovations. However, we thought up the new moniker not to downplay WR but instead to promote OKLAHOMA CITY, so you know exactly where the airport is (like Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta, John Wayne - Orange, Lambert - Saint Louis).
by the way, all of those NAMED airports are so named after famous persons from that area or era (as is the case for JFK, Reagan). Oh, and there are MANY airports in this country named INTERNATIONAL yet dont have international scheduled service so to say; one comes to mind some 99 miles to the NorthEast of OKC by the way yet it is much smaller than WRWA.
But yes, that would have been a very GOOD follow to the Chicagoan if you had "reminded him" about his own airport being so named after a fellow who died in a war!!
Hopefully, Oklahomans can become more whitty and defend ourselves when people try to slam us (although I dont think he was being mean, but he did put us down and the others "agreed"). Certainly, if you had said, so was O'Hare - then that would have took the "wind out of his sails, and argument" and would have shown that Oklahoman's can dish out an insult as well instead of JUST taking it.
At least Will Rogers World Airport is original - there's NO OTHER airport named WORLD in the world (Wichita Mid-Continent Airport is another original), and at least its not as corny as "Love Field", "Hobby Airport", or "Eppley Field". lol.
------------ Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport --------------
Was it really an insult, though? If we start taking airport jokes as insults, then we might really have a problem.
mranderson 03-14-2007, 12:23 PM Was it really an insult, though? If we start taking airport jokes as insults, then we might really have a problem.
I just wonder what is next... "How many airports does it take to screw in a light bulb?..."
writerranger 03-14-2007, 01:01 PM Hi Hot Rod:
I pride myself on knowing a little about a lot of things, but I couldn't have told you who Chicago's O'Hare Airport was named after if my life depended on it. I've since looked it up and found Edward O'Hare's story compelling. If I had known, I certainly would have said something. By the way - about this man from Chicago - he was making a return visit to Oklahoma City and had some awfully nice things to say about our city as well. The airport thing was really an aside at the end of the flight - a lady across the aisle heard and said she agreed it was odd. It wasn't near as big a deal as maybe I portrayed it. However, had I known about Edward O'Hare, it would have been good to mention. What's sad is that the man from Chicago, an otherwise seemingly intelligent man, didn't know about O'Hare either - and he was from Chicago! Though, to be fair, I don't know how long he had been there as he had spoken of being raised in the Seattle area.
jbrown84 03-14-2007, 08:21 PM ------------ Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport --------------
I like it.
okclee 03-14-2007, 09:08 PM I second "Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport".
HOT ROD 03-14-2007, 09:43 PM thanks Jbrown, I pushed the name "Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport" to the mayor,
as a new branding idea for the NEW completed airport - which I also recommended the city MANDATE the airport trust to finish (East Concourse). I said, we should use our airport to promote Oklahoma City while at the same time having it as a memorial to famous oklahoman. I also mentioned that I think the citizens were cheated because the original airport plan $110M called for an expanded terminal with three concourses, an East, Central, and West; we only have the Central and West now.
I said the city should think big time and recognize that as we get large scale events, people will come and realize the potential OKC has. If we have space ready for them - we can accommodate their needs and capitalize on the growth opportunities - I also mentioned we should go after WN Southwest either as a hub/mini-hub, HQ, or both; as well as focus city opportunities with airlines as they try out new markets. Can you imagine OKC being a focus city for a month while the Big 12 basketball tourney, NCAA Mens or Womens, and NBA is happening in March??? Well, with an airport ready to facilitate that - it could be reality and provide OKC a much needed boost in transportation options, even if it is temporary.
I think the city needs to think BIG TIME and OUT OF THE BOX!! And we need our airport to be the focal for outsiders to our city. And big time would have been truly completing Phase II (I called their bluff, as the original Phase II had the three concourses, and Phase III called for a NEW central concourse that protrudes out like the E and W, which was supposed to be built in future). Phase II was supposed to have no less than 24 gates - yet we currently only have 3/5 of this.
We need to think big time, who cares about Dallas and the fact that some travelers drive down vs. catching a flight from OKC. That may be the way it is now for some travelers - but that would change if we built a terminal and allowed the market to absorb it. that is what we did with the Ford Center, and it is working - so why not our biggest marketing tool - which I recommended be renamed as Will Rogers - Oklahoma City International Airport (so that OKC is promoted, the more people see OKC and Oklahoma City in positive,progressive light - the better off OKC will become)!!!
You all know about Seattle now, but I dare ask someone about Seattle in 1990 - most folks east of Colorado probably wouldn't know anything about Seattle (I didnt), other than its about to fall of the map on the Weather. Look at Seattle now, a top Tier II city and maybe a low Tier I in some respects.
Well now, OKC is a low Tier II city - so we need to start thinking like one, and completing the airport, building a low-floor light-rail trolley downtown that will be expanded later, building master plans for neighbourhood beautification (foliage, fountains, signage), infrastructure (sidewalks, lights, transit and transit shelters, community centers, schools, libraries), all of which would feed and enhance momentum started and improved downtown.
I also mentioned we should adopt a hub with mini-hubs and spoke transit model. Downtown would be the hub of course with its low-floor trolley serving the inner downtown core and small buses spoking into the inner city. Mini-hubs would be established in several key areas in the city (malls or Universities with Park N Ride) as well as the resp downtowns of the suburbs of Midwest City, Choctaw, Shawnee, Norman, Edmond, El Reno, Bethany, and Mustang also as mini-hubs. Each mini-hub would have local buses feed the main mini-hub (which would be located at the main library or city hall/community center resp).
Regional bus shuttles would run between the regions, to funnel pax en mass to downtown and other mini-hubs. In the future, a commuter rail system could be ammend the Norman-Crossroads-Downtown and Guthrie-Edmond-N. OKC-Downtown routes; as well a high-floor light rail trolley could be implemented to run from Downtown to the Airport.
I recommended that we consider such a hub + mini-hubs and spoke network for transit (along with sidewalk and lighting/shelter improvements) because the improvements would encourage pedestrian traffic which would fill the buses and trains, esp if combined with the neighbourhood improvements.
I suggested the above as MAPS III - revitalizing the urbanized area of OKC to prepare for regionalized urban model, with MAPS IV being an OKC METRO initiative.
To me, this addresses some CORE competencies that are missing in the urbanized area of OKC (like sidewalks along major thoroughfares, transit shelters to get riders out of the rain/sun, well lit thoroughfares and freeways in the city to prevent crime and encourage people to WALK, foliage and neighbourhood master plans so that beautification is enforced and the correct projects are built for the correct location). Think how OKC would change if each neighbourhood had a personality of its own, complete with urban amenities that encouraged people to walk and take tranist?
Just think about the day when you as an inner OKC resident could walk down the lit and foliaged sidewalk from your home to the neighbourhood grocery or venue or hop a local bus or light rail trolley (if you live near OCU or lower) to downtown for a large scale event or just plain-jane big city evening, and while downtown you eat at a fantastic local eatery, shop at Saks or Nordstrom - whichever is on sale that evening, then take the trolley or bus back home, in time to enjoy your favourite evening show(s). Or think, you are a teen who lives in suburban OKC but you and your buddies want to go to the big city to have fun for the Friday night. You hop an express regional bus from your suburb's downtown to Downtown OKC - the big city, full of things to do or just 'hang-out-able' for teens so while you're downtown you head to the see the NBA Sonics because you scored a nose-bleed seat. Or you're lucky and live in one of the downtown core districts and you walk out of your condo and a block away is a low-floor trolley that will take you from Deep Duece to that high end restaurant in A-Alley then back home.
Critical mass might not be there, but if we start from scratch and address the issues that will encourage pedestrians in the city - we will have critical mass to fill buses and trains, and have an urban experience unseen in OKC for some 60 years.
Now that's a Renaissance!
HOT ROD 03-14-2007, 09:52 PM writer, I agree with you - it may not be as big a deal and I was not putting you down for not chiming into that A and B conversation;
but we all know OK has always been the butt of many a joke or put down and there are some people who have not been to OK lately nor do they realize that OKC is now a Tier II city. It could be just truly educational but if I were on the plane I would have piped up and told him about O'Hare, if nothing else but to determine what his intentions were.
Im not knocking you, writer, for not knowing about O'Hare - Im just saying I hope we Oklahoman's (esp OKC'ans) will get better at sticking up for our city. You guys know what I mean, if anyone says anything bad about KC or Indy or Seattle and someone from those places are around - you will find those folks defending their town. I know in the past, OKC folks would agree with the negative remarks and that has changed where now people defend and inform people about the new OKC - but I also hope we can move to the next level.
Even though I live in Seattle and have been an expat from OKC for 15 years now (wow, I can't believe that) - and I probably will not return permanently to OKC due to the weather (sorry, Im a rain/cloudy weather guy); I still want the best for OKC - I always knew it had potential and I always inform those who would otherwise relegate OKC to the "Grapes of Wrath image" or podunk. I would expect most on this forum would similarly inform the misinformed as well.
I am elated that we all take pride in OKC now, I just want us to take it to the next level - sort of a KC arrogance which I think will come with some much needed community revitalization/beautification and the NBA - to solidify pride in OKC.
okclee 03-14-2007, 10:04 PM ^^^^ Great read ^^^
Hot Rod, I hope that you will send that entire message to the Mayors office. As I was reading I could see Okc just as if your words were painting a picture of the future.
Has the mayor responded to your Airport name change?
Kerry 03-14-2007, 10:48 PM I like the word World in the name. My pick would still be Rogers-Norick OKC World Airport
jbrown84 03-15-2007, 09:43 AM I don't want to add another name to it. Norick already has a street and a library named after him, and he's still alive and well. Adding another name takes too much focus away from Will Rogers. If it's just Rogers-Norick, who's going to remember in 25 years who either person is?
HOT ROD 03-15-2007, 01:10 PM I did send my suggestions to the mayor a day or two ago. And although I have not YET received a response on it - Im sure there might be some consideration given to how we can better use the assets we have to promote our city.
Especially now that the city is poised to become the next great Tier II city - we will have large events coming and people looking to have large events, we want them to SEE Oklahoma City and not have ourselves "off the list" when it comes to airports. I like WORLD also, but I think it is too old now and that Oklahoma City might want to promote itself as being INTERNATIONAL.
Thanks okclee and others, who agree with my suggestion. I included all of what I wrote here as well as an appeal to finish the East Concourse to use it for the occasional "focus city" designation when we have large events and/or mini-hub.
Will Rogers - Oklahoma City World Airport does have a nice ring to it as well as retaining our originality (like MidContinent, Sunport, and others).
Either way, Oklahoma City International or Oklahoma City World Airport; I think we should append the name, as "Will Rogers - Oklahoma City"; no less.
Oh, and I dont think we need to add Norick to it.
jbrown84 03-15-2007, 01:41 PM I think the most original airport name is Phoenix's Sky Harbor.
CuatrodeMayo 03-15-2007, 01:54 PM I think the most original airport name is Phoenix's Sky Harbor.
And by far my favorite. I was just thinking about that one the other day when this discussion came up. I remember flying into that airport when I was in high school and thinking, "Sky Harbor? Freakin' sweet!"
...Until I had to navigate it.
HOT ROD 03-15-2007, 02:01 PM I think its Sky Harbor International Airport tho. Not JUST Sky Harbor.
Wichita's airport IS called, Wichita MidContinent Airport which is original. No other MidContinent Airport. Albuquerque's airport is called Albuquerque SunPort, which is also original, No other SunPort.
Ours, WRWA is also original, no other World Airport; but it doesn't say Oklahoma City. The other originals have the name of the city, so you still know where SunPort or MidContinent Airport is.
jbrown84 03-15-2007, 04:01 PM I have to say I think "SunPort", although original, is pretty lame. What does that have to do with anything?
Let's call ours WindPort, or perhaps CornPort.
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is a much better use of creativity. Whoever thought of that gets a gold star.
I just thought of this. What about...
Oklahoma City - Will Rogers World Airport
It achieves the same purpose and keeps the originality and alliteration, although it's easy to slur it "Will Wogers World Airport".
CuatrodeMayo 03-15-2007, 04:21 PM cornport...hehe.
okclee 03-15-2007, 05:20 PM Metro -
I am glad to see you sending your message to the Mayor. Keep us informed whenever you get his reply.
lonestarstatesux 03-17-2007, 02:36 AM OK, a couple of things...
"I wonder how often people that know their history are bothered by our "Will Rogers World Airport?""
Well, maybe not people who understand that if it weren't for Rogers' relationship with Wiley Post and belief in aviation that the US might not have been as well prepared for WWII. Rogers pushed for stronger air power for the military, and was very influential. Which leads me to the next one...
"Again, I think Will Rogers is know for a lot of other things besides dying in a plane crash. In fact, I doubt many know that about him outside of Oklahoma."
At the time Will Rogers died, he was the leading voice in radio and print, and a major film star as well, especially in the early 30's. He was basically the most popular figure of the pre-WWII era, so I bet a lot more people know he died in a plane crash than you might think. I'm sure you know all of this stuff, but just reiterating.
All that said, I think Will Rogers World Airport is a great name for one of the most beloved popular figures of the 20th century.
mranderson 03-17-2007, 12:45 PM OK, a couple of things...
"I wonder how often people that know their history are bothered by our "Will Rogers World Airport?""
Well, maybe not people who understand that if it weren't for Rogers' relationship with Wiley Post and belief in aviation that the US might not have been as well prepared for WWII. Rogers pushed for stronger air power for the military, and was very influential. Which leads me to the next one...
"Again, I think Will Rogers is know for a lot of other things besides dying in a plane crash. In fact, I doubt many know that about him outside of Oklahoma."
At the time Will Rogers died, he was the leading voice in radio and print, and a major film star as well, especially in the early 30's. He was basically the most popular figure of the pre-WWII era, so I bet a lot more people know he died in a plane crash than you might think. I'm sure you know all of this stuff, but just reiterating.
All that said, I think Will Rogers World Airport is a great name for one of the most beloved popular figures of the 20th century.
A bit off, however relevant since WIley Post has been mentioned. Did you know Wiley Post invented the space suit? Had it not been for him, countless things we take for granted today would not be in existance.
dismayed 03-17-2007, 06:57 PM You know both of our city's major airports are named after people who died in plane crashes (Will Rogers and Wiley Post). And the major road in and out of Will Rogers is Amelia Earhart Way. And General Tinker, for whom Tinker AFB is named, died in a bomber crash.
Not that I'm superstitious or anything, but isn't that kind of weird? :)