View Full Version : SW OKC Pizza Hut moving...

03-12-2007, 08:28 AM
After some 30-35 years on the west side of South Penn and SW 89th, it appears that Pizza Hut will be moving to Palagio at SW 104th and Western, diagonally opposite Mazzio's free-standing location at the same corner.

Story is that the owner of the Hut building advised the restaurant last year that their lease would not be renewed, and Hut opted to exercise a final one-year option before closing/moving.

Pizza Hut is presently building out the space located in the SW corner of the Palagio center, probable completion of which is roughly coincident with the expiration of their option year on the existing building.

I've thought for some time that the current building there might just fall over if you blew on it hard enough.


03-12-2007, 09:43 AM
More good news for SW Okc, I like how Sw 104th is starting to fill in.

Now all we need is a Super Wal-mart. JK

03-12-2007, 10:23 AM
wal-mart? that's blasphemy, okclee!

gee... and i wonder who bought up the old pizza hut location? who could it possibly be? :P -M

03-12-2007, 10:30 AM
gee... and i wonder who bought up the old pizza hut location? who could it possibly be? :P -M

Actually, I believe it was a transaction internal to the PB Odom group. I can't say I saw that first-hand; it was apparently listed in the land transactions in the newspaper.


03-12-2007, 10:33 AM
all facetiousness aside, i was kinda thinking southern hills baptist church gobbled it up. maybe i'm wrong... -M

03-12-2007, 11:12 AM
all facetiousness aside, i was kinda thinking southern hills baptist church gobbled it up. maybe i'm wrong... -M

Sorry, mmm, didn't realize what you were getting at....I'm kinda dense today. Didn't mean to spoil a snicker. :)

Wouldn't surprise me at all for that to happen eventually.


03-12-2007, 03:30 PM
That's good news! The old location was getting shabbier all the time...

03-12-2007, 05:16 PM
I drove past the proposed location earlier today. No sign yet.

03-12-2007, 09:28 PM
I have a feeling that with Circle K buying out All Star Stores and Pizza Hut moving, chances our Southern Hills Baptist Church will eventually own the whole lot from 89th to the church. The old Buchanan’s store has yet to hold a profitable tenant. Goodwill is the only store that has lasted, and not many businesses want to share space with Goodwill. The Church has had their eye on the Buchanan’s store for years. It is only a matter of time until the Buchanan’s and the church agree on a price for the old Buchanan’s store.

Now this is not fact just a rumor and little bit of speculation on my part:

I heard a rumor that Southern Hills is building a new private school on the grounds of the church. If you look at that parcel, that area would provide plenty of room for a private school. Circle K will probably sell the current ConocoPhillips station on 89th and Penn and build across the street on the old Kerr McGee property or behind McDonalds. I say this because I would think Circle K would want a full sized convenience store not a fuel station. If they do not sell that station, I expect them to tear down the car wash and build a new building on the car wash’s site.

Then again, the church may not have anything to do with this. Pizza Hut has been moving out of old stores and building new ones. In Kingfisher, they pulled a McDonald’s move. They tore down the old one and rebuilt on the same site. Pizza Hut may have been planning a relocate for the future and just accelerated on their plans because they could not agree to a new lease.

Personally, I would have picked the corner of 104th and Penn opposite 7-11 in Chatenay Square. A new pizza restaurant with dine in and delivery would make crazy money on that site. The nearby schools, churches and apartment dwellers would keep that place profitable.

03-12-2007, 09:40 PM
I have a feeling that with Circle K buying out All Star Stores and Pizza Hut moving, chances our Southern Hills Baptist Church will eventually own the whole lot from 89th to the church. The old Buchanan’s store has yet to hold a profitable tenant. Goodwill is the only store that has lasted, and not many businesses want to share space with Goodwill. The Church has had their eye on the Buchanan’s store for years. It is only a matter of time until the Buchanan’s and the church agree on a price for the old Buchanan’s store.

Now this is not fact just a rumor and little bit of speculation on my part:

I heard a rumor that Southern Hills is building a new private school on the grounds of the church. If you look at that parcel, that area would provide plenty of room for a private school. Circle K will probably sell the current ConocoPhillips station on 89th and Penn and build across the street on the old Kerr McGee property or behind McDonalds. I say this because I would think Circle K would want a full sized convenience store not a fuel station. If they do not sell that station, I expect them to tear down the car wash and build a new building on the car wash’s site.

Then again, the church may not have anything to do with this. Pizza Hut has been moving out of old stores and building new ones. In Kingfisher, they pulled a McDonald’s move. They tore down the old one and rebuilt on the same site. Pizza Hut may have been planning a relocate for the future and just accelerated on their plans because they could not agree to a new lease.

Personally, I would have picked the corner of 104th and Penn opposite 7-11 in Chatenay Square. A new pizza restaurant with dine in and delivery would make crazy money on that site. The nearby schools, churches and apartment dwellers would keep that place profitable.

Southern Hills Baptist already owns the entire strip center. Buchanan's leased from them, and Steve Buchanan now is the realtor in charge of leasing the former Buchanans site.

Yes. Eventually, the whole place will be the church.

03-12-2007, 10:04 PM
^^ Eventually all of Oklahoma will be a church. JK

03-13-2007, 12:27 AM
The Church has had their eye on the Buchanan’s store for years. It is only a matter of time until the Buchanan’s and the church agree on a price for the old Buchanan’s store.

The church is not interested in the building. As I understand it, they were given the opportunity to purchase the building some time ago, and after a rather thorough review of it, felt it was in too great a state of disrepair to embark on a "rehabilitation" project. They are, however, very interested in the land on which that building sits.

I heard a rumor that Southern Hills is building a new private school on the grounds of the church.

Absolutely untrue.

The church is completing a new youth and administration building, and will next be working on renovating the existing north sanctuary.


I drove past the proposed (Pizza Hut) location earlier today. No sign yet.

Go read the sign leaning against the trash dumpster outside the area being renovated. It says "For Pizza Hut Construction Only." The one out there two weeks ago said "Not for tenant use - for Pizza Hut construction only." The location in Palagio is consistent with other rumored new locations for the restaurant.


03-13-2007, 06:35 AM
sorry, mmm, didn't realize what you were getting at... no sweat... my comment was pretty vague.

i may be wrong, but i seem to remember that corner unit in palagio seems to be larger than the typical delivery-only storefront... think this will have dine-in like the old location? -M

03-13-2007, 07:48 AM
think this will have dine-in like the old location? -M

Absolutely. I can't fathom a Pizza Hut (or any other food place) going into a presumably upscale spot like Palagio with only take-out format. Besides, it's pretty apparent that their doing quite a bit of interior work; way more than you'd need for an oven and a checkout counter...
