View Full Version : Bricktown During NCAA Week

03-11-2007, 10:25 AM
This was dismayed's original thread starter... I merged a few posts that are specific to Bricktown this week:

Bricktown During NCAA Week

So I was in Bricktown this weekend and the place was packed. I wish every weekend was like that. Here are some updates I thought I would pass on and see if anyone has any comments.

Al's - I stopped by Al's Saturday night and the place had lots of people in it. They seemed to be doing well.

Halo - Tried to stop by this place but they were closed, and there was a large ominous "water cutoff notice" sign on the front door. Anyone know what's going on?

Drinkz - The place was packed. It's about time, what a great bar.

LIT - They had an awesome DJ playing electronica there. Not like pop stuff, but real ambient-trance and occasionally breakbeat.

Hey guys, I moved our posts over here so they aren't so lost in the Articles thread:

Anyway, I went to Bricktown Friday night. We parked near Spaghetti Warehouse for $5. We ate at Bricktown Brewery and walked to Ford Center afterwards. We watched OSU win in the last seconds of the game on a big screen in a little cordoned off area across from the Ford. We then walked back to the canal to get a seat on the water and listen to live music.

Frankly, I was disappointed. I thought the entire area would be swamped with people along the canal. It was practically barren.. it was about 9:15 I believe. We had no problem sitting on the canal because no one wanted to sit there... why would they? There was no music playing anywhere!

Granted, they had TV's set up everywhere but no one was really watching the game.

We ended up leaving around 9:30 because it was just not what we were looking for. I had imagined a party atmosphere with musicians and street activities and tons of people milling about.. I know most of the people were inside watching the games.. but this was Friday night.. should have been hopping along the canal. I know the merchants were disappointed along the water.. most people hung around the Ford center.. there was nothing to draw them to the canal..

Any ideas on how to change that situation?

03-11-2007, 11:58 AM
It's only fair that we share.. how greedy if one state says ' we want it all '.

Anyway, I went to Bricktown Friday night. We parked near Spaghetti Warehouse for $5. We ate at Bricktown Brewery and walked to Ford Center afterwards. We watched OSU win in the last seconds of the game on a big screen in a little cordoned off area across from the Ford. We then walked back to the canal to get a seat on the water and listen to live music.

Frankly, I was extremely disappointed. I thought the entire area would be swamped with people along the canal. It was practically barren.. it was about 9:15 I believe. We had no problem sitting on the canal because no one wanted to sit there... why would they?

There was no music playing anywhere!

Granted, they had TV's set up everywhere but no one was really watching the game.

We ended up leaving around 9:30 because it was just not what we were looking for. I had imagined a party atmosphere with musicians and street activities and tons of people milling about.. I know most of the people were inside watching the games.. but this was Friday night.. should have been hopping along the canal. I know the merchants were disappointed along the water.. most people hung around the Ford center.. there was nothing to draw them to the canal..

Any ideas on how to change that situation?

Interesting...I noticed nearly the exact opposite on Friday night. I thought Bricktown was hopping on Friday night. I didn't get back there though until most other fans (after the UT/Baylor game).

03-11-2007, 02:53 PM
Oh Good, I'm glad to hear that..I talked to one retailer who said Tue-Thu was really disappointing for those on the Canal so they were really hoping Fri - Sat would make up for it.. I hope so..

We were thinking if we stayed later it would have been a lot more active.. but it was that in-between time that we didn't expect.. a lull if you will.. We went out dancing instead. But, I'm so glad for the retailers that it picked up.

03-11-2007, 03:58 PM
Dallas has a ways to go to match OKC standards

Did you ever think you'd see that headline?

Karrie, I was there Friday night around the same time as you, and although I was a little disappointed, I was still impressed. I was meeting my dad for a 9:30 showing of 300, so about 8:30 I got tickets and then walked around. It's a good thing I went that early. Both 9:30 showings and a 10:30 showing in the Cine Capri of 300 sold out. It was the biggest crowds I've ever seen at the Harkins.

I was a bit disappointed with the lack of crowds ON the canal and riding the boats, as well as at the Memorial. In the past, when events were in town, it's been very crowded at night at the memorial. I think that's the best time to see it. Crowds were also thin outside the Ford Center.

But in addition to the huge crowds at the theatre, all the restaurants looked packed except maybe Abuelo's, but they don't have the TV's and it was 9:00 by this point. Al's was absolutely packed. Othello's and Bourbon Street were full. Lots of people on cariage rides, lots of people on the sidewalks. Lots of people taking pictures next to the Centennial Fountain.

I also went inside the Courtyard and the Colcord for the first time. Both are very impressive in their own right. The Courtyard is super nice for a hotel in that chain, and the lobby/restaurant was packed. And the Colcord is the kind of place that a lot of these visitors would probably never expect. VERY classy.

And how's this for business: on my way back to the theatre from the Colcord, I'm walking on the north side of Sheridan across from the Cox and I hear this loud crash. I turn around to see that a COP has just rearended a white truck, which nearly bumped the car in front of it. I actually stood there dumbfounded for a minute. There's like 200 feet between lights there--I don't know what the cop was looking at. Several people outside the Sheraton noticed it too.

03-11-2007, 07:45 PM
So I was in Bricktown this weekend and the place was packed. I wish every weekend was like that. Here are some updates I thought I would pass on and see if anyone has any comments.

Al's - I stopped by Al's Saturday night and the place had lots of people in it. They seemed to be doing well.

Halo - Tried to stop by this place but they were closed, and there was a large ominous "water cutoff notice" sign on the front door. Anyone know what's going on?

Drinkz - The place was packed. It's about time, what a great bar.

LIT - They had an awesome DJ playing electronica there. Not like pop stuff, but real ambient-trance and occasionally breakbeat.

03-11-2007, 08:34 PM
Drinkz - The place was packed. It's about time, what a great bar.

I agree - great place, very classy. I was sorry to hear it's up for sale and I don't get it. Location? I don't know.


03-12-2007, 10:45 AM
I agree - great place, very classy. I was sorry to hear it's up for sale and I don't get it. Location? I don't know.----------------------
I think the name hurts it. Seriously.

03-12-2007, 10:50 AM
My guess is it's just not catering to the younger crowd with martinis etc....Seems those places are the only ones that can survive in bricktown and most don't even do that for long

Might work well in the old Tapwerks on N Western

03-12-2007, 02:29 PM
We talked to the owner one night. He has an opportunity to take over an established bar that has been in his family for sometime in the New Orleans area by Tulane U. The bar in NO still does good business.

Drinkz does fine, other than it requires more of his time due to spotty business. Weekends are good, but weekday crowds are weak. No happy hour crowd to speak of.

IMHO, bricktown is still a few years away from being a good tavern type location. Not enough foot traffic during the week.

03-12-2007, 02:49 PM
We talked to the owner one night. He has an opportunity to take over an established bar that has been in his family for sometime in the New Orleans area by Tulane U. The bar in NO still does good business.

Drinkz does fine, other than it requires more of his time due to spotty business. Weekends are good, but weekday crowds are weak. No happy hour crowd to speak of.

IMHO, bricktown is still a few years away from being a good tavern type location. Not enough foot traffic during the week.

The owner, and I can't think of his name, is one truly nice guy. Bricktown needs more people like him. I can certainly understand his wanting to go keep the place in NO in the family. Best of luck to him. It's their gain, for sure.
