View Full Version : Bricktown Village
BG918 03-07-2007, 06:22 PM Remember when rumors were flying around here that Bob Funk, owner of the RedHawks, was planning on building a condo tower overlooking the Bricktown ballpark? Well I saw the plans and renderings for this "rumored" project today and I must say I am very impressed! The name of it is Bricktown Village and it is a partnership between Capstone Development and a Baltimore architectural firm, plus the RedHawks and Funk. It not only includes the parking lot directly to the east of the ballpark, which would be a midrise condo tower with stellar views, but also the old warehouse at Sheridan and Joe Carter at the NE end of the ballpark would be redeveloped into housing as well. Also all of the lots around the Bricktown Events Center and IHOP would be turned into 3-4 story loft apartments with underground parking and a mix of retail and restaurant space along Sheridan, Reno, and Joe Carter. This plan hasn't been officially released yet so that's all I can say for now...
jbrown84 03-07-2007, 07:29 PM Sweet, we are finally getting to where the suface parking is starting to disappear. Now we just need to get something in the Rock Island building at Oklahoma and Reno. I can't believe it still sits empty in that location.
metro 03-07-2007, 07:29 PM Sounds cool, let's just hope its promising and comes to fruition. I knew about the rumors for a long time.
Spartan 03-07-2007, 08:16 PM I don't know that Capstone is behind this.
That would probably be their first project in Oklahoma if this is true.
That does sound interesting. Do you know if they intende to seel or lease the condos and lofts?
Sounds very interesting and promising.
Perhaps the condo development will also feature a restaurant overlooking the ballpark. From that vantage point, you'd also have a great view of the skyline (unlike Coaches).
Looking through the Capstone website, it looks like they are doing a whole series of properties they call "The Fieldhouse" which are very close to sports venues:
Fieldhouse :: a Capstone Companies Development (
metro 03-08-2007, 01:36 PM FYI I drove by today and noticed some sort of construction already started just east of the ballpark. Concrete Piers appear to be going up in the "players and VIP parking lot" just outside the Centerfield fence. I took pictures and will post them in my gallery in a few minutes.
jbrown84 03-08-2007, 01:50 PM Wow, usually we hear something official and then don't see any construction for a couple years...
metro 03-08-2007, 02:19 PM OK, I posted the picture of the construction I saw today in the players parking lot. Look in the left center part of the picture and you can see pillars of some sort and the wood concrete frames going up. Let's hope its for these ballpark condos.
shane453 03-08-2007, 04:06 PM They can't just start building something without getting approval, particularly in Bricktown. If this was anything really important, we'd have likely already heard about it.
metro 03-08-2007, 04:27 PM I agree Shane, but they've been tossing this idea around before and I thought it was proposed awhile back while the final planning (including obtaining permit, final designs, etc was in the works). You could be very well right but I'm hoping we'll be optimistic on this one, I'm not sure what else it could be.
BG918 03-08-2007, 04:50 PM I agree Shane, but they've been tossing this idea around before and I thought it was proposed awhile back while the final planning (including obtaining permit, final designs, etc was in the works). You could be very well right but I'm hoping we'll be optimistic on this one, I'm not sure what else it could be.
I saw that too yesterday while in Bricktown, not sure what they're doing there. From the rendering I saw there was a midrise (6-8 stories) condo tower there, adjacent to the proposed 10 story Hampton Inn, and then a collection of mixed-use lofts similar in style to Block 42 surrounding the Bricktown Events Center. I'll see if I can scan that rendering, it was really cool.
On a sidenote, and something I noticed yesterday, Sheridan Ave. through Bricktown has the largest concentration of OKC's nightlife along with the north canal area. I think it would be wise to continue having more and more bars, clubs, and especially music venues on this "strip" through Bricktown. There's no reason, with all the current establishments already there and the vacant spaces east of Central, that Sheridan couldn't become something similar to 6th Street or Lower Greenville with its high concentration of nightlife and restaurants all in one place.
shane453 03-08-2007, 05:17 PM I don't know if it's optimistic or pessimistic to hope that it's an unapproved, non-publicly announced structure going up somewhere in Bricktown. In my eyes it would be an indication that something isn't quite working if an officially unproposed project is being built. Whether I like the idea of the project or not. And I do.
brianinok 03-08-2007, 05:38 PM Too bad we couldn't get something like that in Lower Bricktown. Sounds like it will have a pretty urban feel. I hope they start on it soon.
Spartan 03-08-2007, 06:18 PM They can't just start building something without getting approval, particularly in Bricktown. If this was anything really important, we'd have likely already heard about it.
Jim Brewer can.
metro 03-08-2007, 09:38 PM good one Spartan, or at least he thinks he can demolish structures without approval
Spartan 03-09-2007, 09:15 PM You can't watch a Brewer development anymore without your jaw being wide open, aghast. His hotel planned for the canal though may be a good chance for him to do something positive for once.
metro 03-10-2007, 12:13 PM BG can you please scan that rendering you were talking about??
BG918 03-10-2007, 03:12 PM Well I found out some more about this project recently, and it is currently in redesign. The rendering I saw showed the condo tower by the ballpark and urban mixed-use lofts around Bricktown Events Center. Well now the developers are thinking even bigger and a local architectural firm will be working with the Baltimore firm to design something even bigger that will encompass areas north of Sheridan east of Stiles and all the way to Lincoln along Sheridan and Reno. I'll see if I can scan that rendering but it will look different and be much larger. If this all goes as planned, and we know in this city that usually doesn't happen, it will be a development on par with The Triangle in the amount of new res. units created and the amount of retail/restaurants.
jbrown84 03-10-2007, 07:06 PM wow.
Didja get it scanned in yet?
metro 03-13-2007, 09:59 AM yeah, please scan it even though it might not be the correct proposal anymore
TStheThird 03-13-2007, 11:49 PM That sounds amazing. Even the original proposal sounds awesome. Please show us the scanned image.
metro 03-15-2007, 03:37 PM I drove by again today, even more piers were up. I decided to pull in the private parking lot and ask the construction workers. They said it was new batting cages. Not sure what this means to the proposed condo's on this site?
jbrown84 03-15-2007, 03:58 PM I would assume the batting cages could go--in favor of something much bigger...
metro 03-15-2007, 04:22 PM Yeah, but why build them to tear them down so soon? My guess is that the condo's probably won't go here then or they are a long ways off.
BG918 03-17-2007, 12:48 AM I saw the plan again today, they were working out site issues with various planners and landscape architects. They are still in the beginning stages of the overall project but lots of elements from the original, like the condo tower overlooking the ballpark, are still there. My guess is that those batting cages could easily be moved in the future as this would still be at least 1-2 years before they start construction. Expect an official announcement of the project within the next 6 months as design work continues.
I can't say too much but I can say I am very impressed and I know you all will be as well. The site is definitely much larger and now encompasses the entire area east of the ballpark from Main to Reno all the way to Lincoln/I-235. I don't know the number of residential units but it will be a lot. Also caught a glimpse of some of their target goals during the design phase and saw 7 story boutique hotel, mixed-use retail, residential, commercial, and light industrial (?) space, midrise condo tower overlooking the ballpark with a plaza in between it and the proposed Hampton Inn at Sheridan and Stiles, a mix of underground and garage parking, and a GROCERY STORE. I'll scan some images when I get a chance (and they say it's okay) but I'll be in Chicago all this week so it will have to be in a couple weeks.
Spartan 03-17-2007, 02:43 AM BG, who can I talk to about this if I'm interested in doing some coverage on this for Okc Talk and my directory while you're out of town? Thanks.
okclee 03-17-2007, 04:46 PM we want to see the images.
scan, scan, scan don't make us wait.
okclee 03-28-2007, 04:02 PM Does anyone have more info on this?
metro 03-28-2007, 06:07 PM Yeah BG, it's been awhile, post the pics please
BG918 03-28-2007, 10:03 PM Since this isn't official yet, and is still in the design phase, I won't post pics unless I have the consent of the company, and currently I do not. You can choose to believe me or not at this point, but I think all of you will be absolutely amazed when the project is announced as official. They were working on the site design again today and I saw some of the prelim. designs for the lofts, very cool and very urban. Looks like something you would see in Denver or Portland, and of course since this is in Bricktown lots of brick! I will post more as find out more, and maybe if I have permission I will post some pics. Until then, be patient.
Condos at ballpark still in lineup
5-star hotel, more parking also studied, RedHawks owners say
By Bob Hersom
Staff Writer
Condominiums and more still are a possibility at AT&T Bricktown Ballpark.
RedHawks and Blazers owner Bob Funk told The Oklahoman two summers ago he might have condos built above the right field fence at The Brick.
Those plans remain possibilities today, even though several more housing units have been put on the Bricktown map since the summer of 2005.
"We think that we can offer, hopefully in the near future, some good retail, lifestyle type of development that will benefit all of Bricktown,” Scott Pruitt, the RedHawks' minority owner and managing general partner said Tuesday.
There might be condos and a parking garage and the fanciest hotel in Oklahoma in the ballpark's future.
"There's a lot of (housing) units that are coming online (in Bricktown),” Pruitt said, "but there's always a place for a different type of unit.
"If you've got a residential offering that allows you to overlook a ballpark, maybe to be a part of a 5-star hotel concept — a Ritz-Carlton, hypothetically — they could build a hotel there and put private residences at the top. So you'd have 5-star service along with a view that you couldn't find anywhere else.”
Pruitt pointed out that there isn't a 5-star hotel in Oklahoma.
"Is there a place here for a 5-star concept? Maybe,” Pruitt said. "We're looking at that market analysis to make that determination. We can't say that it's going to happen. But are we dreaming about it? Yeah.
"Are we putting it up on the board and saying this is something that's do-able? We're looking at it and analyzing it now.”
Pruitt said any such development would increase, not decrease, parking in Bricktown. The team has approximately 100 parking spaces outside the right field fence and 550 more spaces east of the ballpark. If any development covers those areas, parking garages would more than make up the difference.
"Anything we would do would at least triple the parking spaces available for the public,” Pruitt said. "We believe that anything we do in future development, parking is key.”
okclee 03-29-2007, 09:18 AM This is sounding more and more exciting.
Maybe this could actually spawn some retail interest... Sounds like they are thinking creatively and at least starting with some interesting concepts. I have to admit that a loft or condo overlooking the ballpark towards downtown is a pretty inticing idea. i am pretty attached to my neighborhood, but...
Yes, the view from over the rightfield fence would have the ballpark directly in front of you, Bricktown just beyond and the skyline (and western sky sunsets) as a backdrop.
Plus, you are very close to the river and all the recreation there, which is only going to increase with time.
It's hard to imagine a better urban setting in OKC, especially if retail is added nearby.
jbrown84 03-29-2007, 09:58 AM Ritz-Carlton. Finally someone thinking big.
MIKELS129 03-29-2007, 10:25 AM That's an exquisite shot:bow:
metro 03-29-2007, 06:50 PM No kidding, that would be the best place to live in OKC in my opinion should it be completed. For sure the best view in downtown OKC!!!
john60 03-29-2007, 07:39 PM I love the thought of a Ritz in Bricktown, but could we support another hotel with rooms that are $200+ a night? We already have the Colcord and Skirvin...will the demand for those rooms exist?
What a great spot for new development, btw...
At least we have the Skirvin and Colcord to test the higher-end waters.
I would say in another few months any future developers will have some good occupancy data to analyze.
BG918 03-31-2007, 05:47 PM I can't imagine a Ritz in Bricktown, the CBD maybe but not Bricktown. I would actually prefer the more "modern" upscale hotels like W or Omni. I could though imagine a Grand Hyatt or something similar.
Spartan 04-01-2007, 01:34 AM Yes, the view from over the rightfield fence would have the ballpark directly in front of you, Bricktown just beyond and the skyline (and western sky sunsets) as a backdrop.
Plus, you are very close to the river and all the recreation there, which is only going to increase with time.
It's hard to imagine a better urban setting in OKC, especially if retail is added nearby.
That would be the view from, I believe, the Warren Spahn statue (if you were to develop a high rise on that land). The view from a little to the north (this development) would be even better.
I would have doubts about the hotel being a Ritz, seeing as how it is part of the Marriott family of hotels. Putting a Ritz in such close proximity to the Renaissance makes little sense. Matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet there's probably a clause in the branding agreement between Marriott and the Ren's franchise holder which restricts where Marriott can license an equivalent or superior hotel brand. I'm not saying that a Ren and a Ritz are peers, but a Ritz would clearly cut into a nice piece of the Ren's business. With the re-emergence of the Skirvin and the Colcord, I don't believe Marriott would cause further injury to a franchisee (although it does bear mention that Marriott has had its share of negative press over the past few years regarding the manner in which it does treat some franchisees).
For many of the same reasons set forth above, I don't believe that we're looking at the prospect of a W or a Westin either. Too much of a risk of negative impact to the Sheraton (all of the aforementioned hotels are Starwood brands).
Accordingly, if I had to bet on which of the big name five star hoteliers winds up developing or flagging the property in question, I'd bet on Four Seasons. They're known for developing and flagging hotel/condo properties, certainly meet the five-star qualification, and could fit a 100 room property together with a dozen or so condo units and some office and retail space into a nice building that would fit into the space in question.
To those who believe such a hotel could only thrive in the CBD I caution you not to dismiss this notion out of hand. Keep in mind it's not THAT far of a walk (compared to the distances you have to travel to/from similar hotels in Chicago or New York) and also much of the anticipated clientele of the establishment will have car services at their disposal, either through the hotel or the businesses they are visiting or operating.
With all sincerity, I believe Oklahoma City can and would support a 100-150 room five star hotel, especially if a major league tenant finds its way to town for good., but even without such an attraction.
That's an interesting take, but I know that such brands exists in close proximity to each other in many markets. Off the top of my head I know I walked past a Sheraton on my way from the W Lakeshore to the loop last time I was in Chicago. They're literally five or six blocks from each other and, really, it's not much further to the W City Center.
Granted, Chicago is a completely different market, but I just don't see much evidence that they're concerned about brand dilution if, in fact, the market has the demand.
jbrown84 04-03-2007, 08:52 AM Another extreme example is the two Sheratons across the street from each other in Times Square. There is also a huge Westin and a W within a couple blocks.
I can see OKC luring a W or Westin easily. A Ritz would be a tougher sale, but I'm not sure it's because we already have a Renaissance as much as it's because we aren't a top tier market. Does San Antonio have a Ritz-Carlton? Does Memphis? Portland? Indianapolis? Salt Lake?
shane453 04-07-2007, 11:20 PM Uh.. We already have 3 Mariott Brand hotels within a few blocks or each other(Renaissance, Courtyard, Residence)... I don't think they have a problem with it.
okclee 04-18-2007, 12:08 AM I saw the plan again today, they were working out site issues with various planners and landscape architects. They are still in the beginning stages of the overall project but lots of elements from the original, like the condo tower overlooking the ballpark, are still there. My guess is that those batting cages could easily be moved in the future as this would still be at least 1-2 years before they start construction. Expect an official announcement of the project within the next 6 months as design work continues.
I can't say too much but I can say I am very impressed and I know you all will be as well. The site is definitely much larger and now encompasses the entire area east of the ballpark from Main to Reno all the way to Lincoln/I-235. I don't know the number of residential units but it will be a lot. Also caught a glimpse of some of their target goals during the design phase and saw 7 story boutique hotel, mixed-use retail, residential, commercial, and light industrial (?) space, midrise condo tower overlooking the ballpark with a plaza in between it and the proposed Hampton Inn at Sheridan and Stiles, a mix of underground and garage parking, and a GROCERY STORE. I'll scan some images when I get a chance (and they say it's okay) but I'll be in Chicago all this week so it will have to be in a couple weeks.
When will we see these scanned images?