View Full Version : City improvements still needed for Big 12 Tournaments

03-04-2007, 10:16 PM
I hope Downtown OKC Inc. and the proper city employees read this thread. Unfortunately it is a late notice but hopefully we can make a little difference. I've been out of town for more than a week but I was driving around downtown tonight (unfortunately after dark) just to catch up on all the construction. I noticed all over downtown, and particularly on E.K Gaylord (aka Broadway) as well as Sheridan the lines in the street are extremely worn out and almost bare in some parts. The city really needs to re-paint lanes, dashes, and especially crosswalks. The area that is the worst is right by the Cox Center (where most Big 12 fans will be). This is a major problem I've noticed all over our city including downtown and especially on I-44.

If anyone else has noticed any last minute things the city should do to welcome the Big 12 downtown, please post it and more importantly call the City Action Hotline.

03-05-2007, 01:33 AM
Im not sure if this is essential tho Metro.

In a way, the faded markings and construction go hand in hand and show a city on the move (esp one like OKC which lacks infrastructure/facilities/venues downtown).

I'd much rather have the construction and faded streets than carefully painted lines and nothing else going on. (like in the past).

Doug Loudenback
03-05-2007, 07:01 AM
Not exactly in point, but I had to go downtown to meet someone at noon yesterday (Sunday). I left to get there a bit early so that I could drive through the Triangle and Bricktown to see the progress and I exited Bricktown on Reno toward downtown ... the Cox Center's south exterior wall is wholly covered - and I mean wholly covered - with a huge playoff bracket for the women's tourney ... VERY nice ... I didn't see anthing corresponding to the men's tourney, though, but I was impressed!

03-05-2007, 09:55 AM
I'm with Hot Rod here. It should be taken care of soon, but I don't think it's a big deal or anything that will tarnish an otherwise good impression of our City.

03-05-2007, 11:59 AM
But I still think it would leave a nicer, cleaner city impression although I do agree it's not an essential. There will be plenty going on and people walking around to prove its a vibrant city, however I just thought it would help with our cleaner nicer image of everything new.

03-05-2007, 12:52 PM
Yeah it does need to be addressed.

03-05-2007, 02:42 PM
How about timing all lights to automatically accomodate pedestrians. this way the crosswalk lights ALWAYS correspond to the traffic lights. It's amazing how hard it is for many people to figure out when they're supposed to cross the street and how many drivers here do not give pedestrians the right of way. Maybe doing that would solve it and make it less intimidating for pedestrians downtown.

Doug Loudenback
03-05-2007, 06:06 PM
Not exactly in point, but I had to go downtown to meet someone at noon yesterday (Sunday). I left to get there a bit early so that I could drive through the Triangle and Bricktown to see the progress and I exited Bricktown on Reno toward downtown ... the Cox Center's south exterior wall is wholly covered - and I mean wholly covered - with a huge playoff bracket for the women's tourney ... VERY nice ... I didn't see anthing corresponding to the men's tourney, though, but I was impressed!
On closer look today, Monday afternoon, I drove through the area again ... my 1st impressions were wrong and need modification ... both women's and men's brackets are displayed ... this is what our visitors and we will see ...

Turning the corner at Robinson & Reno, east on Reno ...

Looking north to west side of Cox ... the women's bracket ...

A bit further towards the center, Cox Center, south side ...

Looking toward the center of Cox Center (south side) ...

Looking toward the center of Cox Center (south side), looking toward the men's bracket ...


03-05-2007, 09:51 PM
This is out of the reach of OKC and it's very un-PC, but I'll say it anyways. At least while the Big XII tourney is in town, I hope the cigarette smoking, Mickey Mouse shirt and pink sweatpants wearing, 400 pound, greasy haired, rotting teeth people just stay at home. Oklahoma City has enough image problems as it is, and these people just make us look worse if you ask me. It would be one thing to see this type out of every 100 people or so, but they seem to be everywhere in Oklahoma City. So, while this is nothing Oklahoma City can correct, this is one thing that would improve our image.

Also, I hope our city's finest are their sharpest during the next week. At large events such as this, police stand out and they're pretty much ambassadors of Oklahoma City. I'm not worried here because I know we have some of the best officers Oklahoma has to offer. So, if you're a cop and you're reading this...polish those boots, press that uniform, suck in that gut, and thanks for your service.

03-06-2007, 09:55 AM
What's under the red, white, and blue tarp?

03-06-2007, 01:11 PM
Drove around Bricktown around noon today and it wasn't too busy. Really didn't see very many tourists at all.

03-06-2007, 01:25 PM
What's under the red, white, and blue tarp?

Another red, white, and blue tarp, then a smaller red, white and blue tarp, then a red, white and blue Harlem Globetrotter holding a red, white and blue flag.

03-06-2007, 05:36 PM
Drove around Bricktown around noon today and it wasn't too busy. Really didn't see very many tourists at all.

But by 3 PM, they were on the move.

I saw two vehicles going the wrong way down Robinson, countless jaywalkers, and three red light runners, all seen between Main Street and I-40 on Robinson.

Signage - OKC really needs to invest in some readable street signs to show directional arrows and "do not enter" signs that can be read from a distance.

Especially noted - not one of OKC's Finest was seen in this area. Fortunately, I'm a defensive driver who pays attention. Had I not, I would have ended up with new hood ornaments in the form of city visitors who do not understand the concept of walking on a green light.

And AFCM, your 400 - pounders were in full view, greasy hair, sweatpants and all!:ohno:

03-06-2007, 06:47 PM
Oh great ..

Okay, lets all get spiffied up and go down and join the masses .. truly this is the time to make a good first impression.

03-06-2007, 07:38 PM
I saw two vehicles going the wrong way down Robinson,

LOL. One thing I did see was a City of Oklahoma City "Neighborhood Services" (whatever that is) vehicle run a red light on a left turn.

03-06-2007, 08:17 PM
Does anyone know if the statue of the guy carrying the flame next to the Ford Center (you know, the one that used to be in front of the Cox Center) ever was lit? It's been set up for months now, but the flame was never lit on it. That's something I think needs to be addressed. Things not working will be noticed before faded lines on the street.

03-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Yeah, at lunchtime, I saw a handful of tourists walking the streets. I saw an ambassador and a policeman on Reno in front of the Cox Center.

By 5:30, however, they were out in full force in school colors in Bricktown. Fans were coming out of restaurants, going in, and heading to Cox. I saw three policemen, all in Earl's ;).

One thing I overheard passing in front of Nonna's was a man of a British accent saying to a woman something like "it's improved quite a bit" and the next word I picked up was "Atlanta". It went nicely with the "they didn't have this when we were here" comment I heard at noon.

03-06-2007, 09:04 PM
And AFCM, your 400 - pounders were in full view, greasy hair, sweatpants and all!:ohno:

Enough about the Texas cheerleaders. They are Human to you know.

03-06-2007, 09:32 PM
Things not working will be noticed before faded lines on the street.

On that note, I also was pleased to see the fountains on either side of Sheridan next to the Colcord were flowing for once. What is that called again? Festival Plaza?

03-06-2007, 09:44 PM
I was watching a video news clip and thought I heard live music in the background. I hope that there is a lot of musical talent out and about.. in New Orleans, it was great to be walking down the street and just have talented musicians playing on the corners. They had street performers and magicians .. of course, they all wanted money but it was entertaining nonetheless.