View Full Version : Downtown OKC Ambassadors?

03-04-2007, 12:37 PM
I was willing to give this group the benefit of the doubt, but the more I see them the more I am convinced they are (at least as implemented now) a waste of money.

I will admit I can see the need that could be filled, but the reality from my perspective is that they just loiter around and usually migrate into small groups and stand around talking all day.

I've spoke to them before. I can't remember the exact amount, but they are paid pretty good for what they do.

I've seen as many as 4-5 grouped together at a time doing absolutely nothing but staring at the women as they go by.

One told me they were mostly individuals going to school and trying to get on to the police force. In his case i could see it; young, fit guy who said he went to UCO. But, 3-4 others looked retirement age and couldn't run 30 yards without passing out.

If they spread these guys out; a couple in downtown pointing people to where they want to go and a couple in Bricktown doing the same I would be okay with it. But as I see it now, it is an 'in your corner' in the making.

03-04-2007, 01:36 PM
I have to agree with you. I too have seen them always in little groups doing absolutely nothing.

Don't forget about the purchase of the Segways! Segway (

03-04-2007, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I saw an Ambassador letting a guy try to drive his Segway and it just about wiped out in front of the library. There's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

03-04-2007, 04:20 PM
They lost their Segways recently - one Ambassador told me it was recalled.

These guys hang around a lot in our smoking area "park" just north of 55 N. Robinson. I agree with you BailJumper - I'm not sure how useful they are as Ambassadors all year 'round.

In the nicer weather, I have seen them giving people directions, but, heck, I do that every day! Must be I have a helpful look on my face, but cars are always pulling over downtown to ask me how to get somewhere.

Hmmm...maybe I can apply for Ambassador pay? :bright_id

03-04-2007, 06:21 PM
They lost their Segways recently - one Ambassador told me it was recalled.

These guys hang around a lot in our smoking area "park" just north of 55 N. Robinson. I agree with you BailJumper - I'm not sure how useful they are as Ambassadors all year 'round.

In the nicer weather, I have seen them giving people directions, but, heck, I do that every day! Must be I have a helpful look on my face, but cars are always pulling over downtown to ask me how to get somewhere.

Hmmm...maybe I can apply for Ambassador pay? :bright_id
They worked during the evening at the state fair last year, however, they always left early...around 8-9 PM. I worked in the police command post, and although I was dispatching cals to the police on the fairgrounds, I never heard one of the Ambassadors call in for anything. They have police radios and I was at the state fair quite a bit in the evenings, but I never heard them on the radios.

The man who is in charge of them is around 75 years old. He also worked in the police command center with me.

If I am not mistaken, they make around $8 an hour. They don't have a set shift, but they are required to put in so many hours in order to continue to be an Ambassadors. Their main job is to help in Bricktown by helping police look for crimes being committed and giving pedestrians directions.

03-04-2007, 10:12 PM
I agree, they are a needed asset for this city as many larger cities do not have them, however they are loitering around too much for the most part. I've seen them help several times, however they need to be more spread out and less in groups as many have said. This is a HUGE asset that could work for us during this week's Big 12 Tournaments. But as Keith said, and actually I think they make around $6-7 bucks an hour. I looked at it as a part time job mainly to serve my great city and make a few extra bucks, but when I saw the pay there is no way its even halfway worth it. I guess the city gets what it pays for.

03-05-2007, 06:54 AM
I'm pretty sure the guy I talked to told me what was already shared here, about $8 an hour.

And for that, you can get plenty of people willing to loiter for a living.

Are they not paid for by Downtown OKC? If so, maybe they will see these concerns and address them.

I agree, for weeks like this one (Big 12) and other high traffic times they are needed, but the rest of the time, I say spread them out and have rules against gethering and chatting.

Personally, I'd say they need a requirement of at least so many unpaid volunteers. I know many retirement age people that would volunteer and do a much better job.

03-05-2007, 12:02 PM
I think they're paid through the city of OKC through the police department if memory serves right.

03-05-2007, 01:54 PM
Thank you all for your input regarding the Downtown Ambassadors. I have shared the thread with the officers that help facilitate the program at the OKC Police Department.

Let me answer a few questions that you have raised regarding the program:

Ambassadors serve ready to give directions, answer questions, provide assistance, or to escort visitors to their destination. The patrol provides additional eyes and ears on the street for the OKC Police Depart. They also serve as a helpful information resource for Downtown OKC tourists, conventioneers, workers and residents. The OKC Ambassadors help make Downtown such a safe and friendly place to visit. In 2006 the Ambassadors assisted over 63,000 visitors with information, directions and other things including officer assists and panhandler control

The OKCPD hires, trains, funds and manages the OKC Ambassador program.

They go through a pretty tough interview process. Many are retired teachers, postal workers and even housewives that want to make OKC a better place to live and vast. They make more than $8, but not much. There is really no reason any of then would need to run!

Downtown OKC Inc. and the Downtown BID help fund the program by providing new uniforms and Segway transpiration units. (The software was recalled earlier this year and upgraded. The Segways were out of commission for a couple of weeks during that time.)

DOKC works with sponsor US Cellular to provide cellular communications via walkie-talkie type phones to the Ambassadors.

Yes, the Ambassadors do carry police radios and have been instructed to use these only for emergency type situations.

Yes, sometimes during slow periods they congregate in groups. They have been instructed to avoid this practice.

03-05-2007, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the info Kim!

03-06-2007, 05:41 AM
Good info. Didn't really change my mind, but good info nonetheless.

Like I said, weeks like this one they are a GREAT idea. But those 'slow periods' must happen more than you are willing to admit. I am downtown every day and my wife is too. I never see an Ambassador solo, they are always in groups.

When there is not some major event in town (which is most of the time) you can't tell me we need 4 Ambassadors at the corner of Robinson and Park. I always see them there, the library and in front of the Subway at Robinson and Main.

I'd love to see what this costs the OKCP the next time they are complaining about not enough funds for real police officers. IMHO a few well placed signs and some maps could replace 50% of the Ambassadors.

I also feel there would be more than enough volunteers if they were sought out.

I know, I know all I do is complain. I'll conceed the Ambassador program is tolerable if they were more effectively dispersed and monitored.

On the bright side, if the feelings expressed here are also felt/spread to the general downtown public, one of those tabloid news anchors is bound to do a story. Remember the one where the downtown metermaids were exposed for wasting tax dollars and meeting up in groups? Man, you never see that anymore.

07-31-2007, 11:11 AM
Here's a big I told you so - anyone catch the promos on KFOR for the investigative story regarding the OKC Ambassadors?

I only caught a second of it. Looks to be airing tonite or later this week.

OU Adonis
07-31-2007, 12:10 PM
I've seen as many as 4-5 grouped together at a time doing absolutely nothing but staring at the women as they go by.

There is a job that pays to do this? Where do I sign up?

07-31-2007, 01:32 PM
There is a job that pays to do this? Where do I sign up?

From what I hear the Ambassadors currently have job openings. Maybe a few more after this story airs!

I guess KSEARLS didn't have much impact on straightening them out.

07-31-2007, 11:21 PM
I live a few blocks from bricktown but i've never seen the ambassadors :confused:

08-01-2007, 01:22 AM
I see them all the time. I think they're worth the money. Oklahoma City has a very unique thing in that its prime hotel space, entertainment space, tourist space, and CBD are within a very small area. For a few hundred thousand per year, I'm glad these guys are here. It helps to add to the perspective that OKC is friendly.

08-01-2007, 05:52 AM
So, paying up to 30 something dudes (and a few gals) $9/hour to read magazines for hours, take frequent food breaks, spit on the sidewalk and gather in groups of 3-5 - adds "to the perspective that OKC is friendly."?

Personally, I think this group should be considered reserve status and only called on for times when large scheduled events are going on downtown and/or in Bricktown.

At the very least they should use supervisors on each shift to monitor that these ambassadors are actually doing what our tax dollars are paying for.

How many real cops could have been hired with all the money wasted on these goobers?

08-01-2007, 08:18 AM
So, paying up to 30 something dudes (and a few gals) $9/hour to read magazines for hours, take frequent food breaks, spit on the sidewalk and gather in groups of 3-5 - adds "to the perspective that OKC is friendly."?

Personally, I think this group should be considered reserve status and only called on for times when large scheduled events are going on downtown and/or in Bricktown.

At the very least they should use supervisors on each shift to monitor that these ambassadors are actually doing what our tax dollars are paying for.

How many real cops could have been hired with all the money wasted on these goobers?

I'm sure they already have supervisors. The question is whether they need new supervisors because the current ones aren't working out?

08-01-2007, 09:57 AM
I'm with Mid, I think their an asset to our city and it's cheap to have them out there, however I do think they need better supervision and maybe split up in groups of 2 (for safety reasons) instead of usually 3-5 (waste of money and resources). And I don't think they make $9 an hour I think it's more like $7.50. To an extent, you get what you pay for!

08-01-2007, 10:03 AM
I think it is really a good idea to do everything possible to be friendly and helpful to visitors. The more I read postings on various forums and Internet sites about Oklahoma and Oklahoma City the more I am convinced that being seen as a friendly place is a tremendous asset. It seems to me it is actually one of the unique things visitors notice about us.

It also makes me really proud of us.

08-01-2007, 04:52 PM
I chatted with one of the Ambassadors today. He was by himself, walking behind our bulding from the Galleria parking area.

He said that they have had some "bad apples" but they have been weeded out.

I've seen this guy before - retired school teacher, relatively young and seems to be very helpful. He offers to help folks that are walking around looking lost.

Overall, I think the Ambassadors in downtown provide a valuable service. I travel to large cities frequently, and I've never seen anyone in D.C., Houston, Dallas, Atlanta or Philadelphia providing this type of service. I like it - friendly is good!

Doug Loudenback
08-01-2007, 05:28 PM
I think that the general concept of street-roamers trying to help people find what they want (even to be able to answer inquiry's as to what they might want [but don't know what to ask for]) is very good.

Truth is, though, in the CBD, not that many people don't know where they are going, unless I'm badly mistaken (unless it's someone wanting to know a particular courthouse's location who is unfamilar with the CBD who has a date to appear in court ... I've been stopped on the street several times about that, or the location of the IRS building). But, these are not "visitors" nor are they wanting to know where "Bricktown" or other sites of "downtown" interest are located. Sure, it's good to be able to help with such directions ... but is that the "mission" contemplated with the Ambassadors?

Probabaly, the Ambassador "distribution" (where they are located) issue could stand a look ... obviously, a lot of out-of-towners congregate around the Murrah Memorial, and they could be valuable there, for sure. Bricktown, too. Maybe even the Norick Library and some places I've not considered.

I'd like the Ambassador program to continue, but I'm thinking that it probably would warrant some kind of review (and, as Kim said, make sure that the "non-loitering" policy [congregation in groups while actually doing nothing] actually means something).

I do agree with Lauri, "Friendly is good." It would even be better for the program to take steps to living up to its potential!

08-01-2007, 05:55 PM
I like them and thing we should keep them, if not add a few more. Of course there are going to be ones that don't work out. Those need to be gotten rid of, and replaced with good ones. Seems like a simple concept to me, but maybe it's hard to get fired from a government job??