View Full Version : Rodeo clowns and other entertainers

02-27-2007, 05:48 PM
I have been going to more events lately, like the PBR, and MOONSTERRRR JAAMMMM, and have been noticing that every big event you go to like that has someone there to keep you interested while you're waiting on them to fix something, or do something. (It even goes back to the good ol' 89er girls and the Cotton Eye Joe song they used to run around the stadium to.) Anyway, the guy at the PBR, the rodeo clown (i guess), was a pretty amusing guy. However, (it's not like I expected much from a monster truck rally anyway but come on), the guy that was at Monster Jam was so damn annoying. He looked and sounded like a 45 year old alcoholic redneck pedifile (spelled that wrong I bet). What was worse is that people were laughing at him. I can't describe the level of annoyingness he reached with me, I dreaded anytime a truck would have a problem because you knew he'd ride out there on his little scooter and do something damn stupid. Anyway, just griping I guess. Will have pics up of the MOOONSTTTERRRRRRRR JJJJJJAMMMMM soon. Best part were all the mullets and muscle shirts.

MMMM. I get excited just thinking of it.