View Full Version : While we are discussing hypocrites...
Easy180 02-27-2007, 12:05 PM Let's add another to the list
Group questions level of energy use at Gore home - Nashville, Tennessee - Tuesday, 02/27/07 - (
The home's average monthly electric bill last year was just under $1,200, according to bills that The Tennessean acquired from Nashville Electric Service
The Gores' 10,000-square-foot house on Lynnwood Boulevard has a large one.
In addition to the electric bill, the natural gas bill for Gore's home and guesthouse ran $1,080 per month last year, Johnson said.
Don't really care how much the man has spent on making the house more efficient...Just have a problem with the global warming spokesman living in a 10,000 sq foot house with a guesthouse that burns $14,000 worth of electricity and $13,000 in natural gas a year
oumoodman85 02-27-2007, 12:38 PM Give me a physical break, please.
The guy is a professional politician, and as such, his purpose in life is to represent causes that he deems worthwhile.
The man has thrown his name behind a controversial cause (at least controversial in the U.S.--it seems the entire global scientific community recognizes global warming as fact), and is generating debate within society on the issue.
Please, please, please don't take the traditional "hick/conservative" Oklahoma rout and bash the man because of his personal preferences just because of his political leanings.
Easy180 02-27-2007, 01:16 PM Not sure where you got me being a conservative/hick out of calling him out for his speeches/film on personal responsibility while living in a 10,000 sq ft energy burning mansion
Are you saying since it's is his personal preference to live in an enormous house then he is somehow exempt from what he is preaching to the world?
Sorry, but I feel he does need to walk the walk if this is how he is going to be making his future millions
mranderson 02-27-2007, 03:19 PM Give me a physical break, please.
The guy is a professional politician, and as such, his purpose in life is to represent causes that he deems worthwhile.
The man has thrown his name behind a controversial cause (at least controversial in the U.S.--it seems the entire global scientific community recognizes global warming as fact), and is generating debate within society on the issue.
Please, please, please don't take the traditional "hick/conservative" Oklahoma rout and bash the man because of his personal preferences just because of his political leanings.
Have you ever heard the expression "practice what you preach?" Gore and the rest of the ultra liberal phonies seem to think they are exempt from that. And you are allowing them to do so? Humm. Just another in the long list of things the liberals have done to try and destroy this country.
Jack Wonder 02-27-2007, 05:07 PM I posted the full article of this on another site, and I was royally lambasted for such an effort. :(
oumoodman85 02-27-2007, 06:08 PM Have you ever heard the expression "practice what you preach?" Gore and the rest of the ultra liberal phonies seem to think they are exempt from that. And you are allowing them to do so? Humm. Just another in the long list of things the liberals have done to try and destroy this country.
Yes destroy the country. These same "liberal phonies"
1) Saved the economy and set the foundation for 60 years of unprecedented growth with the New Deal and new financial policies that still support our market economy today.
2) Advanced civil rights and gave freedom to those who had been denied it for far too long (you might disagree with this being a good thing, from what I have read in your other posts).
3) Will redirect this country to a path of responsible global leadership that will bring prosperity not only to our nation, but those around the world.
And give me a break with your typical rhetoric. I cannot and will not respect those who don't support their beliefs without deep reflection and analysis. This is the problem I have with 75% of all believe what you believe because you believe. There are no real reasons, logic, or experiences that underpin your thoughts. Only the continuous argument "I'm not listening to you because I believe this, and that's final" keep you toiling endlessly in your dream world. Wake up and smell the coffee
mranderson 02-27-2007, 06:25 PM Yes destroy the country. These same "liberal phonies"
1) Saved the economy and set the foundation for 60 years of unprecedented growth with the New Deal and new financial policies that still support our market economy today.
2) Advanced civil rights and gave freedom to those who had been denied it for far too long (you might disagree with this being a good thing, from what I have read in your other posts).
3) Will redirect this country to a path of responsible global leadership that will bring prosperity not only to our nation, but those around the world.
And give me a break with your typical rhetoric. I cannot and will not respect those who don't support their beliefs without deep reflection and analysis. This is the problem I have with 75% of all believe what you believe because you believe. There are no real reasons, logic, or experiences that underpin your thoughts. Only the continuous argument "I'm not listening to you because I believe this, and that's final" keep you toiling endlessly in your dream world. Wake up and smell the coffee
1. Incorrect. IT was a liberal southerner named Jimmy Carter who nearly drove this country into bankruptcy. A conservative named Ronald Reagan got us out of it.
2. Incorrect. It was a liberal named Bill Clinton who took away civil rights from certain people and gave them to his buddies, the homosexuals and others. If you are a white, heterosexual male over 40, you might as well bend over because that is where you will get it from the liberals. The homosexuals and "minorities" are the ones who get preferencal treatment thanks to your buddy Bill.
3. Global leadership? Not with a liberal. All liberals want to do is "hug therapy." IT takes a REAL man to fight a war and win. Bush is doing just that. He is not backing down. We do what your buddies the liberals want and back down, and rest assured, we will lose everything... Possibly our lives. Bin Laden has proven this. HE is the target. We cannot and should not end this war until he is with Hussain... Dead.
No rhetoric. Many years of life experience. I saw first hand what Lyndon Johnson did to this country with too strong civil rights (some I agree with, but not all) and not even trying to make peace in Asia. Plus, what Carter and Clinton did. We had three Republicans... One ended Nam. That man was Richard Nixon. Yes, he did some things he should not have done (actually, we really do not know. He never went to trial), however, he ended Nam. Ford was not in long enough to really judge. Reagan was God. He never backed down and ended the cold war. He led this nation to a fine, upstanding morality, and he stopped runaway inflation. The same inflation your pal Jimmy started. Unless you are a child of the 50's or 60's, you were not around to see this. Or you were still loading your diapers. I was a working american in the 70's and 80's, and grew up in the 60's. Raised by a dad who instilled moral beliefs and developed a passion for politics. He made us watch the news every night because we might learn something. Guess what? We did. Very few parents do that. And what do we get? Liberals.
On your coffee remark. My wife makes coffee every morning, so I DO smell it. What I say is not a dream. Can I proove how I got my expertese in politics? No. Why? All my mentors are dead. Should I have to? No.
And your last remark? That discussion is over.
writerranger 02-27-2007, 07:31 PM To be fair, it has been pointed out that both Al & Tipper Gore work from home - both with a small staff. It's like comparing what two people consume at home and at their office tower. The study only compared home use and even I can see that's not a fair comparison under the circumstances.
We had three Republicans... One ended Nam. That man was Richard Nixon. Yes, he did some things he should not have done (actually, we really do not know. He never went to trial), however, he ended Nam.
1. Nixon ended Vietnam in a way that could have been ended in January of 1969 - the month he took office. Instead, it took him SIX years, despite his campaign promise during the '68 campaign of a "secret plan" to end the war. He later admitted to Melvin Laird, on the many hours of tapes, that he never had a secret plan.
2. The last U.S. troops left Vietnam in April of 1975. Gerald Ford - not Richard Nixon - was stuck with the responsibility of trying to bring them home without humiliation after the Communist victory.
3. You said Nixon did some things, "He should not have done," but then you said, "we really do not know, he never went to trial." Of course we do! Remember the Watergate tapes? Remember his plotting to obstruct justice for all to hear? Remember the "Saturday Night Massacre" when he tried to save himself from the special prosecutor, but others had the scruples to tell him to go to Hell? Remember his illegal bombing of Cambodia? The list of Nixon's wrongs go on forever. No trial is needed to label wrongdoing for what it is - when it's all caught on tape. He did nothing less than attempt to subvert the Constitution of the United States and may well have succeeded had it not been for those in his own party who were sickened and basically told him he had to resign or answer to a certain impeachment, conviction and ouster. Yes, we really DO know.
SpectralMourning 02-27-2007, 08:08 PM 2. Incorrect. It was a liberal named Bill Clinton who took away civil rights from certain people and gave them to his buddies, the homosexuals and others. If you are a white, heterosexual male over 40, you might as well bend over because that is where you will get it from the liberals. The homosexuals and "minorities" are the ones who get preferencal treatment thanks to your buddy Bill.
I'm sick of this ignorant argument. Being a white, heterosexual male, I've never had a problem with preferential treatment such as being passed up by homosexuals or minorities. I work along side both, one being my boss, and I generally could not care less what others' sexual preferences are, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The same with minorities.
In fact, I can honestly tell you that the people who have pissed me off most in my experiences have been ignorant, bible-thumping white people who have attempted many times to shove their ass-backward beliefs down my throat. Self importance pisses me off more than anything when it's not earned, no matter what skin color you are, who you have sex with, or what you believe in.
I can almost bet everything that you've never had to deal with preferential treatment as well. If so, let's hear it.
mranderson 02-27-2007, 09:18 PM I'm sick of this ignorant argument. Being a white, heterosexual male, I've never had a problem with preferential treatment such as being passed up by homosexuals or minorities. I work along side both, one being my boss, and I generally could not care less what others' sexual preferences are, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The same with minorities.
In fact, I can honestly tell you that the people who have pissed me off most in my experiences have been ignorant, bible-thumping white people who have attempted many times to shove their ass-backward beliefs down my throat. Self importance pisses me off more than anything when it's not earned, no matter what skin color you are, who you have sex with, or what you believe in.
I can almost bet everything that you've never had to deal with preferential treatment as well. If so, let's hear it.
You can call it arogant all you want. I have had to fight this descrimination for years.
SpectralMourning 02-27-2007, 09:20 PM Example?
bandnerd 02-28-2007, 06:24 AM Back to topic here...
Frankly, if I were in Gore's position, I'd make darn sure I was practicing what I preach.
Easy180 02-28-2007, 08:47 AM To be fair, it has been pointed out that both Al & Tipper Gore work from home - both with a small staff. It's like comparing what two people consume at home and at their office tower. The study only compared home use and even I can see that's not a fair comparison under the circumstances.
I take it the guesthouse is just used for filing?...Even if they need an office or two in their home 10,000 sq ft and a guesthouse is still overboard and a waste of energy
No problems with him making lots'o dough and Oscar's preaching about global warming, but with his biggest personal sacrifice being driving a hybrid SUV....Doesn't exactly inspire me
windowphobe 02-28-2007, 07:27 PM I'm no fan of Adequate Al, but I can't get worked up over this. For all I know, he's got a roller disco in the basement, and at least he's paying for what he uses. And if immediate execution were the penalty for failing to practice what we preach, the population of the world, instead of six billion, would be about sixty thousand.
jbrown84 03-02-2007, 09:45 AM Anybody go see him at OU yesterday? I didn't but I was there for a concert right after it so I was maybe in the building at the same time as him...
dismayed 03-03-2007, 03:04 PM Allow me to set a few things straight that I've come to find out that were not included in the original AP story that everyone is quoting.
1. The Gore household pays somewhere between 50 and 100% more than what they should have to pay for the same energy consumption level as everyone else because they are paying extra to use electricity generated from wind farms.
2. Yes, even when you take that into account they do have a rather high consumption rate of energy. The interesting thing though is they are actually practicing a carbon-neutral lifestyle. This means that they are donating money to a company each month that goes off and invests in things that essentially totally, 100% offset their energy consumption. The company may plant trees, or invest in wind farms, or invest in energy-efficient technology.
Their family's net effect is 0 to the environment. It's funny, Al Gore must have seen this coming because he actually discusses this in his movie, An Inconvenient Truth. It's not like Republicans have uncovered a huge secret here.
So yes, I would say he has put his money where his mouth is. And that my friends is the rest of the story.
dismayed 03-03-2007, 03:06 PM Here's one of those companies that you can contract with to offset your emissions and bring you to a zero carbon rating:
Carbon Neutral - The CarbonNeutral Company (
dismayed 03-03-2007, 03:16 PM And another thing, regarding the off-topic stuff in this thread, as someone with an MBA who understands money and finance all I will say here is that the US Government gets far too much credit for the state of the national or global economy. Yes the Central Bank effects things, yes the tax policies and spending habits of the government effect things, but for the most part when someone starts claiming that this President wrecked the economy and another one saved it, that person is just "spinning" as one of the TV pundits would say. The state of our economy is determined by a plethora of issues and totally independent actors.
Another common misunderstanding: A recession is not always a bad thing. Massively spiking energy prices are going to cause run-away inflation, which will eventually cause severe economic problems. The only way to counteract this is to dramatically raise interest rates and deliberately crash your economy, "rebooting" it if you will. It's not a pleasant thing, but the consequences of doing nothing are even worse in this scenario.
dismayed 03-03-2007, 03:30 PM And yes, I guess it's apparent from my string of posts that you guys pushed two of my hot-buttons. :) I guess I'll go back into my corner now and just be quiet.
TomGirl 03-04-2007, 08:28 PM I have never paid much attention to Gore, but reading these posts kind of makes me wonder.
We have numerous people posting that are so focused on the "practice what you preach" thing, when I think he and other people are thinking more of a wide-spread-baby-steps idea. I personally have been seeing him lately, like the Academy Awards, I wouldn't think that he would be living in a shack with no electricity riding a horse to get around.
If everyone did just a little something, it would help greatly. I don't think anyone, including Gorey, is preaching to go back to the Little House on the Prairie days. If you don't want to do anything, then don't, but don't try to save your guilt by bashing someone that's trying to get the word out.
mranderson 03-04-2007, 09:14 PM Keep in mind what the Democratic ticket was in 2000. Sore-Loserman.
Patrick 03-04-2007, 10:06 PM It's better than claiming you're a Christian, and then stealing an election.
jbrown84 03-05-2007, 12:33 AM I heard when the Hefner family heard that Gore was asked to speak at Lloyd Noble, they revoked their donations.
Some people are so backward. They has a panel discussing the other side of the debate the same day. Get over it.