View Full Version : Traffic Update

02-16-2007, 03:55 PM
Was on I-35 south bound, just south of the I-40 interchange. I drove by right after this happened. A large moving van had hit a car and spun it sideways. Traffic was already backing up really far behind us, so I'm sure it's hell now. Thought I'd worn anyone coming into the city from Edmond or that area. Go ahead, Mr. Anderson, correct me on something I said wrong about it, lol.

02-16-2007, 05:25 PM baiter. What'll suck is when someone gets home three hours late and reads this thread...about three hours late. Well, drive carefully everyone.

02-16-2007, 05:29 PM
Lol. MWAHAHAHA. Of course that's what I was hoping for. Not really, was hoping someone would read before they headed off in that direction. Jeesh, next time I won't say anything! If anyone does drive that way though, I would like to hear about it.