View Full Version : Special Screening of American at a Crossroads in OC

02-14-2007, 06:03 PM
Hi there. I'm working with PBS to promote their documentary special in April called "America at a Crossroads." It will be a week long event where 11 documentaries will be shown -- all relating to how the world has changed since 9/11.

I am posting to let you guys know that about a special preview screening in Oklahoma City tomorrow evening with a discussion panel to follow. The event will be from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum, 620 N. Harvey Ave, corner of NW 5th St.

The panel includes Former Ambassador Prudence Bushnell; Bill Citty, OKC Chief of Police; Donald R. Hamilton., Exec. Dir., Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism; and Joe Hight, Managing Editor, The Oklahoman.

PBS held a similar event in New York City with great success. A lot of people turned out and were able to get involved in the dialog of these serious issues facing our country. This is a great opportunity to catch a sneak peak of these special documentaries.