View Full Version : Take the MAPS III Survey!

02-14-2007, 04:18 PM
MAPS 3 | Oklahoma City (

02-14-2007, 04:24 PM
Why did this require a new thread?

02-14-2007, 04:55 PM
Jbrown, the survey doesn't necessarily require a new thread, but I felt it was prudent. The reason I chose to give the survey a thread of it's own is because I didn't want it getting lost in the dozens of pages already posted in the MAPS III topics. When topics get that long, focus begins to shift from one thing to another and people tend to take the thread in another direction. While folks are expressing their ideas in the previous threads, this is an opportunity to make their declaration to our city leaders.

Because I gave the link it's own thread, people don't have to search for it if they decide to take the survey. So, to answer your question; the topic didn't require a new thread, but I posted it anyways. Take the survey and move on about your life.

02-14-2007, 05:03 PM
I understand your motives, but the exact same link is given at the very beginning of the "MAPS III Redux" thread, which is by no means buried...

02-14-2007, 05:13 PM
You're correct. I apologize for posting a duplicate. However, in my defense; the post never said anything about taking a survey. Call it a lack of attention to detail, but I missed the link entirely. I just interpreted the intitial post as saying, "Hey, what are your thoughts on this. By the way, here's the mayor's State of the City address". Again, I apologize.

02-14-2007, 08:40 PM
Thanks for this Survey post. I have been reading the Maps III thread and I must have overlooked the Survey link.

02-15-2007, 01:49 AM
You're correct. I apologize for posting a duplicate. However, in my defense; the post never said anything about taking a survey. Call it a lack of attention to detail, but I missed the link entirely. I just interpreted the intitial post as saying, "Hey, what are your thoughts on this. By the way, here's the mayor's State of the City address". Again, I apologize.

It's ok. No real harm done.