02-11-2007, 09:57 PM
I am wanting to know where I can look up what codes they use for medical when they bill insurance companies. I have a bill that came in from insurance with it being a ER visit from a child I had way back that am paying child support on, its a high bill and being a ER visit has me wondering, there is also another one about a month back. It doesn't say what the visit was about just has the codes. Is there a book I can buy that would have codes? Or would a INS company be able to tell me what the code was for that visit? I googled medical INS coding and all it came back was schools or classes, one was books that was about medical coding and understanding it, from what I read and understood of the description it had the codes in that book that told you what they ment. If anybody can give me some insight on this would help me out alot, this has me worring about what has happened that I think the mother could be trying to keep hush, it could be a case of abuse or who knows what. I am going to do some more in depth research to see what I can find out but still need help on the medical end of it.