02-10-2007, 04:42 PM
Mr. Bill Randall was on his way to work January 11, 2007 at 2:50 a.m., when he saw smoke in the street. He looked over to find a burning house, stopped, and went to the front door. He then began beating on the front door (enough to dent it), and then kicked the door open. He made sure the two adults, a 4-year old girl, and a 2-year old boy were aware that the house was on fire, allowing them to escape out the back.
He then went to the street to find the house number, called 911 to report the fire, and made sure that the occupants were accounted for. The family waited in his car until the fire department arrived.
He then drove to work where he was cheered by a full break room, at which he became totally embarrassed. He was ordered to the base medical facility and was sent home for an inflamed throat.
He then went to the street to find the house number, called 911 to report the fire, and made sure that the occupants were accounted for. The family waited in his car until the fire department arrived.
He then drove to work where he was cheered by a full break room, at which he became totally embarrassed. He was ordered to the base medical facility and was sent home for an inflamed throat.