View Full Version : Plans announced for last pad in Lower Bricktown!
jbrown84 02-15-2007, 05:15 PM from page one:
this is cheapest town for a young prof to live in................if you want to live in a subarb get on happy our dt is coming to life...........and shut your face..................i know you will......tell me the cost of living on greenville in dallas, there is no comparison...........
Anyone know where I can get some good Subarb Pie?
There it is! Thanks, I forgot about that one. That post seems like forever ago.
Spartan 02-15-2007, 06:52 PM This board isn't about money, it's about discussion, which is precisely what everyone has been doing. No one who registers to post on the forum accepts terms of having to dish out cash.
Well, not anymore. But that's aside from the point. The point is that nobody likes a talking head expounding till it drops dead. I'm all for constructive criticism and being a vocal part of the community, probably more so than many of you know, but regardless of whatever you are, wherever in the metro you live, whatever your age, you can contribute more by being active ... in real life, than being active. Don't get me wrong, I think it's GREAT that you all are active on a COMMUNITY forum. But the negativity just gets passe. And don't get me wrong on that point, either. Negativity is great, but when it's all there is, and when it's not really realistic, it's out of line. For example, I think that Hogan really needs to be commended for building his first DECENT development. Ever. Someone must have had a really effective come to Jesus...
Secondly, you need to realize there's more to putting up a building in Bricktown than just money. What you're suggesting is simply unreasonable. Here's a thought; your username is Spartan, so why don't you invent a time machine, travel back in time and visit the city of Sparta? After all, you call yourself "Spartan" which means "a native or inhabitant of Sparta".
Spartan's are also a common mascot of many high schools and universities, including but not limited to Michigan State University, where I have a relative playing basketball. It's also the most beautiful college campus I've ever been to ... and I thought OU would never be topped.
Oh the irony. You ought to be thanking the people that provide you your Internet outlet for you to call people derogatory names via your Internet connection. It's easy to call people names you've never met in your life, and probably won't ever meet in your life. Acting superior to people over the Internet ... not cool. By the way, for the next time you call someone a punk, I recommend you try and check to make sure you don't have any glaring typos just 8 words after the name calling appears.
Spartan 02-15-2007, 06:55 PM Well, looking back at that post I realize I came off as a jerk and I apologize for that. My wife is in Afghanistan and this is our first Valentine's Day apart so I've been a little testy today. Still, I just couldn't ignore a post which reeked of immature advice such as, "put your money where your mouth is". Nice analogy, writerranger.
Now, can we get back on topic? We were discussing The Centennial.
What's to discuss?
It's made out of EIFS.
We can meet if you'd like to. PM me.
Spartan 02-15-2007, 11:14 PM Yeah sure ...
Meet me behind the school at 3 o'clock. Be there or be square.
We were going to open my shop in the Sonic Building, but after hearing the RENT prices and the crazy rules on signage and other things I said NOT NO BUT HELL NO!!!
I have never seen rent that high ever... any where...
We are still looking but I can promise you it wont be in the Sonic Building or any where close to that...
By you writing, "It's easy to call people names you've never met in your life, and probably won't ever meet in your life", I inferred you to basically state that I wouldn't say anything to you in person. I then offered you a chance to meet me so I could speak my mind in person and you replied with...
Yeah sure ...
Meet me behind the school at 3 o'clock. Be there or be square.
...which sounds like something an elementary student would say before a fight. First of all, I wasn't trying to arrange a brawl. I was, however, demonstrating to you how "easy" it is for me to call people names when I have met them. Whether I say what I said in person, via telephone, or on the internet; it makes no difference to me. I'll speak my mind and use whatever medium I have available to convey my message. Don't fall under the assumption that I said what I said simply because, theoretically, I could hide behind a computer screen if I wanted to. If anything, you're the one who's unwilling to speak your mind outside of the cyber world.
I'm sorry if you mistakenly took what I wrote as an invitation to a fight. I'll end it here, but I just need to say one more thing. I'll speak my mind and say what I choose, whether it's through the internet or in person. Now that you're aware of this, don't criticize me for saying something just because it's through cyberspace; and when I offer the opportunity to talk in person, don't just assume I'm out for a fight. I'm really not a bad guy and in fact, I'm very peaceful. If you are looking for a fight, PM me and we can arrange a sportsmanlike meeting at a local gym. Otherwise, we'll end the discussion here and move on. There's no need for this to go any further.
I apologize to the rest of the board for our little spat. Like I mentioned, my wife is in Afghanistan and Valentine's Day was a little bitter for me. I'm sorry for using the word "punk" and I support the administrator's decision to delete that portion of the sentence. I'm only human after all and I succumb to high emotions just like everyone.
Thanks for ending this civil and out of a public forum. I understand that sometimes it's hard to control feelings we feel strongly about.. Please move on...
I'm all for constructive criticism and being a vocal part of the community, probably more so than many of you know, but regardless of whatever you are, wherever in the metro you live, whatever your age, you can contribute more by being active ...
Well, you first assumed that everyone who is being critical is not an active member of the community, when most are probably more active than you know. Secondly, you assumed that everyone being critical has the money, has the opportunity, and has the time to correct all of Hogan's mistakes. Either that or you are insinuating that you have to have that money, opportunity, and time to have a voice, otherwise they have no right to be critical.
The reality is that everyone living in this city has more right to voice an opinion about that development than many others, because they helped pay for it. They gave Hogan a gift. It's only natural for everyone to be a bit more interested in and dicuss their opinion of this development more than some others, as well as hold it to a higher standard. You don't have to, but many will.
Ufnortunately, developers at this stage are going to charge high prices as long as there is the demand.
However, there are still tons of properties to be developed and market forces will eventually drive prices down and cause developers to start building at the lower end of the spectrum.
There is just a bunch of pent-up demand right now but with 4-5 condo projects coming on-line in the next year, that will soon change and then I'll think you'll see a shift to lower-priced units.
However, my prediction is that the lower priced units will be more on the perimeter of downtown (Midtown, Film Exchange, etc.) than in or around Bricktown or the CBD. Property there is just too expensive.
johnnyboyokc 02-27-2007, 01:37 AM man ha ha ha has anyone ever heard of supply and for the onlooker....
metro 03-27-2007, 08:05 PM here is the original thread on this topic with the same article posted in the newer thread.
BricktownGuy 10-18-2007, 03:28 PM What is Randy Hogan up to these days? What is he getting his dirty hands into? lol
Spartan 10-19-2007, 09:36 AM Jenks.
Swake2 10-19-2007, 10:27 PM Jenks.
No he's not, he's not doing The River District. Lynn Mitchell went with The Development Design Group of Baltimore instead of Stonegate-Hogan.
Development Design is an international company with projects all over the world.
Development Design Group (