View Full Version : Dell Employee?

02-05-2007, 11:36 AM
Anyone here who does phone sales?

I need to order a workstation - I have it in my cart online but I was thinking someone might use a sale ... anyone?

PM me with your direct number at Dell or just send me a message. Thanks!

02-05-2007, 01:35 PM
You are better off ordering it online. The phone sales people have a lot of crap they are required to ask, including asking three times about Dell's in house financing. If someone says no, then the salesperson should dop it. So, in order to overcome the crap, just go to

02-05-2007, 03:47 PM
The phone sales people have a lot of crap they are required to ask, including asking three times about Dell's in house financing. If someone says no, then the salesperson should dop it.

But what if it's their policy anderson? You are obligated to respect that company policy, that's what it's there for. :evilsmile

02-05-2007, 03:52 PM
But what if it's their policy anderson? You are obligated to respect that company policy, that's what it's there for. :evilsmile

It IS their policy, and one of the reasons I resigned my position with them and advised the computer be purchased online. Buying online, you do not have to listen them do their job.

02-06-2007, 09:52 AM
If you want good service call Jake. He's a great guy and super nice. He'll hook you up without driving you crazy. One of my best friends.

1(800)999-3355 ext. 95.71317

02-06-2007, 10:56 AM
I would look at or you'll get a better computer for the money. Ya might have to scan the deals for a few days but you will find something, just make sure the computer you get comes with a OS.......

02-06-2007, 10:59 AM
If you want good service call Jake. He's a great guy and super nice. He'll hook you up without driving you crazy. One of my best friends.

1(800)999-3355 ext. 95.71317

The problem with calling a Dell rep directly is you must leave a message if it is in the consumer division. The odds of the rep returning the call is less than five percent. Some do, most do not because consumer is inbound.

If you are considering a business purchase, it must be for a business with a federal ID number. If the rep is in the business division, then they will probably return the call. Business is both in bound and outbound.

02-06-2007, 04:29 PM
"The problem with calling a Dell rep directly is you must leave a message if it is in the consumer division. The odds of the rep returning the call is less than five percent. "

He'll call you back, I let him know about you. Although you have probably already made your decision by now. Good luck. Mr. Anderson, just out of curiosity, did you have a bad experience with Dell?

02-06-2007, 04:53 PM
Mr. Anderson, just out of curiosity, did you have a bad experience with Dell?

Probably the other way around and Dell had a bad experience with Anderson.

02-06-2007, 05:12 PM
"The problem with calling a Dell rep directly is you must leave a message if it is in the consumer division. The odds of the rep returning the call is less than five percent. "

He'll call you back, I let him know about you. Although you have probably already made your decision by now. Good luck. Mr. Anderson, just out of curiosity, did you have a bad experience with Dell?

Yes, however,that is something I choose not to discuss.

02-06-2007, 06:10 PM
Thanks everyone.. I'm still on the fence.. Ibda12u is helping me out's so confusing!

02-19-2007, 09:45 PM
Probably the other way around and Dell had a bad experience with Anderson.

90% of those that I know that have had a problem with Dell (let alone any employer) is usually at the fault of themselves. They essentially didn't perform to what is expected. I have a few friends there...some in consumer, some in the business side. They have gripes...but they also comment that there are far worse jobs to be had when you bring in the benefits package.

Couple friends I have there, are what I would consider average performers from the way they describe things...and they are probably each in line to gross about 40-60K this year. I have another friend and they are probably in the higher level of performers, still just a sales side I think, and will be closer to 90K.

It all comes down to how flexible a person is willing to be, and what their goals are. You have to have a certain attitude to succeed in various roles...this is no different.