View Full Version : traxx, help us...

02-01-2007, 08:53 AM
Traxx, I was thinking about your LOL observation and I have to say I had to agree.. there are very few times when I actually Laugh Out Loud reading a comment.. unless I'm writing it and crack myself up.. LOL.. ha,ha.. ( just kidding )

So, in the spirit of communicating properly (and because I'm stuck inside in front of the computer, already bored out of my mind..) let's think of some acronyms or find some that can convey emotions a little more broadly than just LOL or ROTFLOL ( roll on the floor laughing out loud) which I can honestly say I've only see Tickle me Elmo do.. anyway.. help us traxx.

Okay I'll start:

CS = Chuckling Slightly
GW = Giggling Wildly

02-02-2007, 05:12 PM
MTTNF - Milk through the nose funny

LSWG - little snort with grin

ALBA - A little bit amused

02-02-2007, 05:15 PM